"You... How do you..." looking at Dong Zhuo who suddenly appeared from a water wave, Lianfeng's face was a little stiff and said unnaturally: "why did you come to my room without my permission!"

"Do you think I need your permission to come to your room?" Dong Zhuo took a meaningful look at the position where the blue figure disappeared. "Or did you forget the relationship between us?" he said with a smile

Lianfeng's eyes dodged, but her strong psychological quality calmed her down soon. "I just think you should be in the devil's room of mogana at this time, after all..."

The tone suddenly took a bit of ridicule. Lianfeng sneered and said, "compared with the shameless devil, as a woman of the earth, I don't have so many tricks to please you."

Dong Zhuo looked at Lianfeng deeply, but said nothing.

He knew that the reason why Lianfeng seemed jealous was to cover for the blue figure that had just disappeared from her room.

"Ha ha..." Dong Zhuo smiled calmly“ You know what? Sometimes, when the strength is strong to a certain extent, those little tricks are useless! "

"What are you talking about?" Lianfeng's heart tightened and his face looked like he didn't know why. The lifelike acting skills are enough to make the so-called movie king and queen feel ashamed.

Dong Zhuoke was not interested in talking nonsense with Lianfeng. He said directly, "as a teacher of the super Seminary, Ruiz appears at this time. Is he going to fight for the earth?"

"You say flow teacher?" Lianfeng's mind suddenly changed. Since Dong Zhuo said so, it was obvious that he had found the trace of the wandering mage. It's impossible to hide this by pretending to be stupid. But Mr. Liu's real purpose must not be known to Dong Zhuo.

Thinking of this, Lianfeng shook his head with a sad face“ no The position of the theological seminary is detached and will not go from the war that meets any universe without authorization. This, flow teacher also cannot change. Although he wanted to help us, there was nothing he could do. The only thing we can do is to give some help to the students of the super Seminary, that is, the members of the Xiongbing company, which can be regarded as indirect support for us. "

"Really?" Dong Zhuo looked noncommittal“ If the super seminary really intends to support the earth indirectly, why did the giant gorge disappear after it was blown up by mogana? Now the members of the military company are scattered. Instead of looking for those students, he suddenly and quietly looks for you. He won't promise you empty words, will he? I don't believe you will be moved by no substantive promise! "

After a slight pause, Dong Zhuo walked to Lianfeng, looked into her eyes and said, "I really want to know what this flow teacher promised you? Or what did he offer to impress you? "

The more you understand Dong Zhuo's power, the more you can't see Lianfeng under Dong Zhuo's gaze. Subconsciously lowered his head, avoided the palpitating eyes, and Lianfeng said, "Mr. Liu just expressed condolences to us on behalf of the super Seminary."

"Sympathy?" Dong Zhuo sneered. He was particularly angry at Lianfeng's hard spoken approach. He has given Lianfeng a chance, but unfortunately Lianfeng doesn't grasp it!

"It seems that you have determined that the super Seminary, or the one standing behind the super Seminary, can reverse the situation of the earth. Is it? Let me guess what gave you this illusion! "

Dong Zhuo pretended to be thinking. First, scattered words jumped out of his mouth one after another. Finally, it gathered into a sentence that made Lianfeng's brain cold.

"Kieran, the God of time? The ultimate void? Carl? You? There should be some conspiracy? It is the God of time who plans all this, the executor is Kieran, and you are all chess pieces. The ultimate goal should be me! Am I right? Well, look at your expression, I'm all right! "

Facing Lianfeng's pale face, Dong Zhuo sneered and said, "I'm very strange. What ecstasy did Ruiz give you? Makes you think you can deal with me by mere intrigue? Even Kieran, the God of time, dare not appear in front of me. You miscellaneous fish are so whimsical? Indeed, the ignorant are fearless! "

"So what?" In extreme fear, Lianfeng broke through the huge psychological pressure brought by Dong Zhuo. The teacher told me that you are an unstable factor in the universe. In exchange, as long as I am willing to help, he can have a dialogue with Carl through the super Seminary and let Taotie and those damn aliens leave the earth! "

"I see!" Dong Zhuo showed a sudden realization, and immediately asked in some surprise, "do you really think you can deal with me?"

Lianfeng smiled at himself“ Sandwiched between you and the real God of time, we have no choice at all. Only stand in line with a clear-cut stand; Or support you. But obviously, you don't care about the situation of the earth. Even if we release the greatest kindness to you, even some groveling, you still don't care and still choose to hook up with Morgana. We will eventually be destroyed by Carl's running dog Taotie. In that case, why can't we fight? "

"Really..." Dong Zhuo seemed to be speechless by Lianfeng's words.

With Dong Zhuo's current strength, he disdained to lie in some things. In the face of Lianfeng's straightforward statement, a simple lie is meaningless.

Moreover, Lianfeng was right. Dong Zhuo didn't care about the so-called situation of the earth from beginning to end. But this does not mean that he can condone Lianfeng's betrayal.


In Dong Zhuo's opinion, what Lianfeng did is betrayal!

"Don't you worry, once I win in the end. Will the situation of the earth be more miserable? Even the whole planet will be angry by me and no longer exist? " Dong zhuopo asked curiously.

"Of course!" Lianfeng said without hesitation: "although we didn't communicate with Liu for a long time, we still considered this. We really don't understand the strong at your level with principal Kieran. I don't know how you fight directly. But for you, I believe that even if our plan fails, as long as we pay enough price, the earth can still be preserved! "

"You mean, I don't have such ferocious subordinates. So, even if you offend me, it's nothing? " Dong Zhuo is about to forget the feeling of being looked down upon.

Lian Feng shook his head with a complicated look“ It's obviously more serious to offend you than principal Kieran! "

"Oh?" Dong Zhuo doesn't understand“ Now that you understand this, why did you make such a choice? "

"Because you have a weakness!" Pity the wind and believe in the way