Chapter 531 Stalking

Ron held Maranda in his arms and comforted her, "Maranda, don't take this too seriously. I think Jean didn't mean it."

"No, she did mean it!" Ron's comfort didn't work. The moment the words came out of his mouth, Maranda started crying.

Jean didn't expect that Maranda would be hurt about this. She suddenly felt she was at a loss so she comforted Maranda, "Don't cry, Maranda! It's my bad! It's all my fault! No one ever said that the baby can't have more than one sworn father and sworn mother, right? Zed and I are grateful to have your care and love for our baby! Don't cry, okay?"

"Are you saying that you agree me to be your child's sworn mother?" Maranda stopped crying and looked at Jean.

"It'll be our honour!" Jean smiled at Maranda.

"And you didn't say that because I cried? Do you feel sorry for me and that is why you've agreed on this?" said Maranda as she was concerned

Jean wanted to roll her eyes but instead smiled, "Of course not! You will definitely be the best sworn mother for my child. I am happy!"

"Oh yeah! Ron, did you hear that? I have a sworn son now! And that's Jean's child! I'm so happy!" exclaimed Maranda as she held Ron excitedly. A big smile crept across her face.

Ron couldn't help but smile tenderly as he saw how excited Maranda was.

Jean was touched as she saw how Ron was tenderly looking at Maranda.

A person would tolerate everything of the person who he or she loved the most.

Maranda acted like a child sometimes but Ron loved her despite of her childish acts.

Earlier, Jean was worried about Maranda because of what happened with Kelly.

Now she relaxed a bit as she saw the scene in front of her eyes.

She leaned her head on Zed's shoulder and asked gently, "Zed, will you blame me for making decisions without asking you first?"

"This is our b

It all starts on that fateful night.

When Ella, who is the dear sister of Samuel’s best buddy, sneaks into the hotel where the drunken Samuel resides and gets pregnant…

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I did no such thing!"

Ella jumped on the bed and cried out. “I don’t want a scheming woman as my wife. Just sign the paper...

in front of us!" Jean was annoyed as she heard his ironic tone. She got angry and said, "You are now in your thirties, so do something with your age, okay? Act maturely or you will always be taken as a freak! Disgusting! Let's go, Moore!"

Ignoring Hanley, Jean took Moore with her, towards the tent.

"You!" Hanley furiously came up with the words to fight back but only to find that they were already gone.

"Moore! Jean! We are not done!"

He clenched his teeth.

"Jean, you scolded him. Aren't you worried that he will take revenge for that?" Moore asked with concern as he walked with Jean.

"Hanley? Now?" Jean didn't slow down until they were far away from Hanley. She shook her head and said, "He won't! Hanley is smart enough to not mess with Zed and do something that will hurt him. At least not now. So he only has to bear that!"

Moore got lost in thoughts when he heard that. After some time, when he found Hanley indeed was not following them, he said to Jean awkwardly, "I didn't expect him to show up. Sorry for causing you trouble!"

"What trouble?"

Zed walked towards them and asked.

"I went back to look for Moore, guess who did I run into?" asked Jean as she walked toward Zed.