Chapter 712 The Crayfish Incident

Jean was taken aback but she politely accepted the gift with a "thank you", and cast a defiant glance at Juan.

"I hope you like it. I didn't know much about what you liked." Tina smiled with her eyes fixated on Jean.

"I definitely like it,"

Jean replied meaningfully.

In her eyes, Tina was a pretty woman and a smooth talker. Not only did she speak Chinese much better than Juan, but she was also a lot more considerate of others.

It was hard for Jean to figure out why Juan didn't like such a perfect woman.

She herself couldn't stop admiring this beauty after a mere glance at her.

Jean had always known that although generally, women from western countries didn't look as gentle as oriental women, yet their highly distinguishable facial features and fair white skin were impressively beautiful in her eyes. And in Tina's case, even her blue eyes were shining like oceanic sapphires.

Had she been Juan, she would never have pushed Tina away.

Was Juan out of his mind?

Wasn't it true that men listened only to their private parts?

What on earth was the matter with Juan then? Why was he pushing away Tina and controlling himself in front of her?

Maybe it was true that people never cherished the present.

She definitely needed to have a talk with Tina in private, which would be far easier if Tina were to stay in a hotel.

Her initial plan was to let Tina stay in her house, but on second thoughts, Jean changed her mind now, and stayed quiet all the way as Juan drove to the Hilton Hotel.

Since it wasn't peak traffic time, they reached there quite soon.

Juan led the two of them through the grand hall of the hotel and headed towards the canteen.

"Jean, the Chinese dishes here are extraordinary. You have to try some,"

Juan told her as he walked in the lead.

Jean wanted to refuse because she had only just had breakfast at home. But it was about lunch time, and her eagerness to meet Tina had cost her appetite in the morning. She had only eaten a little.

And besides, the point was to chat with Tina, not gobble the kitchen up.

Jean agreed silently. She took a seat and

When her boyfriend betrayed her, all light and joy was gone from Cherry’s life. Deserted, bereft of hope, she married a man that she had barely met, but she had never expected him to be her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

Cherry thought that she had finally found her happiness, but she had no idea about the dark secrets that were bound to unfold and haunt her forever...

na had already peeled several crayfish and put them carefully in Jean's bowl.

Jean picked the chopsticks up and directly began eating. She praised Tina as she ate, "Tina, you really are an expert at this!"

"You can have some more if you like, Jean." Tina was all smiles as she put more crayfish in her bowl.

Jean nodded, and continued eating without saying a word.

Tina continued peeling and Jean kept on eating. And Juan kept on drooling.

It was not until Jean had eaten them all up that Juan felt something was wrong.

Most of the crayfish had gone into his stomach, so Jean had not eaten too much anyway, but, why did he have a feeling that Jean was not pleased with him?

What was going on?

Wasn't she supposed to be on his side?

Juan was confused. He took a sip of water, stood up and asked Jean, "Jean, you enjoy yourself. Please excuse me. I need to go to the toilet."

Jean didn't lift her head. She nodded and continued eating her crayfish.

After Juan left, Jean looked at Tina and sighed, "That's enough, Tina. You are his fiancee, not his slave. Why are you doing this kind of dirty work for him? Doesn't he have his own hands?"

Tina seemed to know that Jean was going to say these words, and she was as calm as a windless lake. She replied softly, "I've got used to it. I've been peeling crayfish for him for twenty years now. You can say that this habit is second nature to me."