Chapter 761 John Is Leaving

"What's going on?" Jean said with a smile when she noticed that John remained silent and just stared at her. "Are we strangers now that we haven't seen each other in such a long time?"

"Ha-ha," John chuckled awkwardly. "Yes, we haven't seen each other for too long."

Ever since Jean had left the company, they lost contact with each other. The only way that he heard anything about Jean was from the newspapers and the news on TV.

Nevertheless, he still had a soft spot in his heart for her.

"Maranda would be very happy to know that you came to her wedding," Jean said, smiling happily back at him.

John appeared like the same person that she knew from way back then, aloof and detached. But in fact, he cared a lot about her.

Time flew by.

The past flashed back in her mind. Everything was as vivid as if it happened yesterday.

However, it was such a long time ago and many things had changed since then.

John turned to watch Maranda who was standing on the stage with her new husband. "We never thought that she would be the first one to get married," he said with a pleased expression on his face.

"You're right. It was quite unexpected." Jean smiled. "What about you? Do you have someone in your life?"

John looked awkward and shook his head.

"Come on. You're not young anymore. You should be with someone." Jean spoke to him as if she was his elder sister.

"Sure, I will, when I meet someone right." John nodded at Jean.

Jean felt very happy to see him again after such a long time.

However, John felt awkward and somewhat lost for words.

They spent some more time catching up and then John said goodbye and left.

Jean watched as John's tall figure disappeared into the distance.

'This man has once been in my life. But now we have moved on, each gone our separate ways.

Even though we both live in the same city, it is rare for us to bump into each other, ' thought Jean.

"What are you looking at?" Zed's voice snapped Jean back to the present.

"I just saw a colleague of mine from my previous employment," Jean said sighing. "I thought we would have had a lot t

“Do you still want to run away after what happened last night?”

Their relationship changes overnight. She tries to keep her distance from him, while he comes closer and closer.

Spoiling her, he gives her everything she desires. His only wish is to keep her around. The whole world is envious of what she has.

“Never rush in a relationship,” she says calmly.

"Since you know that, you should know what else I'm afraid of. Who knows, Sonny may call Grandpa afterwards and tell him that I called him to ask for the flight time of a male colleague. If Grandpa misunderstands the intention behind that, both you and I will be in trouble."

"Okay, you are right, you are being very careful," Zed sighed.

"Shouldn't I be? In this circle, who is so pure, innocent and kind?" Jean rolled her eyes at Zed.

"Alright. I got what you meant. I'll call Sonny in a moment." Zed had to compromise.

"Thanks." Jean nodded with satisfaction and followed after Zed.

After the wedding, all the guests moved to the neighboring banquet hall and the bride and groom started to toast.

Just as Jean and Zed were chatting, Maranda had been to the dressing room and changed into a red cheongsam. She walked towards Jean with a big smile.

"Maranda you are so stunning today," Jean said, complimenting her.

"Thank you," Maranda said, giving Jean a big hug.

"Where are you going for honeymoon after the wedding?" Jean asked curiously.

'If Ron and Marada are going on their honeymoon tomorrow, perhaps it's best that I don't tell her about John leaving

so that it doesn't spoil her mood.

After all, Maranda once had a crush on John and

it's difficult to tell how much it may affect her now.

But at the very least she would feel regret for his leaving, ' Jean thought.