Chapter 701

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
When the tiger fighting team left Yongbei Road, Du Jianzhou, governor of Yongbei Road, sent it from Daozhi city for 300 miles. This is why puhu ignored him. If you give him a good face, he may be sent to Yongzhou City in one breath. Now the whole Central Plains knows that the emperor is not the emperor and the great general is not the great general.

But the latter is obviously much stronger.

Therefore, in the eyes of local officials, the tiger attack to the South has more or less the smell of Imperial Envoys patrolling the south. Therefore, when passing through the roads in the southwest, the governors of each road were all servile and showed an intriguing humility to the tiger. This attitude seems unusual.

After entering Pingshang Road, I thought Fang Xie would come to meet him in person, but in addition to state and county officials going out to meet him along the way, even some prominent people in the black flag army appeared. This not only surprised Tan Qingge and fluttering tiger, but also surprised the girls of red tea moves.

"This is a dead end!"

The little master bit his teeth in the carriage and scolded low. His eyes looked out of the window.

The candle wick sitting on one side glanced at her faintly, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. The young leader got into the carriage with the wick early in the morning and kept silent after he came in. The first sentence was scolding.

"Why scold him?"

Rest the candle wick, rest assured of the book in your hand, trim the hair hanging down in front of your forehead and ask softly.

"He has entered Pingshang road and is only a hundred miles away from Yongzhou. According to the truth, shouldn't he come to meet him in person? Is it difficult for him to leave his broken military camp? When fan Gu was in, he ran to tea recruit at least once a day to eat and drink. When he arrived at Chang'an City, he would go once every three or five days at most. Now he is promising. He has become a senior general. I heard that the emperor would give him more money Being promoted to the rank of nobility has become more powerful! "

The little master bit his lips and said.

"If only our tea brings Yongzhou, he must come to pick it up. Not to mention hundreds of miles, 500 miles or 1000 miles. But have you forgotten that it's not just us. And... Now we're in the armored army. It's better to be escorted. It's really not the hostage in the hand of the tiger."

The little master was stunned for a moment, and then said sadly, "after Lord Luo left, outsiders felt that our tea moves were deceptive."

"Lord Luo is here. Should things happen or will they happen?"

The voice of breath candle wick is very soft, just like her dancing skills.

"If Fang Xie goes out of the city to meet us, he will show weakness to the tiger. Once Pu Hu feels that Fang Xie is really weak, Pu Hu will also feel that it is particularly important for us to recruit each other. With us in his hands, he can threaten Fang Xie unscrupulously."


The young master turned to look at the wick and asked, "shouldn't Fang Xie rescue us early?"


Asked the wick.

Seeing that the little leader didn't know how to answer, the candle wick smiled and said, "why did the emperor send a tan Qingge to Fang Xie? Why did the armored general send a tiger to Yongzhou?"

Before the young master could answer, she continued: "Because Fang Xie's current position is very important, the southwest roads have always been the land of fish and rice in the Sui Dynasty. It is the place that has paid the most money, grain and taxes for the imperial court for so many years. At the beginning, Luo Yao took the four roads in the Southwest as the foundation, raised millions of troops in more than 20 years, and never stopped what should be handed over to the imperial court, so that even the imperial court can't believe that Luo Yao can expand so many troops privately."

"Now we have arrived in Yongzhou. Although the four roads in the southwest are no longer rich and prosperous in the past few years, this place is still the most important place in the great Sui Dynasty as long as we rest for two or three years. During the reign of Zhenzong, if we didn't covet the wealth here, the great Sui Dynasty would not move against the Shang state."

She took a look at the war policy in her hand. It was handed down two thousand years ago. At that time, there was civil strife in the Central Plains, princes stood side by side, and various localities sometimes cooperated with each other, and sometimes swords and soldiers faced each other. Someone recorded the most thought-provoking things in this history for future generations.

"Now, it's like the Warring States period 2000 years ago."

Wick path: "During the Warring States period, when all the heroes stood side by side, the imperial court was weak. In order to survive, the big Zhao Dynasty had to give in to all the princes. In the late Warring States period, the big Zhao Dynasty produced an amazing little emperor named Yin Zhong. The imperial court at that time had existed in name only. After the little emperor Yin Zhong succeeded to the throne, the imperial order could not even be fully implemented in the capital. The princes everywhere were also loyal to the emperor No respect. "

"Most of the emperors before Yin Zhong were mediocre, followed the waves, and did not dare to do anything. However, Yin Zhong thought that since the imperial dynasty was still in existence, he would have the opportunity to revive the power of Da Zhao. Although he was young, he was very intelligent. Later, he came up with a way to weaken the strength of the princes. At the same time, he quietly accumulated troops and assassinated Liyang Hou with 800 dead men After Guo mu, Da Zhao began the road of ZTE. "


The little leader asked, "how did Yinzhong do it?"

The candle wick said softly: "It's easy to say... It's just estrangement. Through various means, he gradually broke the alliance between the princes. The princes turned against each other and fought for years, and their strength was much lower than before. Then he won over a group of people through the reward that was not valuable at that time. For example, he made the Duke of Chuzhou the king of Chu and the territory of the Duke of Liyang. The Duke of Chuzhou dared not lead troops against the Duke of Liyang , Yin Zhong took the opportunity of the Mid Autumn Festival banquet to kill Liyang Hou with 800 private soldiers. "

"When the Duke of Chuzhou saw that Liyang was dying, he immediately led troops to attack the land of Chu and became the king of Chu. Yin Zhong ostensibly obeyed the king of Chu, but tried to hint at the king of Chu. Someone advised him to kill the king of Chu and invite someone else to defend the imperial capital. After the king of Chu became more and more powerful, he became domineering. In his great anger provoked by Yin Zhong, he immediately sent troops to attack other princes."

Xi candle wick said: "in this way, all the princes in the central plains were allocated by Yin Zhong and fought earth shaking. However, he benefited from it and gradually developed. After killing the king of Chu, he began to enlist all over the country, and finally revived the Da Zhao Dynasty, which lasted more than 300 years."

"But what does this have to do with fangxie?"

The little master asked.

"Naturally, don't you think the Central Plains is very similar to Da Zhao at that time?"

The wick smiled: "Jin Shixiong's stable residence in the northwest is the king of the northwest. Luo Tu leads Jiangbei and is the king of Jiangbei. GaoKai Taihe wangyiqu leads Hedong road and is the king of Hedong. All the roads in the Northeast look at the face of the Mu house, and the Mu family is the king of the northeast. Needless to say, there are various forces and princes in Jiangnan. Fang Xie now occupies the southwest. In the eyes of the emperor, he is the king of the southwest."

"What a headache"

The young master frowned, "I can't think about these things thoroughly..."

Xi candle wick smiled and said, "I'm also idle and bored. I think more about doing nothing all the way... Now there's an armored general in the court. Don't you think this armored general looks like the king of Chu invited by Yin Zhong? Yin Zhong uses the power of the king of Chu to frighten the four sides and dare not easily covet the imperial capital. Then provoke the king of Chu to fight abroad..."


The little leader was stunned: "could it be that the little emperor took Fang Xie as Liyang waiting?"

"It's not much different... However, there are many different changes, but the root cause of the strategy is the same."

Wick path: "The iron armor general is in the imperial court now, and some of them hold the emperor's power to make the princes. The Emperor himself has no strength. He can only rely on external forces to get rid of the iron armor general. But now looking at the whole Central Plains, no one is willing to stand up and fight with the iron armor general first. Fang Xie is the only one, because it seems that Fang Xie is a person who can be attracted. He is not a person of various families and is more independent. Quote Fang Xie Even if Fang Xie dies, it will have no impact on the emperor and all aristocratic families. Now the emperor doesn't dare to publicly offend the iron armor general and doesn't want to force those aristocratic families to join hands. They can only borrow Xie to weaken the iron armor general. "

The little leader was confused, but he also had some ideas.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Miss, I mean, the Little Emperor didn't have a good intention to send Tan Qingge to see Fang Xie. He rewarded Fang Xie in a disguised way. In fact, he learned Yin Zhong's routine of rewarding the king of Chu, but now there is already a king of Chu in the court. He wants to make another king of Chu. In this way, the two kings of Chu are incompatible with each other and fight for life and death."

The wick nodded.

The young master thought for a while and continued: "Because the little emperor is not sure that he can lead those aristocratic families to compete with the armored generals, he places his hope on Fang Xie. If Fang Xie is defeated, with Fang Xie's current strength, he can also hit the armored army hard. It is good for the emperor. It is good for Fang Xie to die and eliminate one of the princes. If Fang Xie narrowly wins, his strength will be greatly damaged At that time, the little emperor will get rid of Fang Xie, and will not offend the people of the aristocratic family, because Fang Xie belongs to any aristocratic family! The iron armor general killed in Chang'an City and Fang Xie slaughtered all the way in the southwest, which will offend the people of the aristocratic family... "


The wick nodded again.

"How insidious!"

The little master scolded with hatred, and she frowned: "but how do you provoke Fang Xie and the armored general?"

A trace of worry flashed in the candle wick's eyes and pressed his voice very low: "Puhu seems to be very important to the armored general. Although I don't know what the relationship between them is, if... Puhu dies in Yongzhou, the armored general will be angry. The little emperor said no, he will give Fang Xie a secret order to lead his troops back to Chang'an. If so, whether it is the armored general who leads the troops South or Fang Xie who goes north to fight Disputes are inevitable. "


The young master's face changed greatly: "then we have to find a way and inform Fang Xie as soon as possible. We can't let him kill the tiger!"

The candle wick shook his head: "don't... Fang Xie can't pick us up. Haven't you seen through this layer?"

She looked out of the window and said sadly, "I just haven't figured out one thing... If Fang Xie sees through this layer and doesn't kill the tiger, this strategy will be meaningless. Unless... Unless the tiger is to kill Fang Xie, then this is a dead end."



Fang Xie rubbed his sour eyebrows and played with a Jade Kirin with exquisite workmanship: "this is not a dead end without solution... The tiger is not here to kill me, and I won't kill him... If you want to turn this situation from a leaky one into a dead end without solution, there must be an unexpected accident."

San Jin Hou Wu was silent for a long time and shook his head: "I don't know where the accident is. Now I can only wait for the tiger fighting party to arrive in Yongzhou. Again, there is no conflict between our black flag army and the armored general, and there is no exchange of interests. It's unreasonable to have to kill him, isn't it?"

Fang Xie nodded: "this arrangement of the little emperor shows that he has an arrangement to attack the tiger and die."

He frowned deeply because he couldn't find the arrangement where the tiger would die.

"I can only wait."

San jinhou sighed: "try not to let him die in Yongzhou."

Fang Xie was silent and suddenly thought of something in his heart. He turned his head and looked out of the window. He was still confused.