Chapter 1130

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
The breath emitted by the huge stone in front of us might have died if ordinary people felt it. At this distance, the power on the stone can quickly turn a living person into a mummy. You should know that the hundred families of the Xiaoqi school were attacked when there was a distance from the stone crack outside his body. With his own cultivation, he could not resist the erosion of this thing.

"It's like the power of time."

Although the cook has no experience in fighting, he has more experience than others for at least decades.

"The invasion of this thing is like suddenly exhausting people's vitality. For example, a person can live for 60 years, but next to this stone, the 60 years will be consumed in a very short time. The bone dragon before Shiwan is like this, and soon decayed into dust."

The Cook said, "so, it's better not to get too close. I always have a feeling that we are still dozens of meters away from it, and we can feel such a powerful force. If we touch it directly, I'm afraid it will hurt more. Although your cultivation is good, it doesn't seem to have much significance in front of this force."

He asked, "who can stop the power of years?"

Fang Xie wants this thing very much, because it is really a big killer when it comes down. Xiang qingniu said that throwing a cook into the enemy's army is a big killer, but if you throw this stone into the enemy's army, it is a destructive weapon.

Ordinary people can't resist the erosion of this kind of thing at all.

Moreover, the most important thing is the death breath of this thing. Practitioners can keenly detect it and produce a natural resistance, but ordinary people can't detect it immediately. At most, I feel some discomfort, but I don't think of what is changing my body so quickly.

This stone should have flown from the sky. At the beginning, it fell straight into the mountain. Maybe there was such a gap in the mountain, or it was the gap hit by this thing. Anyway, the mountain finally blocked most of the power of this thing.

And from now on, it can be inferred that the direct influence range of this thing does not exceed 50 miles.

However, birds and animals are much more sensitive to this smell than people. Out of the prediction of danger, birds and animals are willing to survive in Beishan. Moreover, even the tiger will look weak in front of those disgusting reptiles.

If there is no mountain barrier, I don't know if it will hurt the people in Chang'an city.

"Let me think again."

Fang Xie stared at the stone and said, "the greatest harm of this thing is not for the enemy, but for Chang'an city. Maybe in a few years, those reptiles can begin to adapt to the outside life, which may not be a disaster for people. Moreover, since this thing can be used to attack the enemy, it is obviously unwilling to give up like this."

Xiang qingniu pulled him and said, "didn't you say that people are destroyed by greed?"

Fang explained: "this is not greed, it is possession."

Xiang qingniu nodded to show that he understood. He took a few steps forward and turned back: "what's the difference?"

Fang Jie replied seriously: "greed is one word, possession is two words, and the latter obviously sounds better than the former."

Xiang qingniu glanced at Fang Xie with your fucking teasing eyes, and then squatted there looking at the big stone: "You say this place is really fucking strange. People can't fire, birds, animals and fish can't live. It's just that some insects can live and grow so big. Don't they have the consciousness that they are insects? They grow so big, regardless of the feelings of pigs!"

After listening to his boring self talk, Fang Xie suddenly thought of something.

He went to the cook and said something in a low voice. The cook then nodded. Then he asked everyone to go back. Everyone didn't understand what was going on. Fang Xie said just now that he was unwilling to go back. Why did he suddenly decide to quit?

Fang Xie didn't seem to want to explain anything, but urged everyone to line up again and quit the stone crack.

When he went back, he naturally fought with the insects again. When he got outside the stone crack, it was already dark. Fang Xie did not decide to meet Chang'an city. He retreated to a slightly safe place and asked Chen Xiaoru to give him a few orders. Chen Xiaoru immediately sent someone back to Chang'an city. He didn't know what Fang Xie told him.

So he stayed up in the middle of the night. When the moon was over the center, Xiang qingniu seemed to know what to do when he saw the people coming.

Fang Xie called Ye zhuhan, pointed to the people who came, smiled and said, "I was going to introduce you to each other. Now let's meet him in advance. He is the person I mentioned to you on the way. We all call him Mr. Zhuo."

It was Zhuo Buyi who came.

Zhuo Buyi greeted them and asked Fang Xie, "what happened to me in such a hurry to come to Beishan?"

Fang Xie said, "if you encounter difficulties, you can solve them, sir."

"What's up?"

"It's too late."

Fang Xie looked up at the moonlight and said, "let's go into the mountain early tomorrow morning. I'll tell you the specific situation later."

"Into the mountain?"

Zhuo Buyi didn't understand: "isn't it in the mountains now?"

Xiang qingniu inserted a sentence: "Mr. Zhuo, let me explain to you. You see... You went into widow Wang's yard, which is called into her house. But you were only in the yard, didn't you come in. Now you are in the mountain, but it's like widow Wang's yard. Tomorrow morning, we'll go into widow Wang's house together!"

Maybe he didn't know it. His explanation was as rotten as dog shit.

Shiwan happened to pass by them. Hearing Xiang qingniu's words, his face changed. He immediately ran away and found ye zhuhan not far away. He whispered, "they are really not good people. They say they are going to some widow's house tonight!"



Before the sun rose, everyone had risen. Because I didn't know if there was any harm, I didn't dare to touch the mountain spring. Xiang qingniu stretched out and looked at the rising sun. Suddenly, he said with some sadness: "such a beautiful scenery, it would be nice to see it with Yanzhi."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "you are a literary hooligan."

"What's the solution?"

Xiang qingniu asked.

Fang Xie said, "Oh, forget you don't know this stem... That's the difference between telling a girl that you want to sleep with her and getting up with her to watch the sunrise. The former is a rogue and the latter is a literary rogue."

Xiang qingniu nodded: "I learned another move."

They cleaned up their things a little, and then entered the stone crack for the second time. Because last night Fang Xie and Mr. Zhuo explained the things in the stone cracks and the insects that look particularly disgusting. So Mr. Zhuo was not surprised when he walked through the stone cracks.

However, when he saw the huge meteorite, Mr. Zhuo couldn't help showing his surprised face.

"What a powerful force!"

He just let his senses out a little, and his face immediately changed color.

"Now you know why I desperately want this thing."

Solution: "The war in eastern Xinjiang is in full swing, and foreigners have the means to deal with practitioners. Most of this means is related to such stones. Foreigners' firearm camp is equipped with bullets that can break through the internal strength of practitioners' defense. It is estimated that it is made of meteorites similar to this stone. However, it should not have the erosion power of this meteorite, otherwise foreigners can't make it into bullets."

"Also, the foreigner emperor named Lehmann can ignore the assassination of those practitioners. Obviously, there must be some secrets hidden in this person. I always have a feeling that this stone can play a great role in killing Lehmann in the future."

Zhuo Buyi nodded after listening to Fang's explanation: "I can only try. I can't guarantee that I can really succeed. It's at least a mile and a half from here to the outside. Even if you succeed, you have to drive a mountain. This is not a small project... Even if you take turns, it's hard to imagine the huge internal energy consumption."

"What's more, once this thing leaves the mountain, what will be the impact on the people of Chang'an City?"

Fang Xie said, "I've come up with a way, but I don't know if it can work completely. Transporting the meteorite out of the mountain is only the first step. If it can't be done, I'm afraid I'll have to get it back. It's too narrow here, and the way I thought of can't be used. That's why I need to get it out."

Zhuo Buyi said, "now that you have a plan, I'll try. However, we should put people's lives first. Once this thing reaches the crowd, its harm can be imagined."

Fang Xie nodded, and then unfolded some huge ropes that Chen Xiaoru brought back from his return to Chang'an city yesterday. These big ropes are strong enough, and such ropes are used for the berthing of large ships.

Zhuo Buyi sat down on the ground with his knees crossed, and then closed his eyes.

A moment later, everyone's mind shook involuntarily. Even a man of cultivation like a cook was in a trance for a moment. But the trance passed quickly, and there was not even a breath. When people were surprised, they heard a voice in the distance.

Xiang qingniu looked back and immediately jumped behind Fang Xie.

I don't know how many reptiles come out of the mountain. Looking at them closely makes people feel nervous. In fact, it's not difficult to kill such reptiles with their cultivation, but there are many such things. It looks so scary.

After climbing over, the insects gathered around the meteorite and fell down on the stone as if they were worshipping. Fang Xie shook his hand, and the thick ropes coiled on the ground immediately flew out, and then wrapped around many insects. The other end was coiled around the meteorite. After more than ten minutes, many ropes had been coiled on the meteorite.

At this time, Zhuo Buyi's eyes opened fiercely.

He raised his hand and pointed to the stone crack. He roared from his throat, "go!"

After this cry, the huge reptiles stood up neatly, and then pulled the ropes together in one direction. As the reptiles moved, the ropes became tighter and tighter. Before long, the rope stretched straight. The meteorite was obviously very heavy. So many huge reptiles were deadlocked for a while before pulling the meteorite out of the crater.

Seeing that it was feasible, Fang Xie turned and looked at the stone crack.

"Open the mountain!"

He said two words in a low voice, and then raised his hand to blow out the power of cultivation.

Before him, Xiang qingniu kicked forward with a smile.

"Work hard, I'll come first!"

When this foot went out, it came out dozens of meters away, and the stone crack was immediately stepped down and collapsed. A large area of the stone crack was widened. But there is at least a mile and a half away from the outside. It's obviously not for a while to drive out!