Chapter 1017 The Worst Mother Ever

Jean was very confused about the question James had asked. She didn't figure out why a tea cup would matter.

"Of course it matters. Don't you know that your eastern tea can weaken the effect of medicine?"

This reminded Jean of when they were children and they were always told to never take medicine with tea. They said that the tea would weaken the effect of the medicine.

Jean seemed to have figured it out already. She looked at James, a bit surprised before asking, "So you are saying that everything that happened was really just a coincidence?"

James nodded and said, "I think so. I think it was all just a coincidence."

"Okay, I don't want to think about it anymore. So James, how are things between you and Julie?"

Jean didn't want to have anything to do with Julie. If James had decided to get back to Julie, then Jean would start to keep her distance with James.

"You have my word. I've already broken up with Julie. I'm done with her. Didn't you hear? When she woke up in my arms this morning, she thought I was Zed. Isn't that disgusting?"

It was indeed disgusting. Jean agreed with James. She'd never met a person more despicable than Julie.

"Well, it looks like you're decided then I'll leave it. You have my word too. We'll always be friends."

They exchanged glances as if they'd made an agreement. Jean realized that she was wrong in her fight with Zed earlier when James had told her everything. She felt bad that she treated Zed like that and hoped that she could be given the chance to apologize to him.

But Zed went to meet Julie. That was a fact. If they didn't meet the other day, then this whole thing wouldn't be a problem. In fact, if she and James hadn't arrived there in time, Zed and Julie might have really slept together.

This was what Jean couldn't understand.

"Just forget it. I can talk to him later when he comes to take his afternoon classes. I'll show him then."

However, to her surprise, Zed didn't attend the classes th

Jean Wen sacrificed herself for family interests. Before her husband divorced her, she made every effort to please him.

"You are inexperienced in bed," he said coldly.

"You! Give that land to my family, or I won't agree to divorce," Jean replied furiously.

"Fine. It is exactly what I am thinking about," he sneered.

? What are you doing?"

the lady at the front desk asked in a panic. She was starting to sense that something was going to go wrong.

"What am I doing? You tell me! Surely, I'm here for a reason. Some compensation, perhaps."

"What? Compensation? I don't understand. What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't have to know. Now think about it. My daughter was harassed by a customer of yours while she was working hard to deal with your hotel's problem. Should she get some compensation? For, you know, the trouble you caused her."

When she said this, everyone immediately figured out what was going on. They were all looking at her in disbelief wondering how such a woman could be Julie's mother.

She noticed how silent everyone was so she continued speaking, "Why are you all quiet? My Julie was a pure virgin. She was raped. She needs some compensation for that trauma, shouldn't she?"

The lady at the front desk wasn't too surprised. She knew what Julie's mother was like. She was infamous around here after all. She glared at Julie's mother and asked, "Does Julie know you're here? Are you sure she's okay with what you're doing?"

Julie's mother seemed to hesitate for a moment but she insisted, "I'm that bitch's mother. I don't need her permission to do anything."