Chapter 692 Is It Worth The Risk

Zed and Jean looked like two conspiratorial thieves, sitting next to each other. Jean looked at Zed and smiled in a knowing way. But when she saw his approving eyes, she suddenly felt shy.

Juan was cornered. Zed inwardly was feeling jubilant but too care not to betray their mischief. Rather, he smiled at Juan and said, "Juan, you do know that you're just humiliating yourself, don't you? I've told you that I won't inform them about my marriage at this point. As long as you keep it a secret, they won't find out you knew. Why are you still persuading Jean to help you? My girl is not as easy to deal with as you had expected. So stop now if you plan to take advantage of her."

"I..." Juan screwed up his face and said wearily, "Zed, Jean, have you really decided to sacrifice me on the altar of your happy life?"

"Or do you have a better option?" Zed asked smilingly with a twinkle in his eyes.

Jean bent her head over her meal. The exchange between Zed and Juan was proving to be most entertaining and she couldn't help smirking.

But what Zed had just said made Juan shake his head and somewhat even sadder.

"Well, Juan," This hadn't gone by unnoticed, especially not by Jean. She comforted him in a soothing tone, "Juan, now that you don't have a better option, just face it bravely. Come on, have your noodles now, or they'll get ruined very soon."

"I seem to have lost my appetite," said Juan. He pushed his chair back and stood up to take his leave. He promptly wiped his mouth with the table napkin, and then went out.

As soon as Juan was out of sight, Jean burst into laughter. She laughed so hard that tears ran down her face.

"Could you try not to enjoy this so much? You are becoming naughtier by the minute," said Zed as he looked at Jean with affection in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk. Mr. Qi, please remember that to some extent, you are the one I learned all this from," replied Jean. Then she looked at Zed and asked happily, "Are you really having the heart to let Juan face the anger of other friends?"

"No, no. Of course I don't. I won't take it that far," replied Zed in a heartbeat. He continued, "I am just teasing him. This will stay between us. Come on! I won't have other people get involved. Anyhow, I've already got a solution."

Sigh! Jean was happy that an end to their shenanigans was in sight. Of course, she had enjoyed this to the hilt but seeing Juan suffer was also making her secretly guilty.

After all these months, Zed could read Jean like an open book. He knew the ups and downs of her emotions already. He took her hand in his to assure her that it was all done in good spirit. A m

When her boyfriend betrayed her, all light and joy was gone from Cherry’s life. Deserted, bereft of hope, she married a man that she had barely met, but she had never expected him to be her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

Cherry thought that she had finally found her happiness, but she had no idea about the dark secrets that were bound to unfold and haunt her forever...

know that no matter what you do, you will always live by your principles. I am not worried about that at all."

'Juan believes that I still have my principles, '

thought Zed. After Juan finished, with a serious look on his face, Zed shook his head and sighed, "Juan, I am so happy that you still trust me just as you have always done. But sometimes, I have to explore some unconventional measures in these unusual times. I think you understand me, don't you?"

This was cryptic in a way that Juan didn't like. He stared at his friend hard and then asked in a trembling voice, "Zed, right now all you are thinking of is trying to make Jean happy, but are you sure it's worth the risk?"

Juan's astonishment made Zed think that if he continued to tease Juan like that, he could possibly lose his life.

Zed thought about how tricky the situation was. Of course, there had to be a way out with risks involved. He decided to take a chance based on the fact that Juan was a kind person. Zed decided to tell Juan the truth.

Inhaling a deep breath, he looked into Juan's eyes and said, "You are such a fool. Please use your intelligence, okay? Do you really believe I will put myself in a dangerous position for a woman I don't care about at all?"

"Then why are you trying to get me to set up a meeting for Shirley and her mother?"

Juan couldn't wrap his head around Zed's words. 'What did he mean by all this?' he thought.

"Although Shirley Wen had hired someone to kill her younger brother, the police didn't find any proof. Anyhow, the ringleader is... Shirley's former boyfriend. After the investigation and rounding up of all the criminals involved, her boyfriend knew nothing would save him so he confessed all his dirty secrets to the police. "