Chapter 73 - Satisfied




After Doctor Stewart left Ivy and Thomas sat in each others company for a while. Ivy did some dark web jobs and Thomas just sat by her side keeping her company and bringing her more tea now and then. His phone buzzed and he checked it.

"Its the boss he will be home late again."

Thomas didn't know what else to say, they both seemed to want to avoid each other.

"That's fine. Pass me my phone please."

Thomas gave Ivy her phone and saw her send a txt then she got up and went to the bedroom. He didn't know if she was coming back or not so he tidied up, after a while, there was no sign of Ivy so he went to the door to stand in his usual spot when he heard a noise, his hand shifted to the gun in its side holster.


The door opened and seeing his King-like boss stride in, Thomas stood straight and bowed glad that it was Noah coming in the door. He felt awkward greeting the boss in his own home.

"Boss I was just leaving. I was keeping Ivy company."


That was his cue to leave so he dashed for the door. He leaned against the wall before steadying his heart, he hadn't expected Noah home after all he had said he wouldn't return.

"You look like you escaped a disaster."

Aiden smiled at his friend who looked like King Yama just spoke to him, knowing his boss he sympathised with him.

"I probably did those two need to stop avoiding each other. How come your back, I thought the boss was staying away again?"

Aiden still smiling at his friend and gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

"Ivy txt and the boss changed his plans. Maybe your worries will be gone by the morning."

Thomas sighed at Aiden's words.

"I can only hope, let's have a beer together."

"Sure I have some in my apartment."

The two entered Aiden's apartment for some beers and hoped that things would be back to normal by morning.

Inside Noah's Apartment 

Earlier Noah had just got to one of his hotels to check why it was suddenly losing money when he noticed that he had received a text from Ivy. He hadn't spoken to her in two days after they had both not been able to agree. He opened the txt quickly as he had missed her company and was eager to hear from her.

(If you don't come back in half an hour I'll be sleeping at Thomas's till you decide to come back home)

Reading the text he smirked his little kitten had shown her claws and was unhappy. Sighing he then told Aiden to bring them home.

Now he was standing inside his apartment that was dark but outside was lit by the city lights he sighed and took off his coat and shoes. He started to unbutton his shirt and he headed for their bedroom.

As he entered he saw Ivy struggling to wear one of his t-shirts. Her arm up in the air and she tried to get her other arm through the hole with some difficulty. She froze when she saw him and then tried to fix herself.

"So your back."

Noah ignored his angry kitten and walked towards her. He helped her wear his t-shirt and he saw her blush.

"Thank you, it hurts when I lift my arm."

Noah bent down and kissed her collar bone right beside her gauze. 

"No bandage?"

"Don't need it any more Doctor Stewart says I'm healing nicely."

Noah's brows furrowed in concern, girls hated scars and this would surely leave one.

She seemed to read his thoughts and she hugged his strong waist tight.

"I got it saving you and I would do it again."

Noah scowled at her disregard for her own life and he didn't like the thought of her doing it again or getting hurt again due to him. 

"Stop frowning I'm the one that is angry with you."

Noah looked down and his eyebrows raised in questioning, he saw her pout her full red kissable lips and her sparkling eyes looking up at him she was very adorable. He put her hair behind her ears so he could see her face tinged with a slight pink blush that he loved. She looked down and drew patterns on his chest. He was trying very hard not to devour her right now.

"Why didn't you come home."

Did this little vixen not know what she does to him. He huffed and picked her up and threw her on the bed before standing back and admiring her.

"Your hurt... I have had several cold showers now you want me to take another."

Ivy had no idea that was why Noah had avoided her. She sat up and pulled him to the bed, he fell on top of her but didn't put any weight on her body.

"My bandage is off and the wound is healing nicely Doctor Stewart says I'm good to go."


Noah hummed and sealed her lips with a searing kiss he started to undress and lastly remove his t-shirt from Ivy's body. Her beautiful slim body with perfect curves laid bare before him. 

After the thought of nearly losing her his desire to be one with her again had driven him mad and so he kept himself away so he wouldn't reopen her wounds and let herself heal. Now she had offered herself to him he would indulge her and himself and give in to his desire.

She gripped her thighs and pulled them towards his roughly. She felt his hard member at her entrance and it made her needy.


Her eyes were watery with desire and her lips red and moist. He couldn't hold back and sealed her lips with a passionate kiss then trailed love bites down her neck and chest finally he took her breast into his mouth. He sucked on her right breast nipping it slightly and his large warm hand fondled the other. After a while, with his other hand, he guided his large erect manhood into her entrance.

"Aghh Noah... please."

He looked up at her pink stained cheeks and watery eyes. She needed him as much as he needed her right now, heat surged to his lower stomach. He pulled back and slowly re-entered her again. He moved slowly and Ivy got impatient she gripped his waist with her legs and begged him.

"Noah.. faster."

He moved in and out again painstakingly slowly enjoying her need for him.

"Mmmm Noah.... faster."

"What do you need?"

"You only you."

At hearing her words he entered her quickly.


Noah then flipped their positions and spanked her butt cheek as she straddled his body. Ivy jumped at the smack to her bottom, moaning as orgasm flirted hard with her body. Then, it retreated, if she wanted to come she would have to do it herself. Ivy rode hard and fast. Her hands clamped on Noah's shoulders to balance herself as she moved to fulfil her need as she moved in rhythm, moaning at the same time. Heavy with the need to come. 

Ivy tried to stabilise herself using one arm as she rode Noah. Feeling the pleasure building and seeing her about to come, Noah thrust upwards, groaning Ivy's name as he released inside his lover.

Ivy fell onto Noah's chest her body panting and feeling sated she gradually fell asleep. All the late nights she had waited for him and with him now at home, she happily slept on his chest.

Noah moved her onto her side and he lay facing her, he stroked her beautiful hair before feeling satisfied enough to sleep himself.