Chapter 713

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
PS: because two people didn't contact me, two people are added to the monthly lottery. One is sinoke and the other is leaving. Please contact me for a reward of 10000 RMB.

For the sake of attacking the tiger, Fang Xie put the war on Nanyan on the agenda again. Fang Xie understood the meaning of attacking the tiger, but he didn't understand the black boy who looked young but full of vicissitudes. Fang Xie always felt that this person would have many stories and secrets.

Walking on the streets of Yongzhou, puhu seemed to recover from Tan Qingge's death. Fang Xie thought he would be grieving for a while, so Fang Xie specially observed the man and found that there seemed to be something very unusual in his eyes. It's a kind of relief and open-minded that you can only have after going through many things. Fang Xie always thought that this kind of thing could only be seen in the old man's eyes.

But it seems that he is only eighteen or nine years old.

"Although I have just experienced the war here, I always feel that Yongzhou is more comfortable than Chang'an city. No matter how fierce the war is, I have never been to Chang'an City, but Chang'an city always has a feeling that it is more chaotic than the war. People mistakenly think that the high walls cut off the noise outside. In fact, the noise in the city is more violent than outside, so people don't feel much about the outside. Although Yongzhou has just started killing And the war, but this calm is real, real and reassuring. "

This is a little vague, Fang Xie vaguely understood.

No matter what happens in Chang'an City, it always seems very calm. Because Chang'an city is too big, just like the sea. Even if a mountain falls into the sea, it will not affect the whole sea. It seems that the wall of Chang'an city is so high and strong that all the waves hit the wall and were stopped. Other things can't get in, and some things can't get out.

"Actually, I've always had a question, but I haven't asked it because I don't have enough relationship with general tiger. It's not a question of being bold and polite, but whether I should."

Fang Xie was silent for a moment and said.

"Want to know where I came from?"

The tiger looked at him.

Fang Xie nodded.

"Why can't you help asking?"

Asked the tiger.

Fang Xie thought about it and wanted to answer, "because I found that you are actually a very direct person. If you can't say, you will directly refuse me. Moreover, I always think that when I look at you, I think it's wrong not to ask this question."

"You are too cunning."

Puhu doesn't seem to be angry. If the other party understands, he gives you such a comment that you are too cunning. Fang Xie also smiled, noncommittal.

"I can't tell you yet, because some things are not true. It's so untrue... Many times, I think I've been living in a dream. Everything I see and experience happens in a dream. If I tell you now, it may not be just my dream that woke me up."

Fluttering tiger said as he walked, "it's not true. Not only people who hear it, but also people who have experienced it. There are always things in the world that exceed your imagination that happen one after another. No matter how you think about it, it's unreasonable."

"Some people say that existence is reasonable."

Fang explained.

The tiger was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "which bastard said this? There is no reason at all! Existence is reasonable? I have never heard anything more negative and perfunctory than this. Isn't this an excuse for not resisting anything that can't resist?"

Fang Xie thought this was a little extreme, but it was also reasonable.

"Some things, unreasonable is unreasonable! Even if it exists."

Fluttering tiger said this sentence with some excitement, which made Fang Xie more curious about this man.

"Don't say that. When will you go back to Chang'an?"

Fang Xie asked.

The tiger was stunned for a moment, and then said with some disappointment: "After I left Chang'an, I thought I would rush back in a hurry. I went out to work and had gone beyond the rules I had set for myself in the past. If the general hadn't said that I had been in the dark for so long, I wouldn't dare to walk in the light. I'd rather hide in the dark, because I can't see others in the dark, and others can't see me 。”

"I never thought it would be a pleasure to walk in the light before."


Fluttering tiger pointed to the passers-by in the street: "they saw me, but they just took a curious look. What they were curious about was why I was so black and ugly, but this curiosity would soon pass. If in the past, this kind of look would make me very uncomfortable. But after experiencing the darkness, I had more impulse to bask in the sun."

Fang Xie thought his words were contradictory: "didn't you say you prefer to be in the dark?"

Puhu smiled: "that was my idea before, and then I really lived in the dark. Then I found that even a glimmer of light can make people excited after the darkness for too long."

He wanted to say, for example, if you are in a huge cemetery, there are dead people everywhere. Only you can walk in the dark, but no companion can speak. Then you will understand that a person's change will happen naturally. It is only natural to change from liking darkness to fearing darkness.

But in that case, he won't say it.

"I want to know if he will blame you when you go back because you haven't finished the general's explanation?"

Fang Xie asked.

"Blame me?"

Puhu hesitated and shook his head: "he won't blame me because you don't understand the relationship between me and him. He will be disappointed, but he won't say it."

I really don't understand the formula.

"Stay a few more days. Tan Qingge is so beautiful and has no friends. Isn't it because he lives in his own world? I think he can be a friend because he sees himself in his fantasy."

Perhaps knowing that this sentence is too difficult to understand, puhu smiled and explained: "Because I was born too ugly, I always think I have no friends because of this. Therefore, when I am alone, I have a lot of time to waste in fantasy. I imagine that I am a particularly beautiful man. Many people will watch when walking on the street, but that kind of view is envy, jealousy, not ridicule."

"I've been thinking that if I were more beautiful, I would have many friends... Only after I knew Tan Qingge did I understand that I was wrong. He was very beautiful, so he was the self in my fantasy. But he didn't have any friends, so I was confused for a long time. During the continuous conversation with him, I found the answer... Whether there were friends or not has nothing to do with appearance, It's whether you are willing to open the door of your own world and let others in, or whether you have the courage to go into the open door of others' world. "

Fang Jie understood: "so, you will have many friends in the future."

Pounced on the tiger.

At this time, several royal guards schools caught up with Fang Xie, whispered a few words in Fang Xie's ear, and then handed Fang Xie a letter.

Fang Jie took it apart and looked at it. Then it changed color.

He subconsciously looks at the fluttering tiger, and the fluttering tiger's eyes are looking at him. Although there are not many words written in this letter, once publicized, the whole Central Plains will cause an uproar. The pattern of the whole Central Plains may change with it.

"What's the matter?"

Asked the tiger.

Fang Xie handed him the secret letter in his hand: "something happened in Chang'an city."



Because of what happened in Chang'an City, puhu had to give up his plan to stay for a few more days.

"I don't believe it"

Puhu looked at Fang Xie and said seriously, "these things were speculated by your men, but I know the general and know that he can't do some things after all. Therefore, I don't believe it. You don't know his identity, so there is such a guess, but I can tell you for sure that the general will never kill the emperor!"

"I'm going back"

"I must go back," said the tiger

Fang Xie wanted to say that you were in such a hurry to go back. In fact, it was not because you also had doubts? Even if you defended the general with such a positive tone, your heart was in doubt. But he didn't say it, because he knew that people like puma tiger lacked too many beauties. Some words could destroy his few beauties.

"Take the waterway. I'll ask immortal Xiao to escort you to Jingji road. As long as it's close to Chang'an City, even a major repair Walker like Zhang Yiyang doesn't dare to do it easily."

Fang Jiedao.


The tiger shook his head: "I'll go back first. You arrange someone to take my 1000 armored troops back. They don't know the way!"

With these words, puhu grabbed the hammer and Pu fan and jumped on the back of the old yellow cattle. He patted the old yellow cattle on the neck and said, "now we must go back as fast as possible. If you are lazy again, I promise you won't have a good life."

The old yellow ox seemed to understand what the tiger was saying. He raised his head, gave a cry, and then dashed forward with a fierce step. The old yellow ox, who looked so old that he was lazy to walk, turned into a yellow streamer. Fang Xie's eyes were far better than ordinary people, so he could see better than others. In fact, the old yellow ox was still not fast every step, but every time he stepped on the ground, he could see better Will rush forward for a long distance. Just a moment, it will disappear from people's sight.

The white lion nodding in the distance raised his head and looked at the faint back in the distance. It seemed that even it didn't expect that the old yellow cattle should be so strong.

"The armored army... Doesn't know the way?"

Fang Xie took his sight back from the direction where the tiger disappeared and murmured, as if thinking.



Not just Chang'an

This month, there is almost a custom of worshipping the God of agriculture in the Central Plains, and as a ceremony to pray for a good harvest, it has always been valued by the people. In the past, the local worship of the God of agriculture was the responsibility of the Yamen. Under the leadership of the highest ranking officials, all families and families should send people to attend. The people should carry the sacrifices to the God of agriculture and form a huge team to the temple of the God of agriculture to offer them The highest official should personally recite a sacrifice to the God of agriculture.

Fang Xie was not interested in these things, so he simply gave it to San jinhou. The people in Pingshang road went from ten to six or seven, so the activities of worshiping the God of agriculture this year also seemed deserted.

Listening to the sound of firecrackers outside, Fang Xie had been thinking about what puhu said before he left in a hurry. The armored army doesn't know the way... This sentence seems to give people too much enlightenment. Then Fang Xie thought of the feeling when he first saw those armored soldiers outside Yongzhou City.

Cold and murderous.

No feelings, war machine.

All these words came out of his mind, and then his thinking became clearer and clearer.

While thinking about this, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door. It's very light. You can tell who it is from the sound of footsteps. He looked out and found that the beautiful woman stopped outside the door.

Seeing her, Fang Xie was a little embarrassed.

Foam curd

"What's up?"

Fang Jiewen

Foam curd pointed out: "go out with me. You owe me so much interest."

Fang Xie shook his head and smiled bitterly.

This woman is really invisible.