Chapter 485 Who Are You

"Edna, you've married the best man in the world. Why are you still not satisfied? Why do you bring disgrace to yourself?" Edna was still being stubborn, so Jade said angrily,"You and Gary have been a couple for twenty years. You even have a son together. But you have feelings for another man. Do you think that's fair to your husband?"

"Jade, stop lecturing me! I still want to thank you though." Edna paused, took a deep breath and stared at Jade. "If not for you, I wouldn't have led a luxurious life. What is love? Love is nothing! You can't just spend the rest of your life thinking about love."

As soon as Edna changed the subject, everyone was surprised.

Since she didn't value love at all, then what was she arguing about in the first place?

Twenty years were quite a lot, if she had this belief all those years ago, she wouldn't have suffered this much.

"Look at you! You and Sean must have lived a very unhappy life. Or you wouldn't have left your son and father at home while you were travelling by yourselves. Look at me! As I go out, everybody knows and respects me,"

said Edna, as she smiled.

All those present were astonished. Was she mentally ill?

"But thank you! I am what I am today because of you. So, I genuinely want to thank you today." As Edna finished talking, she smiled ferociously.

Zed furrowed and looked at Edna. He was worried.

Jean realised how serious the matter was, so she looked at Zed.

She saw Zed staring at Edna with a serious look as if he just realised how dangerous this could get.

"What tricks do you want to play?" Jade asked as she frowned.

"Trick? I just want you to know how powerful I am. I will make sure that the person who betrayed me suff

“Who does she think she is? I won’t marry her even if she is the last woman on earth,” said Hiram Rong.

“Marry into a family with tens of billions of assets? How lucky I am! I won’t be so foolish as to break off the engagement. At worst, I can receive money as part of the divorce settlement,” said Rachel Ruan.

Their great-grandfathers made a pact about their engagement a hundred years ago...

r because Edna said this.

She was thinking that maybe Edna hated Moore, which was why she said that.

Later when she saw the way Moore spoke to Edna and how Edna was afraid of him, she knew it was not just a guess but actually the truth.

Although Moore said that, she couldn't believe it.

Jade looked at Jean and Zed nervously.

"I only admitted that I'm from the Bai family, but I won't go back at any cost." Moore felt that there was no point in hiding his identity any more.

"I know a little about you. You got lost when you were a child. We tried to find you," said Sean and tried to ease the situation.

"Really?" said Moore as he was a little surprised.

"Yes!" Sean nodded and sighed. "It was a long time ago. You are all grown up now!"

"Sean, now is not the time to talk about this." Jade interrupted Sean and stared at Moore sharply. "Since you don't want to go back to Bai family, why did you even come back?"

"I just want to see my birthplace," Moore explained and smiled.

"Mother, it's my fault!" Jean hurriedly explained,"If I had not hit him, he wouldn't be here to suffer as he was not fully recovered."