Chapter 867

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu, no matter how low-key they are on the road, will attract others to look at them. A plump and handsome, a fat and amiable. Some people will look ugly when they get fat. Xiang qingniu belongs to that kind of fat, round and lovely. He wears a black Taoist robe on him. The whole person looks like a cartoon character.

However, there were not many pedestrians on the road at this time. Jin Shixiong's army continued to attack, so that almost all the people who could move hundreds of miles around fled. Fang Xie still remembered that on the way to Chang'an from the northwest, especially after arriving at the roads in the north of the river, the public security was as good as a legendary paradise. There is nothing left in the streets at night, and even no beggar can be seen in urban villages and towns.

But now, the destructive power of the war has been fully demonstrated. The prosperity has long disappeared, and all that remains is devastation.

There were many checkpoints on the road, and Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu quietly avoided them. They didn't want any conflict, although it was impossible for the soldiers to stop them.

Xiang qingniu's army camp is dozens of miles north of the river. Because of the disadvantage in the number of people, the defense area of the imperial court is constantly compressed. Jin Shixiong's rebels are like a group of wild animals at a dead end. They have long forgotten the military law of not looting and not killing the people set before they came. The logistics supply can't keep up, so they can only rely on looting. So even when there is no war occasionally, the army will go out to burn, kill and loot.

It's like they killed and plundered, not their own villagers at all.

Someone once said that money is the fastest thing to change a person, but in the face of war, the power of money seems so small. War is the quickest way to turn an ordinary man into a Kwai. When the knife is lifted, it will forget human nature. When the knife was raised more times, those holding the butcher's knife were actually numb.

When they are at home, their joy may come from the reunion of their families or the love of their parents, but at this time, all their joy comes from plundering and killing.

Distorted human nature.

"How fast..."

Xiang qingniu looked at the villages that had been burned into ruins on the road, and his eyes were frightened: "when he left Chang'an City, although he saw the butcher knife raised by the Emperor God bless in Chang'an City, at least it didn't involve the people, and the place he passed was still peaceful... Now, there is only a piece of scorched earth left."

Seeing this scene, the expectation of a small gathering of friends became lighter.

"This is inevitable."

Fang Xie saw more tragedies than Xiang qingniu. Whether in the northwest or southwest, Fang Xie was the one who faced the death on the battlefield. When there was no special need for help, Xiang qingniu always rested in the rear. Fang Xie once said in a conversation that the smell of blood in his nose the next day after the fight, Xiang qingniu had never experienced it.

Fang Xie glanced at the layer of green that had sprung up on the ground: "war is to the people like cold winter to wild grass. After a cold winter, there seems to be no grass. When spring is warm, grass will drill out of the melted soil. People will get better, too."

Compared with eastern Xinjiang, spring comes a little later in Jiangbei. When they returned from eastern Xinjiang, the grass had already appeared. After more than a month's trek, the grass in the north of the river also appeared.

When they saw a continuous camp in the distance, they knew they couldn't go any further. As soon as they get close to the camp, the lookout will immediately find that it is not necessarily the black boy riding the old yellow ox who will meet them at that time, but a rain of arrows and thousands of people and horses.

They are not afraid of this, but they are afraid of trouble.

"Go in and find him tonight?"

Xiang qingniu asked.

Fang Xie found a cleaner place to sit down and looked at the camp in the distance: "if you disturb the vitality of heaven and earth, that guy may be able to perceive it."

"Why not you?"

Xiang qingniu asked.

Fang Xie lay down comfortably on the grass: "because I'm lazy."

Xiang qingniu gave him a white look, used his great skill to catch a rabbit from a hundred meters away, and said with a smile, "I won't give it to you when it's cooked in a while."

He suddenly thought of a question: "Puma tiger has lived so old. According to the truth, how strong is his cultivation? I suddenly thought that when Zhang Yiyang came to kill puma tiger in Yongzhou that day, did we kill him? Would that guy deliberately hide his cultivation? Even without our help, I'm afraid it might not be so easy for Zhang Yiyang to kill him."

Fang Xie smiled: "whether he hid his accomplishments or not, it was worth our efforts that day. At least we had a friend who suddenly remembered that he wanted to see and could meet. Isn't it good?"

"Passing by somewhere, I suddenly remembered that there was a friend who wanted to see and could meet?"

Xiang qingniu repeated it and thought it was very good.

"If only I could go anywhere and have a friend who wants to see and can meet."

He looked at the hare in his hand and remained silent for a long time. Fang Xie looked at him and asked, "why? After feeling it, he suddenly gave birth to some kind thoughts. He doesn't want to eat the rabbit?"


Xiang qingniu bah: "it's just... How to clean up the rabbit? Although I'm not a vegetarian, I haven't cleaned up the wild things myself."

Fang Xie sat up and looked at Xiang qingniu: "so you are really lazy."

Just at this time, several figures suddenly swept over from the camp, led by... An old yellow cattle. The old ox ran faster than the masters behind him. Looking at its fat and clumsy appearance and old age, who could have thought that the ox had lived two hundred years?


When the black boy riding on the old yellow cow to the North saw the two people, his eyes lit up, jumped down from the old yellow cow's back, waved his hand and told the people who followed him to go back: "it's okay, it's okay, you all go back first. You're my friends."

He looked at Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu and smiled: "have you been allowed by me to catch rabbits on my territory? Don't you fucking know that I cover this place? It doesn't give me face to be so presumptuous here!"

"Sir, how can I compensate you?"

Fang Xie pointed to Xiang qingniu: "do you want this fat man to make a promise with his body?"

The tiger spat: "get out..."



From time to time, the eyes of the tiger fell not far away. The eyes of the old yellow cattle eating fresh grass on the ground were gentle. Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu can see how important this old yellow ox is in the heart of the tiger. In such a dark and lonely environment, only it has been accompanying the tiger. It is precisely because of this that pouncing on the tiger did not hesitate to spend half of its cultivation to make a false name for the old yellow cattle.

"This guy is more and more like a cow recently."

When the tiger smiled, some sadness in his eyes flashed away. Although it was fast, Fang Xie still caught it keenly. So Fang Xie subconsciously glanced at the old scalper and suddenly understood something.

"The old beast hasn't eaten grass since he started eating meat. But since early spring, he doesn't like eating meat. No matter how fresh and tender the meat is, he won't smell it, and he is particularly disgusted... He has returned to his nature more and more, and will chew the grass on the ground every day with relish."

The tiger pours a mouthful of wine into his mouth, and his eyes are a little blurred.

Fang Xie wanted to comfort her, but she couldn't say anything.

"Is it tired of eating meat?"

Even if Xiang qingniu was stupid, he could guess what he meant in his words. Perhaps for ordinary farmers, a cow represents a good harvest in the coming year. For the butcher, a cow represents how much money can be sold, but for the tiger, the meaning of this cow is really different.

It's a friend.

Puhu smiled at Xiang qingniu's consolation and gratitude: "what should come will always come... Because of this, I suddenly figured out something."

He looked at the old cattle gnawing grass and said: "At the beginning, I tried my best to make it live longer and did not hesitate to pour half of the cultivation into its body. It was a miracle that it could carry it at that time. Later, it changed its temper and began to eat meat. It was mostly the change caused by my internal strength. I was very happy about this change at the beginning. I would always be happy to watch the cow eat meat. However, the cow is a cow after all, it will return to its nature sooner or later, and then Die as a cow. "

"People are not the same. Even if they try their best to do something, they seem to have succeeded, but in the end, they don't go back and forth?"

Fang Xie knew who he was talking about. After a moment of silence, he said, "people pursue different things. Some people want results, while others like processes."

Puhu smiled: "this old beast, I don't know if he will resent me and drag him on. He died long ago. After eating meat for so long, I don't know whether he likes to eat or has to eat. If he has to eat, I've made him suffer for so many years."

The conversation between the two seems to have nothing to do with each other.

Xiang qingniu turned over and roasted the hare, as if to confirm something. He raised it and shook it towards the old yellow cattle. The old yellow cattle looked back and gave a disdainful cold hum from his nose. It seemed that he was ridiculing Xiang qingniu... That fool, unexpectedly seduced a cow with meat!

Xiang qingniu smiled awkwardly, then suddenly stopped smiling and looked lonely: "he... Seems to have forgotten that he once ate meat."

Fluttering tiger waved, and the old cattle came slowly and lay down close to fluttering tiger's body. Fluttering tiger stroked its neck and smiled bitterly: "it forgot to eat meat because it was too old to stop death. But fortunately, it didn't forget me after all."

"Recently... It always lets me ride for a while. If I'm busy with military affairs and forget to see it, it will go outside the big tent and call me, and then rub my legs. That means it wants to carry me out for another run... I know it has a hunch that the day is coming and it can't bear it."

Tears ran down the tiger's face, some muddy.

"This guy..."

He stroked the old cattle with a stiff hand, but his movements were still so gentle.

Fang Xie took a long breath and didn't know what to say. Xiang qingniu forgot to turn over and roast the hare, and one side was blackened.

"I once thought, pour some accomplishments into it..."

Puhu took a look at Fang Xie: "is it selfish? It looks good, but I don't know if it is already suffering. If it is, I will continue to live for it, and its pain will be even heavier."

Fang Xie wanted to say let it go, but he found it cruel.

"I've thought about it."

The tiger wiped his tears: "I had some regrets. If I took it away, I might never see you two again, and you two would come. That's good... I don't want to be in charge of military affairs anymore, and I don't want to participate in the affairs of the world. I stole Lao Huang from outside the imperial mausoleum, and I took him back before he died. Then I'll go back to the ancient tomb, that's where I should go."

"My biggest gain from going out of the ancient tomb this time is... Having friends."

Puhu stood up, and the old cattle immediately stood up and rubbed his legs with his body.

Puhu turned over and patted the old scalper's ass: "if you've finished your work and there are no more disputes in the world, you can go to the ancient tomb to see me. If I'm not dead, I'll drink with you."

He rode an old ox and roared several times, like venting or announcing something.

Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu looked at each other and looked at the back of the man and the cow. They didn't speak for a long time.

"Take care"

Xiang qingniu hugged his fist at a distance.


Fang Xie said such two words. Even Xiang qingniu didn't understand what to congratulate.

"My old friend is dying. Congratulations?"

Xiang qingniu stared at Fang Xie and questioned.

"They are both free."

Fang Xie left a word, turned and left.

It's Liberation for the ox to return to the ox's life. It's a kind of liberation for people to return to the ancient tomb. The tiger is pulled back to the world by Yang Jian. I'm afraid he won't be happy one day. He has done too many things he doesn't want to do. On the surface, he seems to be in harmony with Yang Jian and has deep brotherhood. In fact, he looks like the old yellow ox. he eats meat and tastes sweet. What about others Do you know if it's really sweet?