Chapter 977 Meeting of Four

Julie read the message. It made her feel guilty.

Given the number of inappropriate things she had done to Jean and Zed, Jean asking her to meet scared her. She did not know how she would ever face any of them again.

How would she even explain herself to them?

In addition, how would Zed view her? After all, just a day before she had confessed to him, and now she was going to tell them that she and James were dating, which everyone seemed to know already.

"This is terrible," she said out loud. Julie held her head in her hands, running her fingers through her hair in stress.

This was definitely not a part of her original plan. But the situation was such that she didn't have a choice but to face the music and carry on.


The four of them had decided to meet at James's gym. They had ordered some food, and Jean and Zed also cooked several dishes, preparing a somewhat decent meal for everyone.

Julie was dressed plainly today, probably because she was guilty of wearing those ostentatious clothes before. Her make-up too was quite simple.

"Sit down." James pulled a chair out for Julie and helped her in.

He hadn't expected to start dating someone so soon. Even though they were only pretending to be lovers, he intended to dutifully cooperate with her, to avoid facing embarrassment in front of Jean afterwards.

"Thank you," Julie whispered, glancing awkwardly at James.

James leaned close to her and gently whispered in her ear, "Relax...It's okay."

"Please finish your dinner as soon as possible, so we can get out of here early. I feel really restless..." Julie said in a low voice.

James gave her a thumbs-up. Just then, Jean came out of the kitchen and they stopped talking.

Everyone served the dishes for themselves and sat down at the table. Jean kept stealing glances at Julie from time to time.

If she wasn't dating James, she would never have forgiven her for what she'd done to her and Zed. But now she was James's girlfriend. Jean had no choice but to reconcile with her.

"Come on, Julie, let's toast to a new beginning and forget about the things that happened in the past," Jean said, raising her

"Do you know what you did wrong? It's alright if you just wanted to own me. But you should not have helped Molly leave me!"

When Brian learns the truth, there is no chance for Hannah to win his heart.

Molly, who wants to run away from Brian, seems to be the only one to blame for Hannah's misfortune...

nce stepped in between Jean and Zed. Unreasonable though it was, Jean was still inevitably upset about it.

"Well, it is meant to be a gift for you, so everything related to it is up to you." With that, Zed reached out and took a hold of Jean's hand.

"But I don't know anything about business. If Julie is an expert, you could try to work with her." Jean continued to tempt Zed, looking at him with a subtle smile on her face.

Zed could see through her smile. Evidently, she was just trying to feel him out.

He looked up at Julie and said, "I don't have any plans for the hotel yet. When the right opportunity arises, I will consider your proposal."

"I've an idea. We happen to be free today so why don't we brainstorm and talk it through right now?" Julie offered again.

Zed was now having trouble responding to her. Saving him, James appeared out of the kitchen. He wiped the water off his hands and asked Julie, "I'm done, Julie. Should we head back? I'll drop you."

Julie's smile suddenly froze. James had come out at a bad time.

But she had no choice. She nodded sadly and replied, "Alright, let's go." Without saying goodbye to Jean and Zed, she headed straight to the door.

Noticing that she was upset, James ran after her, took her hand and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you say you wanted to go home early?"

"Yeah, that's right. Are you going to bring the car over here?" Julie asked, trying to avoid James.