Chapter 617 Do Remember To Give Him A Cold Shoulder

"And so, you mean that Juan has agreed with your straightforward requests, just because he wants to repay you for saving his life?" Jean asked stunned and in disbelief.

"Yes, that's one way of putting it. But in fact, I think he has agreed in that outright manner, mostly because he knows that I am married. So he wants to come here to see you," said Zed, furrowing his eyebrows. "I am not sure how and when I will be able to get away from him once he is here. I am sure he'll keep on pestering me. Jean, do remember to give Juan a cold shoulder."

"What?" Jean was completely taken by surprise. Wide-eyed, she asked, "Are you sure you are friends and not enemies?"

"You have to trust me. It will be extremely difficult for you to get away from him if you don't ignore him and take my advice," Zed replied with authority.

Jean cast a doubtful look at Zed, wondering if she should believe him or not. After spending some moments in silence, she responded, "Okay. I have got it. Don't you have to go back to work? Then, you go first!"

"Well, then you..." Zed deeply cared about Jean and was worried where she was heading next. With her in this condition, her safety and comfort were always on the top of his mind. But before he could drop the question on her, Jean replied, "I am going back home." Noticing Zed's concern, Jean exclaimed, "Zed, you can begin to relax, you know! Toby will be with me."

"Okay. Then, I am leaving first," answered and nodded Zed in agreement. Zed embraced Jean tightly in his arms to feel her. Some minutes passed by, but to Zed it felt as if he had to pry his hands from her body to get himself to part. At last, he walked towards his car, got into the driver's seat and drove away.

Zed's sudden going away jolted Jean out of the reverie of thoughts she was lost in. She didn't start to walk outside until Zed's car was out of her sight.

When she reached the gate, she found Toby waiting for her to drive her around in their attractive Bugatti car.

Unknowingly, Jean smiled seeing the irony. Toby's prompt appearance just at the mention of his name made her feel suspicious. Seeing this part of her life, she speculated if Toby had mounted a tracker in her.

Jean wondered why Toby always showed up in front of her on time even when she didn't call him.

After Jean got into the car and sat comfortably, Toby politely asked, "Mrs. Jean, are you going home?"

Jean had originally planned to go back, but the atmosphere between them was suddenly uneasy. Toby's

“Do you still want to run away after what happened last night?”

Their relationship changes overnight. She tries to keep her distance from him, while he comes closer and closer.

Spoiling her, he gives her everything she desires. His only wish is to keep her around. The whole world is envious of what she has.

“Never rush in a relationship,” she says calmly.

nd. Thrilled to have finally placed him, she stared at Ronald in shock and asked, "You are the fat boy Ronald? How can that be possible? When you were a little kid, you were so fat that it was hard to make out the shape of your eyes. How did you become so..."

"Exactly, that boy was me." As Jean tried to digest this bizarre truth, Ronald revealed a happy smile and continued, "How time flies! It has been 15 years since we met last time. You were still a little girl when I left. But now, you have grown up to be graceful, sweet and beautiful..."

"I wasn't a little girl," Jean retorted disapprovingly. "Compared to my batchmates, I wasn't little at all, or else how would I have been able to help you when I saw that you were ridiculed for being overweight."

"Yes, I don't know how much of confidence I would have lost if it hadn't been for you. I really regretted my parents immigrating to Canada. When I got to know that I was going to leave you, I cried for three days and nights. I even went on a hunger strike to get them to not move to Canada. In the end, of course, I failed. 15 years have passed, Jean,"

Ronald sighed deeply.

"But how did you recognize me at first sight?" asked Jean visibly confused.

"I can never forget your eyes," replied Ronald with a gentle smile. He added, "When I was bullied and pinned to the floor, it was you that suddenly showed up and saved me. As I looked up, your bright and warm eyes first came into my view. And so, how can I forget your eyes no matter how long we haven't met or how you look now? But Jean, your face has hardly changed. 15 years have passed, but I could still recognize you as soon as I saw you."