At the beginning, under the command of mieba, every time Xingyun and KAMORA fight, Shengsheng will cut off their limbs and replace them with machinery.

Once the nebula naturally did not dare to hate mieba, even if the victory over his KAMORA was just for self-protection. The real initiator is mieba. But this is the case with humans, even aliens.

When the object of terror is the existence that you can never overcome, then hatred will naturally fall on the relatively weak side. This hatred is more like a kind of anger.

But now it's different. After Dong Zhuo got strong power here, the hatred of KAMORA in Xingyun's heart gradually began to shift to mieba. And because she didn't dare to hate mieba at the beginning, she was angry with KAMORA's idea, which made her hate for mieba more.

That's why she can't wait for revenge. The complexity of human nature is incisively and vividly displayed in the nebula.

Although he saw through the small calculation of the nebula, Dong Zhuo didn't tell. He didn't care about the nebula at all. In Dong Zhuo's mind, whether it's Xingyun or other girls, it's almost like a group of ornamental birds. As long as it is pleasing to the eye.

In addition, it doesn't matter whether they are aggressive or want to occupy their own territory in the cage. After all, with Dong Zhuo's strength, no matter how hard these girls toss, they can't escape from his cage.


The sudden sound suddenly discouraged the nebula. It was not easy to seize the opportunity and propose to the master to deal with mieba. Unexpectedly, he was disturbed at this time.

Following the prestige, a tall girl with a golden body and a somewhat different sense of sanctity quickly came to the hall.

Golden skin is the famous label of sowelin in the universe.

Since Dong Zhuo occupied the whole sowelin, the position of the sowelin family in the universe has risen instead of falling. Just as no one wants to offend mieba, no one wants to offend a strong man like Dong Zhuo.

Walking into the hall, Aisha glanced at many girls lightly, with a smile on her face. "Master, we have received a message about the cosmic spirit ball!"

"Oh?" Dong Zhuo's eyes brightened and showed a look of interest.

Although infinite gemstones are famous, they are only known by those famous and powerful people in the universe. However, the nickname of these six gemstones is the treasure pursued by countless people.

The cosmic spirit ball is the power gem among the six infinite gemstones.

Although Dong Zhuo didn't intend to collect one by one, now that he hit it, of course he won't let it go. It's a big deal. When mieba collects the remaining gems in the future, go directly to rob him.

I really don't know. In order to make friends, Dong Zhuo didn't hesitate to send out his dry daughter Xingyun's mieba. What will it look like after knowing the truth.

"Tell me!"

"Yes!" Aisha answered and said, "we found a group of people in Chaida, the capital of the new star Empire, who are competing for something suspected of the cosmic spirit ball. But those people are now captured by the Nova corps and detained in gene prison! According to our information, there are four people competing for the cosmic spirit ball. One is the earthman, spacestream and rogue star Baron, the other is KAMORA, the adopted daughter of mieba. The remaining two... Well, they should not be human. One is the rocket raccoon, a biological gene enhancement experiment after mixing animal and human genes. The other is grut, a rare tree man in the universe! "

"Sure enough, it's them!" Dong Zhuo knew it all at once.

Although Aisha said it was suspected. But he was sure that these people were fighting for the cosmic spirit ball.

"Aisha. You said it was KAMORA who competed for the cosmic spirit ball? " After hearing KAMORA's name, the already uncontrollable Nebula finally listened to Aisha and couldn't wait to speak.

Aisha nodded. Explained: "yes, but KAMORA is just one of them. The other two sides, one is the tree man grut and the rocket raccoon, and the other is the earth man xingjue! "

Nebula doesn't care about anything else. All she cares about now is the whereabouts of KAMORA. Although there was no original hatred for KAMORA. But I was cut off because I lost to her. Anyway, of course she wanted to defeat KAMORA once.

"Now they're all locked up in gene prison, aren't they?" Nebula asked eagerly.

After receiving Aisha's positive reply again, Xingyun couldn't wait to say to Dong Zhuo, "master, since the cosmic spirit ball has appeared, I don't think we need to give it to mieba. Why don't you go straight to Cheyne prison now? "

Dong Zhuo smiled and joked, "I think it's false that you want to get the cosmic spirit ball for me. What you really want is to defeat KAMORA?"

Nebula smiled, knowing that her eagerness was really suspicious. Simply said frankly, "yes! Although I really want to defeat KAMORA, it doesn't conflict to help you get the cosmic spirit ball, does it? "

"All right!" Dong Zhuo doesn't mind this. Over the years, although he has played some shame games with sowelin's girls every day. But after a long time, he was a little bored. Now the great drama of Marvel Universe has officially begun. Of course, he is ready to move!

"Turn around and go to Cheyne prison. First get the cosmic spirit ball!"

With Dong Zhuo's order, the huge space fleet revised its route and drove in the direction of Chien prison.

Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo accepted his request so easily. Xingyun was so happy that he did everything he could to meet his master's shameful and shameful requirements on the way to Qien prison.

At the end of the short voyage, the nebula would have been destroyed if its strength had not improved a lot.

However, when the huge fleet arrived in the star field where Chien prison was located, Chien prison was in a mess.

Although the prison is called prison, it is actually independent in a star domain, surrounded by meteorite belts, whether in or out. Unless you get the star map of the new star Empire, these meteorite belts will be a nightmare for all small warships.

Once there was a screen, when he saw the chaotic Chien prison from a distance, Dong Zhuo said carelessly: "it seems that we are a little late. Those who compete for the cosmic spirit ball should have escaped! "

"I'm sorry, master. I didn't expect those people to escape from the heavily guarded Cheyne prison in such a short time." Aisha was a little embarrassed and said, "it seems that we have lost their whereabouts for the time being!"