Chapter 49 - I'll Go Get Her

The next morning Noah was at his office. With Ivy not at home he and Aiden had worked throughout the whole night. His mood was stormy and no one dared to breath too loudly or ask to go home. Around him where twenty of his men all stood straight in uniformed rows. His men all where tall , muscular and wore a black suit like Thomas. Thomas came in and stood at the front of the rows of guards.

Noah put down his pen after he signed another document and looked up at the men. None of them had been able to find Ivy after searching all night. His men new the price of failing him and yet returned empty handed with no news. How hard is it to find one woman. His lover was smart though so she wouldn't make it easy for him. He had checked that her passport was still in his safe, so she was still in his City. He glared at Thomas waiting for him to report.​​

"Boss we have been unable to find any trace of Ivy. I would like to go out again." Thomas tried to catch his breath quickly. Thomas had tried Ivy's Dads, friends, the airport and all her usual spots.

Ring ring

Aiden picked up his phone quickly, the noise broke the tension in the room. The secretary from the ground floor had called, it had better be important. He hoped it was Ivy.

"Hello... send him up." Aiden didn't know when this situation would end but he hoped Ivy would come home before his boss turns the city inside out looking for her. He then turned to his boss and reported. "Boss Detective Powell is here to see you."

Noah dismissed his men to keep looking and Thomas to lead the man hunt. Noah sat behind his desk his imposing aura would send a chill through your body if anyone dared to get too close. Aiden was used to his cold, ruthless boss but in his current state even he trembled a bit. Aiden left to welcome the guest.

Aiden brought in the Detective and he sat opposite Noah. The Detective was in his mid thirties and had on a cheap suit along with carrying a bit of extra weight he felt unbelievably insignificant and ugly in front of this handsome CEO. The Detective took his documents out of his briefcase and coughed.

"CEO, I'm sorry this won't take up much of your time. Last night we arrived at a scene in the City where a street gang was fighting. Amongst the gang was a female she claims self defence but the other thugs had as many wounds as she had so it must be an internal dispute so we have them in holding. I am here because the female had your address on her I.D."

The inspector slid the I.D across the desk to Noah. Noah was briefly shocked by the news then returned to the ruthless CEO everyone feared. He looked at Ivy's I.D her pretty face staring up at him. He wondered when she changed her I.D to his apartment, that made him happy. Noah then looked at the Detective and spoke in a clear and concise manner.

"She said it was self defence yet you have her in holding. You may get your lawyers ready if I find any mistakes Detective I will file a law suit against your department and hold you personally responsible."

The Detective gulped and spoke in a softer tone. "So the I.D is correct?."

"Aiden see the Detective out." Noah would never answer anyone's questions he reported to no one.

Aiden then sent the Detective out. Noah stood and got his coat on, he put Ivy's I.D in his pocket. Aiden returned and stood waiting for orders.

"Call the men back and inform Thomas tell him where to meet us. Ring Solicitor Kennedy and ask him to also meet us there. Lets go."

As Aiden followed his boss he didn't miss how fast he walked to the car. Noah was obviously keen to see Ivy and he hoped they could be reunited again and not fight more as his heart couldn't take it. He also had not slept or eaten since yesterday, he preferred when Ivy was with his boss as Noah would always return home for dinner and sleep normal hours.

With a fast pace Aiden quickly phoned Thomas and Solicitor Kennedy and relayed the bosses orders. Thomas was nearby and said he would head straight there. Aiden opened the car for his boss then they sped to police department.

Thomas just arrived at the police department and walked in, when he heard what had happened he was concerned for Ivy as he had never seen her fight so he was sure she would be injured. She had given him a good punch to the stomach before but fighting on the streets is different. Thomas went to the desk and asked for Ivy to be released..

Detective Powell arrived just after. Seeing the large man in a suit in front of him was taken aback. He new this woman had caused him a lot of trouble. She better hope that she doesn't meet him again.

"I'll go get her." Detective Powell stood from his desk and Thomas followed. They got to the gates of the jail and the Detective paused.

"Wait here." He wanted to show them all who had the last say in this jail.