Chapter 265

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
When the emperor's chariot passed through the street, the people along the way worshipped one after another. They respect the emperor and the Yang family from the bottom of their hearts. If the Yang family had not unified the Central Plains and established a stable and powerful empire more than 100 years ago, the people would not be so leisurely and satisfied as they are now. A strong empire is not only a symbol of the glory of the royal family. For the people, the stronger the country is, the more stable their life will be.

The emperor seemed to enjoy the people's worship. This feeling of being regarded as a God made him satisfied and gratified. The Yang family has done a lot for the Empire to last for thousands of years. They have taken care of the people to the greatest extent without touching the fundamental interests of those aristocratic families. This was something that the previous dynasties and even the rulers of previous dynasties in the Central Plains had never done. Because of this, the emperor also firmly believed that the rivers and mountains of the great Sui Dynasty would last forever.

The pressure on the people is undoubtedly the lowest in the history of civilization for thousands of years.

The people's shouts of long live were sincere and loved by the people for the successive emperors of the Sui Dynasty. Even when the National Treasury could not make ends meet and had to increase taxes because of the militarism during the reign of Emperor Taizong, they were just complaining.

The emperor looked at the people and his people.

He subconsciously raised his hand to straighten his crown, and his eyes became more and more firm.

No matter who it is, don't try to take these people away from me!

Whoever it is!

The sound of gongs was very loud. When the team passed, the people knelt down immediately. The flying fish robes of the 108 guards in front of the house were majestic and moved forward according to the knife. The big red cloak was blown up and looked very powerful. Behind them are the golden melon warriors holding various honor guards, all of whom are tall and strong. Then there are five hundred soldiers of the forbidden army, who are more solemn and solemn in bright cotton armor. Behind the Imperial Guard was his Majesty's Royal chariot, surrounded by officers above the Imperial Guard and guards from the Imperial Guard Office.

Behind the Royal chariot were the accompanying palace maids and eunuchs, and then behind them were all civil and military officials. At the back were 108 cavalry.

The strong red national flag of the Sui Dynasty and the Dragon flag representing the royal family fluttered on both sides of the imperial chariot. The court musicians walked in front of the imperial chariot, playing and beating as they walked.

Tianyou emperor Yang Yi is a very low-key person, even the lowest key emperor in the Sui Dynasty. This is the first time in more than ten years since he became king that he has paid such attention to ostentatious travel. On weekdays, even when he leaves the palace, the entourage is very simple. So this was the first time that the people saw the emperor on such an occasion. Everyone was a little excited.

At least tens of thousands of people gathered around the square. They were very regular. Compared with the dense crowd, the huge square was even more empty. Only after your majesty gets on the general stage will the zuowuwei army come from a distance, walk around the square and stop to form a square array to receive the emperor's review and instructions.

The officials of the etiquette department have been busy for a long time. Now it is also their most nervous time. They are afraid of anything wrong. Everyone knows that if today's ceremony is broken because of mistakes, there will never be good fruit to eat. In order to avoid accidents, even the Minister of rites, huaiqiu, personally came out to preside over the affairs.

A member of the Ministry of rites, wailang, hurried to the place of zuowuwei's horse with several subordinates. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to zuowuwei's senior general Yu manlou: "senior general, don't be too talkative. How to go, how to stop and how to line up when passing through the square in a moment?"

General Yu manlou smiled and said, "do you think this general can screw up today?"

Wailang, a member of the Ministry of rites, quickly apologized and said, "the lower official didn't mean that. He just didn't feel secure even with Huai Lao. He specially asked me to ask the general again."

Yu man said, "then go back and tell Huai Lao that everything has been arranged."


Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of rites, promised to leave. He looked at the magnificent team and sighed in his heart. This was the first time he had seen so many people and horses together. The awe inspiring military power made him feel small.

After leaving, he hurried back to report to huaiqiu Gong. Although it was only February and the weather was still cold, his body had been soaked with sweat. Just found a place where no one sat down and kicked his breath. Before stretching his hand, someone suddenly strangled his neck from behind. A narrow knife swept over his neck, and the blood burst out.

Soon, his body was dragged away. Not long ago, as like as two peas in the same official uniform, the man came out of his lazy place with several followers and quickly integrated himself into the busy officials. No one noticed that there seemed to be many new faces in the clerks of the etiquette Department today.

Tea invited them to these song and dance houses, which naturally assigned the stage according to the command of the etiquette officials. Arrange more than a dozen stages in turn against the point stage, and the stage of red tea move is in the middle. There is no doubt that no one can shake the leading position of the song and dance company.

Several young ceremony officials commanded the people of the song and dance company to stop next to their stage. Today is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the girls of the song and dance company. They have never performed on such an open-air stage, and one of the audience is today's emperor. At this time, I'm afraid there are no less than 100000 people around, and there are so many dignitaries and dignitaries. Especially the girls in other song and dance companies are holding their strength to compete with the people of red tea. Even if it can't be compared, I hope it can arouse the ideas of those adults.

The best outcome of these singers and dancers is to be a concubine for a big man. So today they are all dressed up, thinking that if they are lucky, they may be selected into the palace by your majesty.

Naturally, they will not find that the eyes of those etiquette officials have been aiming at the opposite commanding platform.



The emperor's chariot stopped outside the square. When the emperor in full dress stepped out of the chariot, he waved to the people. The smile on the corner of his mouth is very charming, which is the charm of a man who holds the supreme power in the world. He was the emperor of the great Sui Dynasty and the most powerful man in the whole Central Plains. In addition to Meng Yuan, emperors of other countries also had to pay courtesies when they saw him.

Under the guidance of eunuch Su Buwei, who held a pen in the imperial study, the emperor strode to the point general platform. All officials are divided into two columns according to their civil and military grades and stand around the commanding post. And those noble men of royal blood and important officials of the imperial court followed the emperor to the commanding general's platform.

On the stage, the Dragon chair symbolizing imperial power is placed in the middle.

According to the rank, the two people closest to the emperor are prince Yi Yang Yin on the left and Zhou banchuan, President of the martial arts academy, on the right. I don't know why, Prince Yi and President Zhou haven't arrived yet. The emperor who boarded the commanding officer's stage didn't seem to care at all. He just glanced at the chair on the left of the Dragon chair, and his mouth was slightly picked.

Before sitting down on the Dragon chair, the emperor stretched out his hand and pressed it down. The cheers of the people immediately stopped. The square with no less than 100000 people became very quiet.

The Minister of rites, Mr. Huai Qiugong, who personally presided over today's ceremony, went to the front and told the emperor about today's program arrangement. The emperor nodded and signaled that he could start.

Huaiqiu was just and obeyed his orders. Then he went to the front of the general's desk and shouted, "the ceremony begins!"

With this sentence shouted out, a ceremony official standing high immediately waved the flag in his hand. On the street on the north side of the square, officials of the Ministry of rites waved flags one after another. Soon, General Yu manlou took a deep breath and raised his hand to point forward.

"Go ahead and take out the spirit of Zuo Wuwei!"

The first to start was three thousand cavalry. The sound of horse hooves stepping on the bluestone board was dense and consistent, just like the sound of rainstorm beating on the lotus leaves. Three thousand cavalry, just look at this figure is not big. But only by seeing it with your own eyes can you feel the momentum of the army beating drums. Three thousand men and horses walked along the street. Looking back from the front, they couldn't see the tail of the team at all. The cavalry set out, followed by a large group of infantry moving forward in a square of one thousand people.

Zuowuwei belongs to one of the six armies of the emperor and belongs to the elite of the elite. If nearly 40000 troops were allowed to line up and walk around the square, it would take a lot of time to line up again. Therefore, in order to reduce the time spent in the ceremony, only 3000 cavalry and 5000 infantry participated in the review. Most of the people have been out of town waiting.

The emperor's face was calm when he saw the cavalry in sight from a distance. But no one will see that his fists began to clench in his cuffs.

According to the regulations, the team will not pass in front of the emperor when entering the site. Only after the team vows to leave the city will they pass through the avenue in front of the emperor and accept his Majesty's review. So the cavalry entered from one side of the square, walked around most of the circle, and then entered the square. They lined up on the square, and so did the infantry.

When the soldiers of zuowuwei appeared, the onlookers burst into a burst of cheers. It is not easy for the people of Chang'an city to see the army travel, because since the founding of the Sui Dynasty, no army of any country can threaten Chang'an. If the enemy were not the Mongolians, I'm afraid the emperor would not call the Sixth Army of the son of heaven.

The people's cheers were deafening. They were all boiling when they saw the majestic posture of Zuo Wuwei. A sense of pride from the heart immediately filled the whole body.

A white haired old man trembled with excitement. He took his wife's hand and said in a trembling voice: "See! Do you see! This is our great soldier in the Sui Dynasty! I was a soldier in zuowuwei in those years, and I once achieved the travel rate! I told you that even if the brigade passes by, it will be murderous. You don't believe it. Look, look... The long face is like a forest and the horizontal knife is like a sea!"

His wife has lost her front teeth, and her words are not sharp: "see, see... Who says I don't believe it? I know you were a hero when you were young. But don't say it yet. My legs are weak looking at those soldiers."

The old man said proudly, "that's nature. Every soldier in the big Sui Dynasty is a hero."

Pointing to the team, he introduced his wife: "Do you see the weapon held in the cavalry's hand? That's the long stick. The long stick used by cavalry is usually made of composite materials. It's exquisitely made and has excellent toughness. Most of the long sticks used by infantry are hard sticks. Do you see the bows behind the infantry and cavalry? They are also different. The riding bow is smaller than the walking bow, but the firing speed is faster. And the walking bow is powerful and has a long range..."

At this point, the old man suddenly stopped. I don't know what he thought, and suddenly frowned.



A carriage stopped at the gate of the martial arts academy, when it was just dawn. The emperor's honor guard had not left the palace, because the people had gone to the square, so the street looked more deserted. Several Taoist people came down from the carriage, helped an older Taoist down, and then settled the fare and walked slowly to the gate of the martial arts academy.

At this time, the gate of the martial arts academy suddenly opened.

Professor Yan Qing and another professor named min Xu came out side by side. When he looked at the Taoists, his face was particularly solemn.

In front of the library of the martial arts academy

President Zhou sat next to the stone table in front of the library, looking at the remnants of the chessboard in front of him, stunned. He seems to be very tangled about how to settle down next, and his eyebrows are a little deep.

At this time, someone suddenly said to him lightly, "it's boring to play chess alone. How about you and me playing a game?"

President Zhou raised his head and looked at the speaker, nodded and said in a flat tone, "you're barely qualified. Sit down."