Chapter 404 Look Like A House Husband

"So what? She left because in her heart, she never wanted to be with Zack. She is ill-tempered and stubborn." Zed shook his head as he made his point.

Hearing Zed's disapproving words for Magnolia, Jean fell silent.

Now, she had more or less understood why Zed had been acting abnormally and weirdly today.

'Yes, once you miss the chance to convince the person you love to stay with you, life will never give you a second chance.

No matter what Zack and Magnolia went through, or how long Zack waited for her, the chance to stay together only comes once. If you miss it, it will be missed forever. Then, there will be no chance to make up for your mistake.

This is why Zed has changed his state of mind. No matter how angry he is with me, he is trying hard to seek forgiveness.

Clearly, he doesn't want to lose me just because of the misunderstanding between us.'

Mulling over these thoughts, Jean was overcome with affection for Zed.

Underneath Zed's tough exterior was a soft and tender heart. Jean realized that he greatly cared about her. As he found out that Jean was looking at him lovingly, Zed sported a pleasing smile in a flash and asked,"What do you want to eat? I will cook for you."

"You cook?" Jean was surprised. She just couldn't believe it was possible for Zed to cook.

"I feel it would be a great honor to cook for my wife. Of course, I can only cook something simple, may be spaghetti and toasted bread,"

Zed replied embarrassed.

There were times when Zed had cooked, though being born with a silver spoon had never let such a situation come up except when he was on foreign land.

"Then, just cook spaghetti!" While she was saying these words, Jean's eyes suddenly gleaned and she stared at Zed full of expectations.

"Okay. Sit there and relax. It'll just take a couple of minutes." Zed kissed Jean's forehead and looked deep into her eyes. Then, without further delay, he walked towards the kitchen.

Instead of just sitting there, Jean closely followed him and asked,"Why don't you ask Zelda to cook?"

"I have asked her to take a holiday before I came back. So now it is only the two of us at home." Zed put on the apron. He opened the fridge and searched for the ingredients as he chatted with Jean.

"Why?" asked Jean flummoxed by such a decision.

"I was not sure about you forgiving me. I knew you were very cross with me." Zed took cheese and bread out of the fridge and put them on the c

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...

laughed happily on hearing Jean's compliments. He added,"I didn't specially set out to learn cooking. But I liked eating my food when I stayed abroad. At times, I got hungry and worked too late in the night, leaving me with only one scenario for dinner — cook on my own. Thus, I cook only very few dishes."

"Zed, how can you be so multi-faceted?" Jean stared at Zed and said,"You cook occassionally, but your skills are so excellent that others could easily get jealous of you. They will surely spill blood if chefs know that someone like you is so excellent at cooking."

"Okay. That's enough. Don't flatter me anymore with words. I will cook for you again if you really like it." Zed smiled.

"That's great! You said it yourself!" Jean replied happily when Zed promised her that he would cook for her in the future.

"Hmm! Hurry up and eat it, or else it will get cold," Zed spoke to her while starting to eat too.

Jean ate up all the spaghetti on her plate. But, she wished for another serving of the lip-smacking pasta. It wasn't that she wasn't full, but her heart's desire was to savour more.

She felt that what she had just eaten was the most delicious food in the world.

Looking at this Jean, Zed felt funny. At the same time, a sense of pride filled his heart.

The woman he loved spoke so highly of his cooking skills. Zed felt happy to have cooked for her, although it had taken him a long time.

"Come and eat some fruits," Zed spoke to Jean after he presented the fruit sorter, another preparation that he had made for their dinner.

But before Jean could follow him, her mobile phone started ringing.