Chapter 543 It's Been A Long Time

Moore was confused!

Jean was dragging him into one brand store after the other and wouldn't stop. She just kept asking him to try some suits out. Initially, he thought that she was trying to buy clothes for Zed and had asked him to come along since Zed himself was busy and Jean needed someone for a helping hand. But this...!

After he had tried out a few suits, a satisfied smile finally came up on Jean's face, seeing which, Moore was finally relieved that it was over now. But it wasn't!

When they reached the cash counter, Jean bought every single suit that he had tried on and dumped them all in front of him, "These are your gifts! Take them. And no. I've already paid for them so you can't say no."

Hesitation was wriitten all over Moore's face but Jean was right.

She had already paid for these clothes and it would make her look bad if he refused them all.

Moore didn't have a choice but to accept them all. But he took them with a warning to her, "All right, I will take these. But no more! I will accompany you for shopping today onwards but you aren't allowed to buy something for me anymore."

"You have my word." Jean smiled, "Rest assured, I won't do this again. I'm tired now, so let's head back!"

"Won't you buy anything for yourself?" Moore asked in surprise.

"Today? No. My belly isn't big enough so it's too early for maternity dress. Also, the season is changing, so I think I will wait. Besides, many of my clothes at home still have their labels on."

Jean shook her head and replied.

Hearing that, Moore nodded in agreement, "Let's head back! I should have known, you know... If I were smarter, I would have known that the sole purpose of you taking me to the mall was to buy me some clothes."

Moore smiled bitterly.

"You have been a great company to me. Buying you some clothes is just something I can do to return the favor. We're all friends, aren't we?"

Jean smiled.

Though Moore smiled back in return, but letting Jean buy clothes for him was making Moore somehow uncomfortable.

They walked out together and as they made their way to the gate, Jean saw Eva and stopped walking.


Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...


Jean smiled bitterly and replied, "I just think that after the incident with Calvin, it's not fair for you."

"Why do you think it's unfair for me?" Moore couldn't help but laughed.

"Hanley threatened you with this, asking you to give up the Bai family's property, do you think it's fair? You don't have to give up that much just for some irrelevant person!" Jean got emotional.

"First of all, though this Hanley was suspicious of getting behind this, it was me that made the deal with Hanley. Secondly, Jean, you should understand that I don't want a dime from the Bai family. No matter how much one half of Bai property is, it has nothing to do with me."

Moore looked at Jean seriously.

"I know." A bitter smile showed on Jean's face. "How can I not know what you are thinking about. But, I think it should not be you who has to deal with this."

"You and Zed are my friend, your trouble is my trouble. Frankly, I really want to thank you."

Moore smiled at Jean.

"What do you mean? I don't understand." Jean looked at Moore confusedly.

"I don't want the Bais to get into my life and bother me with their troubles. It's been more than once that I have expressed my stand, but they still don't believe me or leave me alone. With this incident, I finally got some leverage to bargain with and Hanley listened. Now, I think I will have more undisturbed time. So, do you think I should thank you for this?"