Chapter 467 I Don'st Know You

Jean's mood was also infected by Gary's ambivalent state. Her heart was wrought by emotions that she could yet not decipher.

When she looked at Moore to see his reaction, she saw it pale and tense. And yet to Jean's surprise, it was all impassive. Not a single muscle twitched in his face betraying an iota of emotion.

'How is this possible?' wondered Jean.

In all their past conversations, whenever Moore talked about Gary, she could see his hatred for him outright as fury bubbled up inside him.

But now that he was face to face with the man that he hated most, Moore looked cool and indifferent.

Seeing him bury his feelings this way pained Jean.

Gary was his biological father, but he preferred to hide all his emotions from him.

Until now, Jean hadn't realized the complexity behind Moore's hatred of Gary.

A complex feeling seized her heart, and she reached to touch Moore by his wrist.

It was cold and stiff, as if all blood had drained from it.

Moore had been tightening his fists, but when Jean touched him, he felt a warm current course through his body right to his heart. It was as if his heart was being swept lightly by feathers, and his whole body softened.

He looked at his side to see Jean give him a reassuring smile. The corner of his lips turned ever so slightly to acknowledge her support.

Then Moore turned back to face Gary and regained his expressionless face. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't know you. Could you please let me through?" He was brutal and merciless as he said this.

Jean was applauding Moore in her heart. 'No one could have imagined that the legendary Gary would be treated like this one day.

His own son told him that he doesn't know him and treated him like a stranger.

Can anything be more frustrating than that?

It serves you right, Gary!

You are cruel and evil. You do everything for fame and fortune. You are reckless with greed. To pursue your career, you had no qualms in abandoning your own son...'

As she lambasted Gary in her heart, Jean tightened her grip on Moore's wrist. Moore, on the other hand, blithely ignored Gary's embarrassment and walked straight past him.

The truth be told, Jean was still in awe for Gary, the legendary figure of H C

“Who does she think she is? I won’t marry her even if she is the last woman on earth,” said Hiram Rong.

“Marry into a family with tens of billions of assets? How lucky I am! I won’t be so foolish as to break off the engagement. At worst, I can receive money as part of the divorce settlement,” said Rachel Ruan.

Their great-grandfathers made a pact about their engagement a hundred years ago...

n a knot in our hearts. But now you are an adult and can take care of yourself very well. I don't know what else I can do for you anymore. Nevertheless, whatever you want to do, I will spare no effort in supporting you. This is the only thing I can do for you. I hope you don't deprive me of my last plea."

Gary looked at Moore and implored Moore.

Jean was shocked. 'Clearly, this is the inner monologue of a father who loves his child deeply.'

There was doubt in her mind about Gary being innocent.

But then Jean thought it to be ridiculous.

'After all, Moore had clearly explained how Gary had abandoned him that year. How can Gary be wronged?

Prominent social figures are more tactful in controlling other people's minds than ordinary people.

Naturally, using such hypocritical words is a piece of cake for Gary.

Once Moore is moved by his plea and forgives him, his goal will be achieved.'

Such devious plans sent a shiver down Jean's spine. She concluded it was an impossible task to read the mind of someone like Gary.

'Is it necessary for him to try so hard to deceive even his own son?' wondered Jean.

Jean anxiously peered at Moore's face. She was dazed at seeing him this calm.

Moore's ruthless eyes completely saw through Gary as if he were a stranger.

It seemed that Gary's words had had no effect on Moore.

Instead, Moore had become more resistant and hardy to his tactics.

Jean felt it, and naturally Gary, who was facing Moore, felt it.