In the world of God killers, the seven kings, that is, the seven God killers, must have the highest combat effectiveness.

But in fact, the real peak & peak combat power is the gods who have not manifested the world in the attitude of disobedience.

How many gods did the so-called God killer kill? And how many gods are there in the myth?

At this moment, the whole sky is filled with divine light. Countless gods stared at the direction of Shifang Baoshu and Dong Zhuo.

Luo Hao, the high self-esteem leader, showed some fear on his cheeks when facing such a large number of disobedient God legions.

That's too much! How frightening!

To put it bluntly, if so many disobedience gods act at the same time, the whole world will explode without Dong Zhuo's destruction.

When he heard Dong Zhuo's arrogant tone and contemptuous words, Luo Hao couldn't help worrying and said, "my husband, so many disobedient gods are enemies with you at the same time. It's better to avoid the edge first..."

"No!" Dong Zhuo flatly rejected Luo Hao's proposal.

Are you kidding? Just a bunch of disobedient gods, who is qualified to let the real God retreat?

"Evil god!" A violent drink suddenly came, attracting the attention of Dong Zhuo and many disobedient gods.

"You destroy my Nordic God system. Have you ever thought about what will happen today? Those who know the truth will hand over the power of the gods who were slaughtered by you! " Odin angrily threatened Dong Zhuo.

"Ha ha..." Dong Zhuo laughed. He said coldly, "the lost dog dares to bark in front of me! Die! "

"You..." Odin was startled. He knew Dong Zhuo's power. The talents killed by him in the whole Nordic God system withered, and there were only three big and small cat food left except himself. If this guy desperately wants to win himself, Odin is not sure he can survive.

"Lord! I agreed to your request. I agreed to be an angel. " Odin looked for help at a man in white robe with holy light.

This is the God in Christian mythology and the God in apocalyptic religion. If you're not polite, perhaps the strongest God in the world is this God!

Among the three major religions in the world, except Buddhism, the rest of Christianity or Islam, in the final analysis, believe in him. Whether it is power or the number of believers, the only God is far higher than other gods. He is not only the God King, but also the God ancestor! Is the God of creation.

On the contrary, as Christ Jesus deified by Christianity, his strength is inferior. In the branch of Apocalyptic Religion, Judaism does not recognize the identity of Jesus, while Islam recognizes him as the messenger of God, but does not recognize the identity of his son of God.

The Lord in white nodded with a smile and said to Odin, "welcome Odin to join us. From now on, there will be eight archangels in heaven!"

"Do you think anyone else can save you?" Dong Zhuo smiled disdainfully. Although his tone was great, his heart attached great importance to the Lord. At first, in the demon forbidden world, Dong Zhuo got great power from the holy relics of Jesus.

He did not believe that the LORD would be worse than Jesus. Of course, the Lord in front of him obviously could not be the God who was beyond the long river of the world. He's just a product of the God killer world. Even so, Dong Zhuo will not relax his vigilance.

"Child, you have gone astray. Return to my arms and purify your soul in heaven!" The Lord smiled and opened his arms to Dong Zhuo. On his body, soft white light suddenly poured down and shrouded most of the sky.

The gods who were illuminated by the light were in a trance for a moment, and gradually changed from fear to longing and worship in the eyes of the Lord.

Of course, it can't be the kindness of the Lord that attracts others. It is a power, a power to influence others. Buddhism has a similar power.

However, the Lord in the God killer world wants to call Dong Zhuo with his power and ability and make Dong Zhuo become a thug under him. I'm afraid it will not be realized in the next life.

Dong Zhuo grinned and his mind was still clear. The attention paid to the Lord in front of him has completely dissipated. In the final analysis, he is just a fake.

With the power of the so-called disobedience God, it is wishful thinking to purify Dong Zhuo's soul and make Dong Zhuo submit to it!

"Odin, you fall first!" Dong Zhuo suddenly stretched out his hand in the direction of Odin.

Odin's figure suddenly flashed in front of Dong Zhuo, and his neck fell into Dong Zhuo's palm.

The transformation of space, after having the power of space, Dong Zhuo plays with space more and more easily.

"Huiye, swallow him!" Dong Zhuo threw Odin in his hand to the ten treasure trees under his feet.

In Odin's scream, his body was swallowed by the ten treasure trees, and there was no more movement.

The face of the Lord suddenly turned blue. Odin was the man he had just accepted anyway.

He just claimed that Odin was the eighth Archangel in the Apocalyptic Religion in front of so many gods. In a twinkling, the archangel became the belly of the monster. Isn't that a slap in the face?

Seeing that Dong Zhuo was not affected by his power, he first killed Odin. The iron blue on the Lord's face gradually converged and showed a look of disappointment. "Child, your soul is completely occupied by the devil. Let me clean your body and soul!"

"God. Just an evil creature. Why do you need to do it yourself? Let me clean the road for you! "

At first glance, an angel who looked somewhat similar to the Lord knelt down on one knee and asked for war with the Lord.

This angel is the famous Michael. His name means' like God '. In mythology, his combat effectiveness is quite strong. Even Lucifer, the fallen, was defeated in his hands.

Basically, where Michael is mentioned in mythology, most of them are saying that he worked hard to maintain God's rule and fight against God's enemies.


Before God could answer Michael's request, the ten treasure trees under the gods suddenly expanded. In an instant, it shrouded a third of the earth. And constantly extending towards the sky.

At this time, no matter the Lord or other disobedient gods, their faces changed greatly. One third of the world has been swallowed up by the ten treasure trees. If we don't stop the behavior of this monster, I'm afraid that when the world is destroyed, it will be the time for them to fall completely.

"Go! My child, go and proclaim my glory and my name. Take all my enemies for me! " The way of the LORD with a dignified face.

Michael was about to rush up with the permission of the Lord. His face suddenly changed.

"Even a fake dare to be presumptuous in front of me!" Dong Zhuo unexpectedly crossed the long space and appeared in front of him.

Michael waved the flaming sword in his hand and chopped it at Dong Zhuo.

There was no doubt that the sword body penetrated through Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo's hand has pinched Michael's disclosure. Grasp with five fingers.

The sound of Poof left a great reputation in the myth. The angel who struggled in the front line of God war for several times completely fell.

"Husband!" In the first time Dong Zhuo killed Michael, huiyeji said, "husband, when you killed the angel, I swallowed the world faster!"

Dong Zhuo understood the reason like lightning. The power of the God of disobedience came from the world, which itself deprived the ability of world consciousness. Kill them yourself, then those abilities that belong to the world will naturally return to the world.

Now, these gods are just within the scope of the ten treasure trees. Instead of returning to the world, they were intercepted by huiyeji for the first time.

Dong Zhuo smiled cruelly at the thought that killing the gods could speed up huiyeji's swallowing of the world.

After laying layers of space protection on the huge body of Shifang treasure tree. Dong Zhuo said excitedly, "let me create a real twilight of the gods!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dong Zhuo's body slowly flew up to the higher sky