Chapter 735 Why Are You Being So Silly

'Am I still in coma? Is it because of this that I can hear such a melodious voice from Juan?

If so, my dear god, bless me to not come to myself!' thought Tina, who had just regained her consciousness after a coma.

After Juan spoke extensively, Tina chose to remain silent. Getting no reply from Tina, he involuntarily looked back. He was greatly shocked to see whatever was that he saw. He hurriedly ran out of the room yelling, "Doctor... Doctor..."

When Zed and Jean returned to the Qi Mansion, they ate whatever they could lay their hands on. A little while later, they climbed upstairs and retreated to their bedroom.

Jean still appeared very feeble perhaps because of the recent episode of food poisoning.

Hence, she threw herself on the bed as soon as she came out of the bathroom. Not being able to resist her exhaustion, she tried her level best to fall asleep. Unfortunately, all she did was to stare at the ceiling, as though her mind was hungry for some answers.

As Zed came out after having taken a relaxing shower, he noticed Jean who had fixated her gaze on the ceiling, as though something ruined the peace of her mind constantly.

"What's wrong? Are you still worried about Juan and Tina?" asked Zed, as he crawled into their bed.

"Think about it. We are at home now. We have no information whatsoever regarding whether Tina has regained her consciousness or not. I still refuse to agree to the plan to leave Juan alone in the hospital with Tina,"

said Jean, quite anxious.

"Take it easy! I have ordered Toby to stay back there. If they are in need of any help, Toby will see to it that it is provided for," explained Zed.

Jean felt a little relieved to learn that Toby had been posted there to serve them.

She looked up at Zed and asked, "Zed, do you think Juan and Tina will ever confess their love for each other and get together after this incident?"

"On this occasion, Tina went to the extreme of having attempted to commit suicide for the sake of giving freedom to Juan. Due to that stupidity of hers, she's now battling for her life. If Juan remains confused regarding the authenticity of his feelings for Tina and still fails to render a proper title to the relationship they share, it would be really practically impossible for us to help him. But as far as I know, Juan will not fidget like a coward once he is certain about his love for Tina. Hence, we must all loosen up our minds a little and take it easy. Let's not think too much!"

Jean nodded firmly.

But on the other hand, Zed still seemed to be hiding something inside his heart that he badly wanted Jean to know about. He hesitated at first, but soon enough, he decided to speak to Jean about his concern. "However, I must say, something else is bothering me."

"Are you worried that Tina has a high probability to suffer from residual symptoms and trauma? Didn't the doctor claimed that there existed only minimal chances for that complication to occur?"

"No, I am worried that Tina may be reluctant to accept Juan's confession after she regains her consciousness," replied Zed, his face depicting the seriousness of his worry.

"Why?" questioned Jean, who was shocked to hear what Zed had just said.

"As you've mentioned previously, Tina strongly wished to leave Juan. Thus, she

"Do you know what you did wrong? It's alright if you just wanted to own me. But you should not have helped Molly leave me!"

When Brian learns the truth, there is no chance for Hannah to win his heart.

Molly, who wants to run away from Brian, seems to be the only one to blame for Hannah's misfortune...

Zed right about Tina wanting to leave Juan after all?

If so, it would be a matter of profound regret, ' thought Jean.

Despite her hesitation to disturb them, Jean knocked at the door anyway. She didn't wish to leave any stones unturned in rescuing the relationship between Juan and Tina. Her knock woke Juan up.

Juan was startled to see Jean having come to the hospital so early. As he regained his consciousness from his sound sleep, he said in an embarrassed tone, "Sorry to trouble you, Jean. You have come to the hospital so early. I..."

Before Juan finished, Jean intervened saying, "I didn't come here to visit you. Don't get emotional."

She soon shifted her gaze to Tina and asked her gently, "Tina, how are you feeling now? Do you feel better? I asked Zelda to cook some insipid porridge for you. Did you get it?"

Tina shook her head and smiled meekly. "Thank you, Jean. I'm not hungry right now."

Upon hearing Tina greeting her in the usual cheerful manner, Jean was relieved.

'Perhaps, Zed was wrong. Tina still loves Juan deeply, and Juan now seems to realize his own deep affection for Tina. Thus, Tina has lost all reasons to abandon Juan.

Our last night's worries were misplaced, ' thought Jean.

As Jean was slowly regaining her hopes on the couple, she smiled unknowingly.

It took her quite a while to reach her conclusions. "Juan, you've been here looking after Tina throughout last night. You appear all exhausted. Now, you should go and get some rest.

I will be here with Tina."

Juan was unsure how he was to respond to Jean's masterstroke suggestion. He replied hastily, "No, I am not tired. It is my duty to take care of Tina. How can I ask you to substitute for me? Besides, you are still pregnant. We all are eagerly awaiting the baby's birth. So, maybe you should take care of yourself, so that Zed can remain peaceful thinking about you."

Hearing Juan's wit filled rebuttal, Jean decided to tease him. "You are refusing, only because you want to be with Tina. You don't want to leave her. Am I right? Don't take me for a fool."

Thanks to Jean's merciless tease, Juan blushed. Immediately, he looked away from Jean and stole a glance at Tina.