Chapter 830

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
It's already winter. Although the winter of Huangyang road is not uncomfortable, they have to wear thick clothes than when traveling. They know that once fangxie makes a decision, it's difficult to change them. They help fangxie prepare the changed clothes early. They just don't know if the solution will take them with them this time.

Compared with the trip to Nanyan, this trip to Dongjiang is more dangerous. Although Nanyan is a country, its strength is not very strong. The Mufu, which has an unparalleled position in the eastern Xinjiang, is different. If the Mufu is really intended for the tens of thousands of cold cavalry of the northern Liao people, once it is aware of fangxie's intention to destroy them, its action will be fierce.

In fact, even if Fang Xie didn't destroy their good deeds, I'm afraid the people in Mu house won't miss the opportunity to kill a competitor. Whether Mufu really decides to join the game of dominating the world or not, if a vassal like Fang Xie appears on their territory, they will not miss the good opportunity to kill him.

How tempting is it to destroy a powerful enemy that you may encounter in the future?

"Sasa must not follow."

Among several people, Mu Xiaoyao is the oldest and the most gentle, so they all respect Mu Xiaoyao. At this time, listening to Mu Xiaoyao speak, several other women are quiet.

"Your body is very tired now. It will take at least three or four months to go to Dongjiang. Even if you rush back and forth quickly, your body can't hold on. It's best to stay in the camp for yourself and your children. According to the time, if you follow, the most afraid thing is that the child will be born halfway."

Sang Sa Sa opened her mouth and wanted to fight for herself again, but found no reason. So she bowed her head and said nothing more.

"Even if Fang Xie doesn't plan to take us, someone must follow."

Mu Xiaoyao looked at several people: "None of us would be down-to-earth if there were no one to follow. Now, it's most suitable for me and qingfan to follow. Both of us are not weak in cultivation and have good experience in Jianghu. However, if Fang Xie wants to take Yunshu back to meet her father and brother, we can only have one follow. Someone must take care of us at home. We all know that Fang Xie is too difficult to make enemies Many, even in the Zhuque mountain camp, it may not be particularly safe, so Sa Sa must be protected by someone. "

Wan Yan Yunshu was a little distracted and looked at Mu Xiaoyao: "sister Xiaoyao, I must go back to the family to have a look. If Fang Xie's speculation is true, it's difficult for anyone to persuade him with his father's stubborn nature. I'm really not at ease, especially my brother doesn't know what the situation is now."


Mu Xiaoyao nodded: "Fang Xie has too many things to deal with, so we have to think of some things ourselves. We can't wait for him to arrange everything."

"Sasha moved in with me."

There was a voice outside the door. They looked back and saw that Wu Yinyu was coming.

Wu Yinyu, dressed in a long goose yellow dress, saluted first after entering the door, and then sat next to Sang Sasa: "it should be safe in the camp. Although Fang Xie has many enemies, there are not many people who have the courage and ability to break into the camp. Sasa moved over to live with me and asked Fang Xie to transfer guards. With the experts of goods all over the world, it will be fine."

Mu Xiaoyao smiled: "that would be better."

"I should have worried about such a thing."

Fang Xie appeared outside the door with a smile on his face: "if the arrangement is not safe, I won't leave at ease."

When the women saw Fang Xie coming in, they all stood up and looked at him. Fang Xie went to the table and poured himself a glass of water. It seemed that he was thirsty and drank it all at once: "I've arranged it."

He sat down and said, "Sasa will move to live with Yinyu. It's good to have a care. I asked two old Taoist priests in Yiqi temple to protect secretly. It's a secret to go this time, so there won't be many people. It's good to follow the fan and small waist. It must be harder on the road."

"When were we afraid of hard work?"

Shen qingfan said faintly.

Fang Xie smiled: "get ready and get up early tomorrow morning."

"How many people?"

Mu Xiaoyao asked anxiously.

"San Jin Hou has gone one step ahead. He wants to go to Dongjiang to contact the people who transport goods to the sky and arrange a retreat. When he gets there, the strength of the black flag army can't be used at all, so he must first arrange the people who transport goods to the sky to meet him. He has to go by water every time. If the warships can't be used, he has to use commercial ships."

"Even if you pretend to travel in a caravan, you can't bring too many people, so I asked Chen Xiaoru to choose the elite of 200 Xiaoqi schools. With Xiang qingniu and Chen Xiaoru, Yan Kuang also came back. These people are enough."



Before dawn, the team had already assembled, and two large ships were waiting by the trestle. These two ships were chosen by Duan Zheng himself, and they were the strongest and most stable. Moreover, the sailors on the ship had replaced the soldiers selected from the Navy. Duan Zheng was not at ease, so he had to follow himself. There were not many people more experienced than him on the water. Before joining the black flag army, the Yangtze River water I don't know how many times he has walked back and forth in the field.


Fang Xie confessed: "you are wrong about things in the camp, especially the three roads in the south. They have a large ground and a large population, and they have not fully surrendered. If there is anything, you should consult with the generals."

Dugu Wenxiu quickly worshipped: "don't worry, my Lord, my subordinates will do their best to do a good job at home. Just go and return early."

Fang Xie nodded and looked back: "Just let you know. I'll be back in three or four months at the latest. In these days, the first thing is to stabilize the camp and don't make any trouble. The second is to stare at the Jiangnan side. Once luotu and Yang Jian fight a decisive battle, the trend after the winner must be related to the black flag army and can't be ignored. The third is local affairs, for those who gradually emerge Disobedient people, I will tell you one word... Those who can kill will not speak, and those who can speak will not kill. "


The person who saw him off gave a neat hug.

Fang Xie waved his hand and then boarded the ship.

These are two merchant ships that carry goods all over the world. Although they are merchant ships, they are loaded with many weapons. Heavy crossbows are installed at the front and rear of the ship, and the hull has been reinforced. In case of ordinary water thieves, the equipment on the ship is enough to deal with them. What's more, now the ship is operated by elite sailors and 200 experts from Xiaoqi school. Really If bold water thieves intercept, it's their bad luck.

When the sun rises, the big ship sets out in the direction of the rising sun. The water waves are separated on both sides in front of the ship, and the turned waves are wrapped with a layer of Phnom Penh. You can see the back of the big fish from the water. These fat fish are used to the boats coming and going in the water stronghold, and they even seem so careless to avoid.

Xiang qingniu seldom takes a boat, so he is inevitably nervous. Although the boat is not bumpy, and it is very stable before entering the river, daozun, who thinks he is very natural and unrestrained on weekdays, doesn't let go by the side of the boat. He is afraid of jokes and refuses to go back to the ship building.

Such a large ship has two huge oars on both sides behind it, and two rows of oars in front of it, so it is very fast. If it launches its sails in downwind weather, it doesn't even need the sailors to work hard to break the waves.


Fang Xie squinted at Xiang qingniu and asked.

"Afraid of farts."

Xiang qingniu's face was a little ugly, but his mouth was still tough: "I'm a Taoist priest. I'm enlightened. My accomplishments are amazing. I climb mountains like walking on the ground. I kill people for thousands of miles without leaving traces... So I can't say it even if I'm afraid..."

Fang Xie laughed and sat down beside him: "it's good to get used to it. Now it's up against the current, so it's bumpy. It'll be more bumpy when Luoshui goes north..."

Xiang qingniu gave him a white look: "those who see people joke are villains."

Fang Xie nodded: "I think so, too, but it's really cool to see people's jokes..."

Xiang qingniu gave a Pooh and looked at the sparkling water in front of him: "I don't understand why you are so nosy. If the people of Mu house know you're coming, they're afraid they'll make all the experts and never allow you to come back alive. Aren't you afraid of death?"


Fang Xie said with a smile, "I don't know if there are people in this world who are really not afraid of death. Of course, there are many people in this world who know they will die and don't shrink back for family affection or other things, but they are not necessarily afraid of death, but they have to do something."

"Low oil"

Xiang qingniu said, "are you praising yourself for your great sentiment?"

Fang decompressed and said in a low voice, "friendship is not good. Love is the king."

Xiang qingniu didn't understand what Fang Xie meant at first. After a while, he came to understand. He blushed and bah for several times: "can you order a face? At least you're a man of great status now, can't you be decent? If this word is spread, I'm afraid the officers and men of the black flag army will despise you immediately."

"People have status and no status. Joking is good for both body and mind."

Fang Xie said with a smile, "although this trip is dangerous, it should be very stable on the way, so it should be a rare rest. If you don't relax, I'm sorry for this section of the road? However, Mr. daozun, when are you going to find a woman who likes to have a little daozun?"

"Brag - force - stink again!"

Xiang qingniu stared at him and said: "You're just going to be a father. Don't worry. We're not faster than anyone. We're more productive than anyone else! I don't believe that Taoist Zun's fingers will be hooked, and those chivalrous women in the Jianghu who are eager for a fierce love will not come forward. Don't underestimate the status of Taoist Zun in the Jianghu. As long as I like, how many female Xia will throw themselves into the arms?"

"Oh, oh, I envy you."

Fang Xie said with a smile, "it's funny to say these three words than output. Who gives you confidence?"

Xiang qingniu held it for a long time and said, "Lord, I have a lot of stock!"

Fang Xie couldn't help laughing and said, "OK, OK, you're really awesome in this matter. However, speaking of Taoism, he doesn't restrict men and women to become partners, and Lao Niu's nose Xiao 19 lingers in brothels and painting boats. It's said that he is also a big spender. Why are you afraid of this..."



Upstairs, Wan Yan Yunshu looked at the bow, Fang Xie and Xiang qingniu laughed from time to time and asked curiously, "what are they talking about, talking so happily?"

Mu Xiaoyao's face was slightly red. Don't look over your head and pretend you didn't hear her ask.

Shen qingfan looked up at the sky and pretended not to hear.

Sitting on one side wiping the foam of the long knife, he said coldly, "two scum, full of dirty words..."

After that, she couldn't help laughing and looked at Fang Xie: "this guy seldom sees such a relaxed time. He is either involved in military affairs or Jianghu affairs every day. It turns out that when he is relaxed, he is so... Shameless and shameless..."