Chapter 743 You Are Wrong

Night had fallen when Moore arrived. Braking the car at the front of the mansion, he looked up at how beautifully it was lit. An aura of serenity persisted in its shadows, asserting a certain sense of grandeur to the entire street.

Hands still at the steering, he clenched his jaw. His eyes seemed tinted with the pale moonlight, a subtle glow of sadness reflected in them.

He shut them and inhaled deeply, allowing himself to relax. Finally, he got out of the car and headed towards the mansion.

While he was taking his shoes off in the vestibule, Zed appeared, greeting him with a smile.

"Moore, it's you!" He smiled and greeted him.

Moore looked up at Zed, forced a smile and nodded. "Hey... Zed, Thank you for today." He tried to be naturally good to Zed but it was just so hard, especially when he treated him so warmly.

"Oh, you're always welcome," he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Anyway, Jean's pretty angry. Be careful."

"Yes, I know." Moore put on his slippers and followed Zed into the living room.

Jean sat lazily in the recliner, arms curled around a pillow in her lap with her chin resting on it.

She turned as soon as she heard footsteps. Seeing Moore approaching her with Zed, she said placidly, "Oh, look who it is! Come, have a seat."

Okay, that was a good start. He was expecting her to scold him right away. Even though something about her was off putting, she seemed quite composed.

The space between them felt thick with all the ghosts from the past, but none of them addressed it. He had confessed to Jean about his feelings for another girl and she had successfully paired him up with Avery. But, here he was, single again. His relationship with Avery had ended.

Outside, he had already prepared himself for immediate scolding.

And here she was, greeting him. Hmm. An interesting truce situation. Yet, he looked at her expectantly as if asking to be reprimanded.

"Why are you still standing? You've come here to pose, is it? Acting like a handsome, good-looking model?" Seeing Moore stand there like a stupid stump, Jean couldn't suppress her anger a

When her sister ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to marry Charles.

His name had been linked to innumerable ladies.

He had different girlfriends for every day of a year.

Autumn had never thought that she would fall in love with him.

is, I can't fall in love with Avery. I am sorry, Jean. I broke up with Avery, but maybe it freed both of us."

Moore looked at her reassuringly and continued, "Now, please stop worrying about it."

"Moore, are you implying that I overstepped a boundary?" she asked, her tone somewhere between interrogating and accusing.

She ended with a cold chuckle and cast a serious look at him. "So, you came here today to warn me not to meddle in the business between the two of you, right?"

"Jean..." Moore was shocked. Where was this coming from? He was so taken aback that he looked at Zed, begging for help through his eyes.

Zed simply stared back with his gaze profoundly and shook his head. He couldn't help him.

Moore felt helpless. His face dulled as he shut his eyes in remorse and guilt.

He'd been so wrong.

The very first mistake was that he accepted Avery despite loving Jean because of her persisting.

But now, to break it off was becoming so difficult.

He wondered what Avery had said to her that it made her so mad at him and so defensive for her.

"What?" Jean asked. "You've got nothing to say, huh?" Moore's silence made Jean angrier and even more frustrated. Coldly, she declared, "I don't care about what you think and what you are up to. You have broken Avery's heart, so you are in the wrong. That's it. You have to apologize to Avery, sincerely, for her to forgive you."