Serafur is a smart woman after all. Although she seems to like magic girls, she often dresses herself up out of tune. But being a demon has proved her wisdom.

She knew very well that when she was abandoned by sazex, the only thing she could rely on was Dong Zhuo.

Therefore, taking care of Dong Zhuo's face has become a problem that serafur must consider.

At this time, it is obviously a very clever practice to hand over the decision-making power to Dong Zhuo.

"So troublesome?" Dong Zhuo's face showed a look of impatience.

Rissel may indeed be a strong man among the new generation of demons. Although there are no gold fingers such as artifact and divine annihilator, the instant recovery effect brought by the blood of the undead bird makes him stand among the upper class of his peers.

However, it is obviously not enough to challenge Dong Zhuo with such strength.

To solve Riesel, Dong Zhuo even had a direct spiritual impact, which would make him scared. He couldn't die anymore. The so-called immortal body is just a joke.

"This is for the fairness of the duel!" Russell finally regained his noble demeanor. Although the button of his shirt was open, which made him feel like a little gangster, his elegant temperament undoubtedly added a lot of points to him“ What does your excellency mean? "

"It's just a challenge to make so much trouble! What a disappointment! " When he was about to refuse, Dong Zhuo suddenly thought of a problem.

According to Russell, his challenge to himself will invite the remaining three demon kings of the underworld to act as notaries, so this duel can be regarded as a demonstration to the underworld.

I hope sazex and his team are smarter and can make the demons under their command as soon as possible. In this way, the speed of attacking the world will save a lot of trouble.

"What about time?" Dong Zhuo turned and asked Russell.

For a moment, Russell hesitated.

Seeing this, Dong Zhuo said discontentedly, "you can't let me wait indefinitely? I'm not interested in playing with a minion like you. "

Anger flashed in her eyes, and Russell felt a faint smell of blood in her mouth. It was because she clenched her teeth and let her gums bleed“ In three days! In three days, we will duel in this school! Is that all right? "

"Well, good! You go down and get ready! " Dong Zhuo then waved. Said without care.

The thick humiliation made Russell bow his head and kill the machine in his eyes. Unfortunately, his previous recklessness blocked his last room for maneuver.

Now, Russell can only harden his head or win by luck, which has not only saved the honor of the Phoenix family, but also survived. Or die and wash away the humiliation of the Phoenix family with your own blood.

He turned around suddenly, and Russell walked towards the door without his head.

When he came to the office door, he suddenly stopped, and the magic array suddenly appeared and flickered. After the aperture shrouded, Riesel's body disappeared in place.

"Master! It's insulting for such a weak guy to challenge your request, meow! Why don't you let me burn him then! " Tacheng black song wagged his tail, put his hands around Dong Zhuo's next door and sold cute.

"How can this be!" Serafur came forward and took Dong Zhuo's other arm, also in a charming & didi tone, and said, "master sauce, let me come. Just now, Russell insulted his master. People must teach him a good lesson! "

From their words, Dong Zhuo has distinguished that Tacheng black song is more on her own position, and although serafur was betrayed by sazex once, she still didn't give up the devil in her heart.

This is obvious. One says burn, the other is just a lesson.

"No!" Dong Zhuo shook his head and said, "since the other party is challenging me. Then I always give each other the least respect, don't I? It's a matter of noble honor! Since Phoenix is known as the darling of flame, I'll give him a flame funeral! "

"Is the master going to burn him with the sky shining black fire?" Tacheng black song's eyes brightened. The slender eyelashes flicker like the wings of a butterfly. Blinking his eyes, he asked Dong Zhuo.

"Isn't it too bullying to use sky light and black fire?" Dong Zhuo shook his head, "other flames can burn Phoenix!"

In the heart of serafur and Tacheng Heige, Dong Zhuo's words will not be aimless. But lias, Cangna, Jidao and Zhu Nai were not calm.

Since the fall of the seventy-two pillars, Phoenix has become a famous flame family in the underworld. The beloved of fire, the descendant of the undead bird.

No one can hurt the members of the Phoenix family with fire. Even if their strength is stronger than that of the members of the Phoenix family, once they meet an opponent who uses fire, the winner is unknown.

But now Dong Zhuo is going to give Russell a grand funeral with fire. At this moment, the three women's hearts were filled with expectation.

Ji Dao Zhu Nai's eyes showed a sense of exploration and looked at lias beside him. Lias, is that your choice?

Although Russell left, the previous situation of jealousy in the office seemed to disappear. Neither lias nor Cangna had the idea of fighting again.

On the contrary, serafur kept looking at her sister, which seemed to hate that iron is not steel.

"Ji Dao Zhu Nai!" Without the trouble of as like as two peas, Dong Zhuo finally had time to appreciate the 80% similar voices, which are the same as the split, but the characters are the same.

But in terms of body, Ji Dao Zhu Nai has a beautiful body that even God crack fire weaving should be ashamed of. Dark single ponytail long hair, plus the temperament of Da he Fuzi and the character of shaking s, such a woman is completely a man's beauty.

Although they have eyes of the same color as God's crack fire weaving.

But what Dong Zhuo saw from the eyes of shencrack Huozhi was sadness, perseverance, bravery and perseverance. In Ji Dao Zhu Nai's purple eyes, all he can see is one thing, water!

Incomparable moisture, incomparable Charm & charm! Even under very serious circumstances, after seeing Ji Dao Zhu Nai's eyes, any man will rise to the idea of conquest.

In contrast, shencrack fire weaving gives people a cold and gorgeous feeling, while Jidao zhunai is completely hydrated. People want to hold it in their arms all the time and play it carefully.

"Mr. Dong Zhuo!" Although knowing Dong Zhuo's identity is not simple, even a demon king like serafur is as clever as a quail. Ji Island Zhu Nai also tries his best to make himself look more serious.

However, the charm of that day makes people feel that Ji Dao Zhu Nai seems to be luring Dong Zhuo.

"Don't be so nervous!" Dong Zhuo chuckled.

Serafur and Tacheng black song around him, knowingly released Dong Zhuo's arm.

Walking slowly to Ji Island Zhu Nai's body, Dong Zhuo's eyes wandered around Ji Island Zhu Nai's ups and downs.

Ji Dao Zhu felt his body cold for no reason, and subconsciously said, "ah! Ah! Teacher Dong Zhuo looks at others like this. Aren't you afraid that the minister is jealous? "

The habitual aphrodisiac made Dong Zhuoyue very interested in Jidao Zhu Nai.

Reaching out to hook Ji Dao Zhu Nai's chin and staring at her big watery eyes, Dong Zhuo asked, "you are my woman!"

Not asking, but stating a fact!

The overbearing way made Ji Dao Zhu Nai's face freeze. She could feel that Dong Zhuo was not joking