3 Birthday Party I

ZOOM! Zzzzz

A Mercedes-Benz was speeding along the highway on the roads of Beijing.

Inside Yang Chen and his family was sitting on the back seat. Yang Chen and his father occupied window seats and Si Yuimi sat in the middle.

Yang Chen was properly dressed in black suit. There were white bandages wound around his head to prevent bleeding. He was leaning on his arm with hand supporting the chin gazing out at the scenery.

Yang Ming was checking some documents while Si Yuimi was sleeping with head on Yang Ming's shoulder.

Screech! Screech!

In no time, The car parked out side a house! No house was not the appropriate word to describe it. This was more of a mansion. Have you seen Bill Gate's house? This was something at par with that.

The Security at the gate opened the door and the car moved in.

At the entrance, Yang Chen first stepped down from the car and walked into the house.

Inside the house, decorations and all were in progress. Servants of the house were helping with the decorations.

"Dad, Mom I will be heading to my room first, then! " Yang Chen said to his parents and walked upstairs.

"Chen'er don't over sleep and be late for the party!" Father Yang shouted behind Yang Chen. But his eyes did not move away for the documents.

"Oh. You got it! " Yang Chen Replied and entered into his room.

" Well, I will go get dressed! " Mother Yang stretched her arms and head to the room before reminding her hesband: " Don't use too much time! Today is a special day. Work can be done later! "

"Um! " Yang Ming but only slightly nodded!

Seemingly used to his behaviour by now, she did not say more and headed to the room.

Inside his room, Yang Ming laid down on his bed. He gazed at the ceiling seemingly lost.

" I have turned 18 in a blink of an eye. Haa.. as a child I used to have many dreams but all turned to nothing. "

"With my age, I came across a bitter reality that you can't do all. No... It's just an excuse Maybe I never put effort to get my dreams. I feel human life is sometimes too short to fulfill all his desires. "

" Am.. I. aah.... Love... you...R-I-A-S. " Maybe Yang Chen was too tired or that the bed was too soft, he fell asleep while thinking!

It Was only at around 7 o' clock that he woke up.

"That was some good sleep! What time is it?.... Wfat It's already 7:15!! Dad will be angry of I am late!!" Yang Chen hurriedly opened his cupboard before choosing a nice set of clothes for the party!

He turned on the bath and Quickly went in.