Chapter 737 Why Are You Doing This

Jean thought that Juan and Tina would be able to work everything out that came up between them, together, as long as they loved each other.

She was wrong. After Tina had tried to kill herself by overdosing on sleeping pills, she had changed totally.

All that she wanted was to leave. To leave Juan's family and to leave Juan.

Jean couldn't persuade her otherwise.

Juan, on the other hand, wasn't even trying. He was trapped in his anger and wanted Tina to leave as soon as possible.

It looked like everything was going wrong.

Jean squeezed out a bitter smile and turned to Tina. She was staring blankly at the door with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Tina..." Jean went to Tina and sighed, "I know you don't really want to leave him. So why are you insisting? Why are you doing this? Saying you don't care and that you want to leave? You can see how much that hurt Juan. I have never seen him so sad like that before.

You know... Yesterday, as soon as I sent you to the hospital for emergency treatment, I called Juan. When he heard that you were in the hospital, he fell off the bed and rushed straight to the hospital without getting himself cleaned up. Then he stayed here with you for the whole night. I believe you can sense his feelings for you.

Thank goodness, at last he knows how much he loves you and decided to hold you tight. So why don't you give him a chance and to yourself as well? Ask yourself. Don't you want to be with him? Don't you want to live a happy life with him forever? I know you do, am I right? One important thing in a woman's life is to find a man who loves her as much as she loves him, and to have a wonderful life together.

I don't know what's going on in your mind and why you are doing this. But Tina, as a woman who has experienced this, I hope you can go back to the right path. Your decision could destroy your life, as well as Juan's. Can you guarantee that you will be happy after you leave the place where you have s

When her sister ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to marry Charles.

His name had been linked to innumerable ladies.

He had different girlfriends for every day of a year.

Autumn had never thought that she would fall in love with him.

means. But for so many years, he's never fallen for any other women. Do you know what that means? From the very beginning, he has loved no one else but you. I doubt that you can think of another reason.

So how can you say that you know him well since you failed to figure out who he loved? Men are different from women. They are good at hiding their emotions. Plus, your relationship with Juan is not like others. If it weren't for the incident last night, Juan would never have known his true feelings for you.

Tina, I'm not denying your familiarity with Juan. All that I'm telling you about is the most mysterious and wonderful thing in this world, love. I hope you can think twice before making any decisions. Will you regret it later if you let Juan go? Have you thought about Juan's feelings? Imagine how he would suffer without you."

"That's enough, Jean," Tina said. "I know that if I leave, I will spend my whole life regretting it. But in this way, I can set Juan free from the restraint that his family has imposed on him. This is the last thing I can do for him.

Juan has no interest in business, fortune or power. He likes being free and traveling around the world. This is what he wants, a life I can't offer. Fulfilling his wish will have been the best thing that I could have ever done for him."