Zhang Man'er is not used to being intimate with him on the street. He wants to get rid of his hand, but he drags it tighter. His soft hand is wrapped in his hand full of thin cocoons. It feels warm.

On the street, there was a carriage to avoid being hit. Xue Chuan held her away for a few meters. Because of her unstable center of gravity, she stuck to his broad chest. It was very exciting to be watched and protected by his every move.

Zhang Man'er is not short, and he is more than 1.6 meters. But standing beside Xue Chuan, he is like a bird. He stands in front of her, just like a thick wall of meat, blocking everything for her and keeping her safe.

This kind of action is really warm. She is angry these days and seems to be relieved.

After a while, Xue Chuan took her to the shop selling fishing gear. Standing outside, she felt the difference of the shop. Except for some household groceries, fishing gear occupied most of the shop.

Fishing rod, fishing hook, fishing net and so on, as well as fish basket, harpoon

In addition to fishing nets, other things are usually made by the villagers themselves. Although the handicrafts are not as exquisite as those sold in his shop, people in the mountains don't care so much. They can use them.

"It seems that there are many sizes of this net. How big should I buy?" Zhang Man'er murmurs to himself to let Xue Chuan give him some advice. However, they are still in the cold war, and face is making trouble, which makes her unable to ask.

Fortunately, the boss of the shop was enthusiastic. Seeing that they were looking at the fishing net, he immediately came over and said with a smile, "little lady, do you want to buy a fishing net to catch fish? It depends on whether you are ordinary household or specialized in fishing? If it's for household use, just buy this small net. If you want to do some dried fish business and catch more fish, just buy this medium net. "

After the boss's explanation, the original hesitation was clear: "Oh, I understand when you say that."

The size can be determined, but the quality of the fishing net seems to be different. She stretched out her hand to pull the tension, and the braided rope is also different.

"This little lady, you are an expert. You can rest assured that the strength and texture are the same except for different sizes. Our fishing nets are all made by ourselves, and they are strong and durable."

"OK, then give me a medium size one."

They bought a fishing net and two fish pockets and joined the bustling crowd.

The main purpose of this fair is to buy some vegetables, meat, rice and noodles.

The street around them is the most concentrated place for vegetable peddlers. They have all kinds of dishes, especially a complete range.

The majority of women are carrying vegetable baskets everywhere. The couple Zhang Man'er and Xue Chuan are particularly eye-catching in the crowd, especially the man who buys vegetables with his daughter-in-law. They are so tall and handsome that people can't help looking at them more.

Zhang Man'er compared the stalls around him, chose a stall with good dishes and affordable prices, and bought several kinds of vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower, green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on.

It's not proper to have no vegetable field at home. It's not as convenient as ordinary villagers. If you want to eat, you can go to the vegetable field and pull two vegetables.

She thought that there was an open space near the window of the east house where Xue's family could develop a small vegetable field. She didn't need to plant too much to deal with the ordinary dishes of the couple. She bought a packet of rapeseed and cucumber seedlings.

She didn't bring a vegetable basket, so she watched Xue Chuan put these weighed vegetables in the fish pocket, not to mention that it was very practical, and it was just right to pack vegetables.

"Boss, how much are these altogether?" Zhang Man'er said to the vendor.

The vegetable vendor was a middle-aged man, dressed in grey patched clothes. Fortunately, he was clean and tidy, and the vegetables were well sorted. At first sight, he was a down-to-earth and capable man.

"Well, little lady, there are 22 Wen in all. I'll take you 20 Wen." The peddler said happily that she had bought so much and stuffed a handful of green onions into the fish pocket.

"Thank you, boss." Zhang Man'er smiles and counts 20 Wen copper coins from his purse.

Xue Chuan looked at her smile with curved eyebrows and eyes, like willow leaves. His watery eyes were clear and bright. His heart trembled and he pulled her away.

"Daughter in law, do you want to buy pork?" Xue Chuan watched her go to the pork stall and asked.

"You are weak. I'll buy some meat and bones for you." As soon as Zhang Man'er finished, he found that he still cared about him. He could not help biting his lips and staring at him.

Xue Chuan laughed and whispered in her ear. The voice brushed her cheek like a feather: "daughter in law, you care about me so much."

"Hum." Zhang Man'er said.

I picked two big bones from the meat stand and thought about stewing peanuts to eat. This bone soup is nutritious. It can make him healthy.

Also called two Jin of fat and thin pork, the family's rice is not much, said ten jin of rice.

Looking at his hands full of things, Xue Chuan asked, "daughter-in-law, what else do you want to buy?"

Zhang Man'er took a look at all the things he had, and almost bought them all. The market here goes every five days, and these vegetables are enough for five days. Thinking about it, it costs more than 100 Wen. It seems that the money for selling canned fish is only enough for daily expenses. If you want to build a house, it's still a drop in the bucket.

The food needs to be eaten one by one, and the road needs to go step by step. She first detoxifies him at the moment, and then she thinks of other ways to make a fortune.

When they went back, they happened to meet uncle Liu in the village, who was driving the ox cart back, so they quickly got on.

As soon as I got home, it was late. Zhang Man'er put these dishes in the cupboard one by one and left some for lunch.

Xue Chuan took a wooden basin and looked at the vegetables on the table and said, "I'll wash the vegetables."

Then he took the gourd ladle and scooped a few spoons of water from the water tank. He took it to the yard and began to wash one by one.

Zhang Man'er let out a sound, washed rice to cook, and went to the yard to move a little firewood in. He looked at Xue Chuan squatting at the door to wash vegetables in the bright sunshine, with the smell of soil. He had a straight and strong body, and his resolute face was gilded by the sunshine. He was so handsome that he couldn't move his eyes.

Zhang Man'er washed a handful of beans and pinched them into sections. When he hit the flint, he pulled a handful of straw and put a few pieces of dry firewood to make the fire in the oven hole jump all the time.

Then she went back to the kitchen table and got some rapeseed oil. After the pot was hot, she threw the beans into the pot and stir fried them with a spatula. Then she threw in the cut pepper and chopped garlic foam. When they were almost fried, she sprinkled a little salt and a dish of fried beans came out fresh.

A man was in charge of the stove hole and busy with the stove. He was busy running around for a while. After washing the vegetables, Xue Chuan put a wooden basin on the table to help with the fire.