Chapter 505

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
The emperor leaned back on his seat, one hand supporting his jaw, and Fang Xie told the story of this line. Fang Xie tried not to mention his concern about the emperor's body, because he knew that even if he didn't mention anything, the emperor knew what he was thinking. And when it comes to why this decision was made, it goes back to the secret letter sent by Luo Weiran and Wu all the way to him. Fang Xie is unwilling to tell these things. That's not good for Luo Weiran and Wu. It's also not good for him. Forming a party for personal gain... This is the most taboo of the emperor.

The emperor seemed very interested in the General Liu Han he met when Fang Xie said Fengcheng.

"It's a pity for such an official."

The emperor's tone was mild and somewhat helpless. "In terms of national law, it is an unforgivable capital crime to bend over and rebel for any reason. But I also know that there are not a few officials like Liu Han in the northwest. Although they are thieves, they have their heart to the Sui Dynasty. But I know that I have no reason to forgive their sins. Some mistakes can't be forgiven if I know how to correct them."

Fang Xie knew that the emperor was right. Officials such as Liu Han must be everywhere in the northwest, but this was not the reason why they would be pardoned. All Fang Xie could do was to let the emperor know that there were such a group of officials in the northwest. For one reason or another, he had to become Li Yuanshan's men.

The best result is that their families are exempt from criminal responsibility.

"You handled the matter of Mou Liangbi well."

After a moment of silence, the emperor said, "the reason why I kept him in prison for more than ten years is that I knew his character well. If I didn't want to use it at that time, the people in the imperial court wouldn't release him from the prison, but I had no other choice."

I understand this sentence.

From the beginning of the western expedition, the emperor actually didn't want to use the people in the imperial court, and didn't use any imperial officials in power at that time. Yang Kai, Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu, the king of Xujun County, can actually be classified as people outside the imperial court. They have nothing to do with any interest faction in the imperial court.

Thinking of this, Fang Xie suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

There are so many civil and military officials that the emperor has no trust. The western expedition was handed over to Yang Kai, king of Xujun county. Unfortunately, it fell short because of Li Yuanshan's rebellion. Counter insurgency is the emperor's personal expedition. Most of them are brave soldiers who do not belong to any interest faction. These recruits are only loyal to the emperor.

Even so, the emperor did not intend to let go of the officials who had been the pillar stones of the great Sui Dynasty. The killing in Haoran hall made anyone who knew it cold.

Fang Xie bowed his head and said, "in fact, I shouldn't kill Mou Liangbi."

The emperor looked at him: "You shouldn't have killed Mou Liangbi, but you did. You shouldn't have killed Li Yuanshan, but you still killed him. You know what's right and wrong, but you always make uncomfortable choices. Fang Xie... Your biggest advantage is that you are decisive enough, and your biggest disadvantage is that you are decisive enough. You dare what others dare not do. You dare what others dare not say... Who Gave you such courage? "


Fang Xie answered.

The emperor was slightly stunned, and then couldn't help shaking his head and smiling: "do you mean that if you have the largest backer in the world, you will have no scruples?"

"I mean, I have the biggest backer in the world, so as long as I do what is beneficial to the imperial court and your majesty, I can have no scruples."


The emperor glared at him: "I allow you to be presumptuous because I know you don't have a different heart. But if you don't behave yourself in the future, I can't rely on you."

"I dare not, but I think that if there are more officials in the world like me, and your majesty is the patron, Dazhi will not be far away."

"You praise yourself so much that you don't blush?"

Asked the emperor.

Fang Jieshan smiled: "to tell the truth, don't blush..."

The emperor laughed, and his mood seemed to be really open. Su Buwei looked at the young man sitting on the chair with his body under him, and his face was also smiling. No one could make the emperor laugh like this for too long. Although he knew that the emperor really didn't trust the young man completely, he could also see that the emperor really liked this guy. Even Su Buwei now I think this guy is really cute.

"Since you only tell the truth in front of me, I ask you..."

The emperor looked at Fang Xie: "what do you think of Kuo Ketai menglie's sudden move to Luo Yao? I know many people privately say that I shouldn't join hands with Meng Yuan barbarians. Doing so is a betrayal of the ancestral rules, a treacherous thing, and a loss of the face of the Sui court... Fang Xie, what do you think?"

As soon as he asked this, Fang Xie felt a layer of cold sweat on his back.



Fang Xie was silent for a long time and didn't answer the emperor's words. The Emperor didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. He just looked at him quietly and waited for his answer. Maybe it was only a few minutes, but it felt like centuries had passed in Fang Xie. There was no way to answer the question the emperor threw him, because it was not a question with the correct answer.

"Minister... I don't know."

The emperor shook his head: "I've been holding back three words for a long time. You really let me down."

Fang Xie raised his head and said seriously: "I don't know, I don't know how the following people talk about this matter, nor do I know the impact of this matter. I don't know, I don't know why your majesty arranged this. The reason why I don't know is because I'm stupid. But I know one thing well... No one in the world loves the great Sui more than your majesty. No one in the world cares more about the people's hearts than your majesty. So I also know I know that no matter what the following people say, your majesty is right. "

The emperor was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "this is the most intimate flattery I've heard these days."

"What I said is the truth."

Fang Xie answered.

The emperor nodded: "no one in the world loves the great Sui more than I do, and no one in the world cares more about the hearts of the people than I do. This sentence is good and true, so I am particularly pleased to hear it."

He stood up and waved his hand to show that Su Buwei didn't have to help himself.

"Everything I do is for the sake of the Sui Dynasty. Every decision I make is for the country. The people below talk disorderly because they don't know me. So they are not as good as you. Although you don't know me, you know that a minister should believe the emperor's decision."

Fang Xie didn't speak, just hung his head and listened quietly.

"Li Yuanshan put Meng Yuan's barbarian into my house three years ago. He thought he had borrowed the most powerful knife. Three years later, I stabbed more than one person's ambition with this knife. Why should I explain? Those bastards of the censor's desk really thought that if I said a word of remonstrance, I could be reckless. Yesterday, a censor named Xu Qian knelt outside and kowtowed and kowtowed My face is bleeding. Guess what he asked me to do? "

Fang Xie shook his head.

"He asked me to abdicate and said I'm sorry for my ancestors. If I don't abdicate, he will die outside."

The emperor did not seem angry, but smiled: "So I followed his wishes and let him die outside. Some people dare to speak because they also love the great Sui Dynasty and don't want me to make mistakes. Some people dare to speak because they want to fish for fame and reputation, stand alone and show their ridiculous and shameful so-called courage. I'm not sick enough to see who's thinking. What I do today in the future will be fair."

There are indeed such a group of people in the world who cheat fame and wealth by doing something so-called courageous.

There are such people in any era.

Fang Xie bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty wants to kill him. He must be afraid, and then he would bitterly say that he is a loyal minister, but he can't continue to be loyal to his country, but his death is worth it. If he is more stupid - forced, he will scold you, right... I think this kind of person can't be killed casually..."

The emperor frowned, "you said he shouldn't kill?"

Solution: "I mean, you shouldn't kill him casually. If you tell him to kill him, he will feel great. Even if you tell him to connect with the nine tribes, he doesn't care, because he only cares whether others will praise him. He won't attach great importance to his own life or the lives of his relatives, but he will attach great importance to his reputation, so before killing him You can tell him that after his death, he will tell the world about the crime of Meng Yuan's spy. He doesn't care about the lives of himself and his relatives. He thinks that even if they are all dead, they will die well. The life and death of his wife, children and children is just a tool to improve his reputation. However, if he is a spy, he must cry bitterly and ask his majesty to explain that he knows he is wrong. "

The emperor said, "that's what I did. That's how he reacted."


Fang Xie said two words in a low voice.

"Just now you said he was stupid?"

Asked the emperor.

Fang Xie smiled and didn't dare to answer.

"It's a good word. Although I heard it for the first time, I understood it as soon as I heard it."

Fang Xie: "



The emperor stood at the door of the imperial chariot with his hands on his back and looked at the clear sky outside: "you will understand my pains sooner or later about the barbarian Meng Yuan. Brother Kuo Ketai Meng is a smart man, smarter than I thought. Ambitious and wise people will not be silent after all. I really want to talk to this man again in my lifetime."

This sentence, Fang Xie, seems to understand but not understand.

"You killed Li Yuanshan. Some people are very angry."

The emperor shifted the topic, as if he didn't want to say anything about the Mongolian Yuan people.

Fang Xie nodded: "I guessed."

"HMM... they fought hard for more than a year. They came out of the sea of blood. Finally, you robbed the credit. It's inevitable to be angry. I should take care of their emotions anyway. After all, they are people who have made great contributions to the great Sui Dynasty. I owe them a lot. The reward they deserve if they didn't die on the battlefield."

"I understand"

"Go back and take your black flag to kill the wolf army."

The emperor waved his hand and said, "I don't have time to pay attention to any verbal battles. I'll live well in the next days. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll stay away if I can."

"There is only one way for the Mongolian people to go back to the prairie."

Said the emperor.

As he said this, he looked at Fang Xie.

Fang Xie shook his head: "no more."

The emperor seemed satisfied to hear what he wanted to hear: "I won't let you kill Li Xiaoche's disabled soldier. I know you want to take this job. Jin Shixiong also told me that you are the most suitable candidate, but I think there is another job more suitable for you. Since you already know, I won't say much. The knife can be borrowed to kill, but there's no need to return it after borrowing it. Although I'm the son of heaven, I can say something It doesn't count. "

"You haven't heard that."

The emperor smiled.

Fang Xie nodded: "I really didn't hear it."


The emperor took a deep breath: "if we still have time after breaking Jinyang, we will go to the green gorge of langrushan."

Fang Xie saluted: "I'm waiting for your majesty there."