The powerful demon giant that made human despair was shrouded in the halo formed by the holy light, and the solid scale disappeared completely. Back to the ordinary 15 meter giant, it's just like the elf giant.

Poor Allen, he is about to show his shape. I don't know how he will explain to mankind the fact that he has become a devil.

After the form of the devil disappeared, the elf giant seemed to have lost all his strength. His body slowly poured down towards the front, and fell on the ground with a bang, splashing rich dust.

In the thick steam shelter, the back neck of the elf giant, a young man's body is slowly emerging.

At the same time, the halo of the holy light that destroyed the demon giant did not disappear, but narrowed. Returned to the hands of Dong Zhuo in the sky.

"Thank God for saving us!"

"It turns out that there are gods in the world. We don't have to be afraid of giants anymore!"

Watching the demon giant disappear, everyone began to revel, even the soldiers.

"I am God, the only God between heaven and earth. You can't believe in worshipping other gods except me. You should destroy all pornographic and evil gods and serve me wholeheartedly. "

When mankind began to cheer for the death of the demon giant, Dong Zhuo in the sky spoke again.

This time he wants to establish his unique God status in the giant world.

The reveling people were silent for a moment, quietly listening to the Oracle from Dong Zhuo.

"I should choose my spokesman in the world." Dong Zhuo said with a wave, two lights separated from the light group and flew in the direction of the soldiers.

Seeing the light, countless soldiers could not avoid it and began to avoid it. You know, they saw with their own eyes that the mighty demon giant turned into nothing under such a light!

Two beams of light, like eyes, flew straight towards hrista and ani, who were looking for yumir.

Other soldiers soon found that even if they did not avoid, the light regiment would avoid themselves. Everyone wondered where the light was going.

Soon, the light group found its goal and drilled into ani and hrista's body from left to right.

The moment the light mass entered the body, hrista and Ani changed.

Their training corps uniforms turned into gorgeous cross collar Ru skirts in a blink of an eye.

The cross necked Ru skirt is very similar to the Witch Dress in shape, but it is more luxurious and noble. Countless mysterious embroidery are added to the cloth. Flowers, birds, insects and fish, birds and animals, sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers... It seems that everything in the world can be found in the embroidery patterns of jiaolingru skirt.

Arnie and hrista are hot and cold in character. They are beautiful girls. After changing into the dress of jiaolingru skirt, they look even more awe inspiring and inviolable.

Especially hrista, wearing a cross necked Ru skirt, is more like a goddess.

"They should be my witches. I give them the ability to reward good and punish evil and take charge of my sect! Follow their instructions! " Of course, Dong Zhuo's game is not over.

He continued, "my temple, let it fall here!"

With Dong Zhuo's voice falling, on the ground, a new hall in the form of Oriental Temple slowly appeared from scratch!

Dong Zhuo, who has the ability to create things in the void, can easily build a hall. In front of the hall, a huge statue of himself was placed. It's about thirty meters high. Fluorescent flicker, wonderful.

Just when people were attracted by the hall born out of nothing, the huge light mass in the sky disappeared silently, as if it had never existed in the beginning.

If it weren't for the changes of Arnie and hrista, the demon giant was really destroyed and this hall that can't be fake at all, maybe all this would be regarded as an illusion.

"Arnie? "Hrista?" The few remaining members of the Training Corps were surprised to see that ani and hrista had become the wizard chosen by the gods.

"Is this... Is this the power given by the master?" Hrista stared at his hand. Arnie is the same. Both of them are remembering the sudden memory in their minds.

Of course, Dong Zhuo will not just change a suit of clothes for them. He once made divinity in the magic forbidden world. Even if he can't contact the eternal blessed land now, he can give ani and hrista some abilities beyond common sense.

In hrista's mind, some auxiliary abilities such as treatment and recovery came out. Arnie's mind is all about fighting. This is also the true meaning of what Dong Zhuo said to reward good and punish evil.

"Hrista, use the power I gave you to treat these wounded soldiers immediately!"

Suddenly, Dong Zhuo's voice came from hrista's mind.

Hrista looked around blankly and asked Arnie, "sister Arnie, did you hear the master's voice?"

"Master's voice?" Arnie shook his head. "No," he replied

"Oh. That may be my illusion! " Hrista thought he was right and found the explanation of the voice in his mind.

"Illusion fart!" Dong Zhuo was annoyed and amused by hrista's simplicity, and said in her mind again: "now use the ability I gave you to treat these soldiers. You hear me? This is not an illusion! Remember to let them believe in me. The most important thing is to praise me from the heart! Ask Arnie if you don't understand! "

"Yes! Yes, master! " Hrista was really shocked this time. She was 100% sure that she had really heard Dong Zhuo's voice just now. Although I don't know why Arnie didn't hear it, it didn't prevent hrista from doing it according to Dong Zhuo's instructions.

After learning from Arnie that Dong Zhuo is a God and wants to get the faith of the world, hrista finally knows what to do.

Haven't you eaten pork? Haven't you seen a pig run? Besides, hrista met father Nick and just learn from him.

Besides, her nature is very kind. She has the ability to treat others. Of course, she won't sit idly by these injured colleagues. I was just too surprised to ignore it.

"Well... Everyone, let me treat your injury!" Hrista's body, without using the three-dimensional excitation device, came to the wounded soldier lightly.

"You... Hello!" The soldier saw the magical change just now. In the face of the girl selected by the gods, it's strange to say she's not nervous.

"Don't move!" Hrista stretched out her little hand and pressed it into the soldier's wound. Suddenly, a milky light appeared in her hand. After these lights fell on the wound, the bloody wound began to heal and recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rapid growth of granulation makes all this can only be described by miracles.

"Female... Goddess!" Sasha, who was covered with bruises and crawled out of the pile of broken tiles, just saw the picture of hrista healing the wounds of the soldiers. She stared at hrista and shouted out the nickname of hrista again!

"Sasha, you... Don't talk nonsense!" Hrista blushed and explained, "I'm not a goddess. There's only one real God!"

With that, hrista also took a look at the newly completed statue and hall.

With the existence of hrista, these soldiers can recover and grow again even if they have broken their hands and feet. The name of the miracle.

Those who saw hrista treat the wounded no longer have any doubt about Dong Zhuo, the God. As for the wall sect? Sorry, what's that? How could the wall of more than 50 meters destroyed by the demon giant be a god!

Didn't you hear this Lord Siwu say? There is only one God!

Hiding in the dark, Dong Zhuo felt that he was beginning to be blessed by countless goodwill, and a smile could not help but appear on the corners of his mouth.

It's really worth his hard performance for such a long time!

"This... What's the matter?" Just when everyone was attracted by hrista, ani and the sudden appearance of the temple.

Alan finally climbed out of the remains of the elf giant