Chapter 1029 Julie's Blame

Julie stormed out the hotel outraged. She took her phone out and called Zed.

Sitting in his office in J Hotel, Zed was thinking about where Jean's office would be in the new hotel. He wondered if he should give his office to Jean or if he should clean up a place to make space for Jean's office.

Zed would prefer to be in the same office with Jean. Saving the office space would be a good excuse for Zed to persuade Jean with, to get her to agree.

Zed couldn't help but feel proud at his idea. Before he could call Jean and tell her about it, Julie's call came in.

Looking at her name on his phone screen, he frowned. Julie disgusted Zed to the point that he could hardly hide his distaste for her. Thinking about her face already disgusted Zed enough.

He didn't want to pick up the call. However, when he thought of how Julie might come see Jean or to the office to see him, Zed just decided to answer so he could get it over with.

He picked up the phone and said coldly, "It's Zed. What do you need?"

"Zed, why are you talking to me like that?"

Julie's question stunned Zed. He replied, "Julie, what do you mean? I just asked what you needed. You're confusing me."

This really frustrated Julie. She thought Zed knew what was going on with Jean. In Julie's opinions, Zed only let Jean manage the hotel just to appease her anger. That was why she called Zed for help.

"Zed, let's quit the act. You have been managing the hotel since the beginning. Why did you let Jean suddenly manage the hotel?"

Zed finally understood why Julie called. He replied, "Julie, I bought this hotel for my wife. She said that she wanted to manage it. Of course I'm going to give that to her. I don't think I need your permission for that."

He sounded angry.

Julie felt his anger. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then, she said, "Okay, it's not my business

"You're my wife in name only, on paper only. My heart and love will never be yours."

Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them.

Six years passed. She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman...

kay with Jean?"

If Zed was being honest, he wasn't all too happy about another man caring so much about his wife. He answered, "James, don't you think you care too much about Jean? She's my wife. If anything happens to her, I will take care of it for her."

"I didn't mean it that way. You worry too much."

James realized that he may have crossed the line so he tried to explain himself.

The good thing was that Zed trusted him. So upon hearing his explanation, Zed let it go. He asked, "Tell me what happened last night."

Instead of answering Zed's question, James asked, "Did you know that Jean didn't come to work today?"

"Yeah, she won't work there anymore. I bought this hotel for her. She's going to manage the hotel from now on," Zed explained.

"Okay, but do you know that Jean agreed to give Julie back her work? Don't you think they're just going to fight?" James posed.

James didn't have a good feeling about Jean going back to work at the hotel. He could feel that Jean and Julie was just going to fight like cats and dogs.

James was worried that Jean wouldn't be able to defend herself to Julie if Zed wasn't there to help. Meanwhile, Zed was confident that Jean was strong enough to take a stand against Julie now.