Chapter 838 Who Is The Mole

August could have easily bought Cody, which only showed how much of a rogue he was.

It would be difficult to deal with him.

Zed didn't respond to her. Jean could tell that Zed was worried. "Zed, don't worry. If necessary, we just won't go out."

"Jean..." Zed sighed. "Just being inside doesn't mean we're safe. Besides, you're my wife. If I can't guarantee your safety, then that would make me an undeserving husband. I was a bit reckless this time."

"Zed, we went out last night because grandpa asked us to. But the night market was Jesse's idea. Did you consider that she might have something to do with this?" Jean looked at Zed, admitting her suspicion.

When she was kidnapped, it was all she could think about.

They just arrived at Imperial Capital yesterday. Only their close families knew that.

It was Jesse's idea to go to the night market, which only added to Jean's suspicion.

In addition to that, when she arrived at the Qi family's house, she didn't leave right away as planned. It was as if she knew grandpa would ask Zed to take them out.

When they went out, she took them to the night market. At that time, Jean recalled how different Jesse was acting—she was warm and friendly.

Jean had every reason to doubt her.

Zed and Jean weren't as familiar with the night market as Jesse since they just arrived.

Kirk, who was with them when it happened, had been in Switzerland before this visit. Even when he came back to visit, he never went to the night market alone.

Only Jesse knew the night market by heart, which naturally made her the most likely suspect.

Kidnapping Jean in the dressing room was a brilliant idea.

Zed couldn't follow Jean into the dressing room which gave the kidnappers an allowance of several minutes to leave the premises.

A perfectly conducted crime.

Jean Wen sacrificed herself for family interests. Before her husband divorced her, she made every effort to please him.

"You are inexperienced in bed," he said coldly.

"You! Give that land to my family, or I won't agree to divorce," Jean replied furiously.

"Fine. It is exactly what I am thinking about," he sneered.

me from my house. My grandpa had heard that you were back so he asked me to check on you," Jesse said with a relaxed smile pasted on her face.

"Please send my regards and gratitude to Grandpa Dan," Jean said courteously.

Zed must have heard the noise because he came to check who was at the door. "Jesse, come in!" he greeted.

"No need," Jesse waved him off. She turned to Jean and said, "Jean, you just came back. I think you two need some time to yourselves first. I'll leave you two alone."

Then, she grabbed Jean's hand and said with sincerity, "When you feel better, perhaps in a few days, my grandpa would like to invite you and Zed over to our home."

The last thing Jean expected from Jesse was this intimate grabbing of the hand. She was taken aback and unsure how to respond.

Zed saw that Jean was starting to get embarrassed, so he piped in, "Sure, in a few days, I'll take Jean to visit Grandpa Dan."

Jesse glanced at him and nodded. "All right, that's all I went here for today. I'll leave now."

Then she left.

Jean had a puzzled look on her face as she watched Jesse leave. When she and Zed went back into the room, she said, "Jesse's changed so much since I came back safe."