Chapter 987

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
The atmosphere in the fourth Prince's mansion made the animal spirit obsessed.

This and the environment in which he once lived are two worlds, one full of blood and cold, but it seems so peaceful and warm here. The people in the house are all kind. Whether it's sincere or false, the smile on their face always makes people feel warm.

Lao Liu in the kitchen is a man of only 50 years old. Most of his hair has fallen off. In his own words, it was because he was roasted in a hot place all day, but the steward Lao Chen always joked that his hair was stupid. Such jokes don't make people feel hateful at all, but make people feel like laughing from the bottom of their heart.

Lao Liu likes animal spirit very much. He always tells him not to hurry to dinner and come last. Then the two would each squat outside the back door of the kitchen with a bowl of rice covered with meat. Animal gas is used to eating like a wolf, but he knows that this kind of wolf is definitely not the same as the original.

Sometimes, Lao Liu will steal some wine. Two people take a sip and I'll finish it.

They have money to buy wine, but the wine they buy is different from the wine they steal from their owner. Anyway, they both think so.

"What's your belly made of?"

This is a sentence Lao Liu often asks about animal Qi.

Because he really couldn't understand how the beast gas stuffed so many things into his stomach.

"I was hungry when I was a child. Now I can't keep what I eat."

Answered the beast.


Lao Liu glanced at him: "remember later. At least you're from the palace now. You're superior when you go out and walk around the street. Although our Lord... At least it's a real Lord! If you're seen by outsiders, it's a joke that our palace has no rules."

"I see. Today's braised meat is a little salty. Put less salt next time."

"Bah, you know a fart. There is no salt in braised meat."

"When I didn't say, give me the fat one."


"Can I exchange two thin pieces?"


"Okay, okay... Old thing..."

"Little rabbit!"


Such a dialogue, beast spirit, want to write down every sentence, no, it is engraved in my heart. Then squeeze out the things in my heart that often hurt when I think of them. In the future, my heart is full of only the present happiness, and I don't have to think of those cold things anymore.

He liked everything in the palace so much that he even had the illusion that he would rather die in the palace than go out. Yes, it's just an illusion. After so many years of hard work, how could he really want to die without telling. Living is the result of his countless times more efforts than ordinary people.

His life is worth more than others.

During the first month when the beast Qi entered the palace, he did nothing. A month later, he began to try to get close to Yang Yi. To find a secret, it's the stupidest way to find it yourself. The best way is to get Yang Yi's trust and let Yang Yi say it himself.

Nothing is closer to the secret than being Yang Yi's confidant.


He found that Yang Yi couldn't get close to him. He looked easygoing, but he couldn't find a flaw in his body. Although he doesn't know how to practice, it's not difficult to get close to him. But that kind of proximity is different from this kind of proximity. Physical proximity has no meaning.

Gradually, he found that Yang Yi had no secrets.

In other words, Yang Yi's secret is only known to him. He had no special confidant, and no one in the house had ever entered his study. Even if there is a man in the house who has been ordered by Yang Yi to do something in the past, the beast can smell the smell, find out the man and find out what to do.

But no, there is no such person in the house.

So beast Qi knows that he can't succeed. Then he tried to approach Yang Yi's wife and find a breakthrough from the gentle and virtuous princess. But he later found that the princess never asked about her man. Her intelligence makes her very clear about her man's character. She will never touch the secret hidden in her man's heart.

Yang Yi

Yang Yi who doesn't trust anyone.

Beast Qi was helpless. He hadn't found anything useful for half a year. Even if he could pretend to forget the second prince, his cold eyes were always behind him, making him fidgety. Finally, one year after he entered the fourth Prince's house, the second prince, who couldn't wait for useful news, was angry and sent someone to call him back together with another person in the house.

The animal spirit was very upset.

He did not find out the secret of the fourth Prince Yang Yi, nor did he find out who the other man was. In the elegant room of a restaurant, he met the other person, and then at this moment, he felt that he was really ridiculous, more ridiculous than any joke in the world. The man's eyes seemed to tell him that you are an idiot.

The other one is Lao Liu.



"Be careful later."

On the way back, Lao Liu looked at the beast and smiled gently: "don't worry, if you and I are both bad people and want to get rid of one to make an example, then it must be me rather than you who died. So you don't have to worry about this time. What you need to worry about is the next time."


Asked the beast.

After asking, he understood... Because Lao Liu is older than him. The reason is so simple. He is young and can do things for the second prince for many years, but Lao Liu is 50 years old. He will certainly not live longer than him. Even if he lives longer than him, he will not be more useful than him. So if one has to die, it must be Lao Liu, not him.

"Maybe... No one needs to die, your highness is just very disappointed..."

The beast Qi said a word, but even he didn't believe what he said.

"Why do you lie to yourself."

Lao Liu still smiled like that, as if he was not worried about his results: "in fact, you and I all know that the second prince asked you and me to meet on that occasion, which means that one of them must be removed. You should pay attention to the new people who enter the palace in the future. The people who arrange to come in are not like me."

"Why did you enter the palace? You don't seem to be trained."

Beast gas said.

"It's simple. My son is the same person as you."

The old man was still smiling, but his smile was stiff: "My son was taken away when he was only ten years old. I don't know where he was taken. Then one day someone came to me and asked me to work in the fourth Prince's house. He told me that if I did well, I would bring my son back. If I didn't do well, I wouldn't want to see my son again in my life. Ha ha... In fact, I don't know. Maybe my son died long ago."

"What's your son's name?"

Asked the beast subconsciously.

"Called shansheng"

Lao Liu suddenly thought of something and grabbed the beast's arm: "have you seen him and know him?"


The beast shook his head: "I haven't heard the name."

Lao Liu's hand fell decadent. It could be seen that he was very disappointed. But he soon smiled again: "it's ok if you haven't seen it. Most of the companions you've seen say they can't die. If you haven't seen him, it means he may still be alive."

Beast Qi felt sour in his heart. In his mind, he involuntarily appeared the boy who looked at him with disdain on the top of the mountain. He once knelt down in front of the boy and begged for some food. Then the boy gave him some like a stray dog, and then

The beast Qi shook his head hard and forced himself to stop thinking.

Lao Liu is dead.

One night this winter, he died in his house. After the autopsy, he came to the conclusion that he was killed by charcoal gas. A brazier was lit in his house, and the doors and windows were tightly closed. No matter how you look at Lao Liu's death, it was an accident, but beast gas knows it was by no means an accident.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that Lao Liu and he were wrong.

There are definitely more than two of them in the fourth Prince Yang Yi's house. They are the people arranged by the second prince.

They also had a ridiculous fantasy that the new prince must be the second prince. Just beware of him. Who would have thought that the second prince had arranged three people in this house? Even... More.

In the following days, the warmth of the beast's infatuation disappeared. He began to be wary of another person all the time. He didn't know who that person was, but that person must know who he was. Lao Liu's death was caused by that person, and the technique was very clean without any flaws.

In the next few years, the fourth Prince and the second prince became closer and closer. The second prince also seemed to forget the existence of beast Qi and never called him again. But the more so, the beast Qi lived every day with fear. He knew that the days of survival of the fittest in the past seemed to come back.

He's scared.



Time passed quickly, and he didn't even remember how long beast Qi had lived in the palace. To his relief, the second prince summoned him again and told him that he didn't have to worry about anything. His role would be in the future rather than now. Also, the second prince revealed to him intentionally or unintentionally that he was the only one entrusted with important tasks among the people who had trained with him at the beginning, Others are still waiting.

Beast Qi doesn't know when it will be after that, but he understands why the second prince hasn't found him in recent years. The second prince wants him to hide deeper and be more effective when he is used.


Things change

Who could have thought that the fourth prince, who seemed to have the least chance to become the emperor, finally took the Dragon chair. When the news came back to the palace, even the animal spirit couldn't believe it was true. Later, he heard that the fourth prince was going to lead troops to stop another Prince from returning to Beijing. As a result, on the way, the fourth Prince suddenly changed his mind and led troops to kill him back to Chang'an city. The seventh prince took him He guarded a gate with 200 slaves to welcome the fourth prince to Beijing.

It is said that before his death, the old emperor pointed to the fourth Prince and said, "he is the most suitable."

Then Yang Yi inherited the throne.

Beast gas is very happy, really happy.

The dream of the second prince is finally gone. He can start his life again.

But just as he packed up his clothes and saluted to enter the palace with all the people in the palace, a team of flying fish robes from the bodyguard surrounded his house. Then the animal spirit thought of the look in the eyes of the fourth Prince Yang Yi when he just entered the palace. He couldn't help shivering, like falling into an ice cave.

The fourth Prince knew from the beginning.

In the secret prison of the inner guard, life is like feeling in the abandoned brick kiln. The means used by those in the guard's office are the same as those used by the teachers who train them. In those days, the beast began to get fat, because he ate very full every time. In the past, he also ate a lot, but he never got fat. Later, he thought to himself that maybe in those days in the secret prison, he knew he would die, so he became fat instead.

I don't know which day, the closed iron door was pushed open.

A familiar man appeared at the door, looked at the man in the prison and pointed to the animal spirit: "I'll take this man away."

"Your name is terrible."

The man who took away the beast Qi shook his head: "beast Qi, don't say the word beast. This word is even more unlucky. I want to do great things, so I have to ask for a good prize. In the future, you'll call wine, color and wealth. The most important thing is wealth and no gas."