Chapter 581 I Need An Answer

Gary glanced at Jean with gratitude. Gracefully, he took the cup from the table and had a sip. Then he put the cup down and smiled at Jean, "Do you like having tea?"

"Mr. Bai, you won't believe it, but it's my first time," Jean replied graciously with a smile.

"Really?" Gary took a look at Jean in surprise. Then he nodded, "Well, nowadays, fewer and fewer young people like to have tea."

Gary said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Moore took after his father. Jean could tell right away that Gary was a handsome man when he was younger. Inevitably, old age had taken its toll on him.

But she felt sorry for him now.

"I don't need anything from you," Moore said those words with so much anger.

Gary was shocked for a moment but composed himself right away. He then looked at Moore and replied with a weak smile, "I see."

"You asked to see me. What did you want to say?" Moore frowned and asked with a stern voice.

"I know Hanley had seen and talked to you. Moore, you must listen to me. Don't do as he told you to," Gary pleaded with Moore, hoping he would obey him.

"And why should I do that?" Moore looked at Gary with no trace of affection. His coldness towards him made other people want to think he was just talking to a stranger.

"I understand that you don't want anything to do with the Bai family. Moore, you're my son. I won't put you in harm's way. Please trust me on this," Gary begged Moore.

"You won't put me in harm's way? Don't you remember what you put me through many years ago?" Moore cried with resentment to his father. He raised his voice and glared at him.

Jean felt shaken to see Moore this way.

And she dared not to stop him. Doing so would only make the matter worse.

Tight-lipped, she could only look at Moore nervously.

"I..." The look on Gary's face had softened

When her sister ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to marry Charles.

His name had been linked to innumerable ladies.

He had different girlfriends for every day of a year.

Autumn had never thought that she would fall in love with him.

his sadness with a frail smile.

He would rather keep the pain in his heart than to tell Moore the truth.

Zed gazed steadily at Gary and all he saw was sadness in his eyes.

He then wondered, 'What was the reason? Why does Gary need to keep it a secret?

He would rather face his son's wrath than tell him the truth. Why?'

Jean didn't see the change in Gary's expression. So after Gary said what he needed to say, she was angry.

"So, you would rather let Moore live a life full of misery than tell him the truth. Am I getting it right? I was wrong. I thought you were kind and I even convinced Moore to accept you no matter what had happened. You are his father and there must be reasons why you abandoned him. Mr. Bai, please don't tell me we came here for nothing, okay? I really want to help you,"

Jean said, looking at Gary intently.

Moore's face had already turned white with shock. He stared at Gary and he didn't hide his disappointment from him.

He knew his father and how brutal he could be.

If only he would give Moore an answer and admit to his fault, then he would be able to move on from the misery he had experienced for so long.

Moore blamed Gary for all the bad things happened to him.