Chapter 375 I Am Not Used To Being Here

She was after all Zed's wife and it was a truth that couldn't be denied.

"How should I give back your love?" asked Jean in a flirtatious tone, as she looked into Zed's eyes smilingly.

Before the sound of her voice had died away, she was carried by Zed in his arms.

After a long time, Jean slowly opened her eyes and looked at Zed confusedly.

His handsome face came to her view and it looked slightly reddish. Feeling Jean's wistful eyes, Zed bent over to give her a big kiss. In a hoarse voice, he asked,"What's up?"

Jean shook her head and draped her arms around Zed's neck, heaving a light sigh.

After that, a drowsy feeling crept over Jean and she closed her heavy eyelids.

"Aren't you tired?" asked Jean, in a faint voice.

"No, I am not tired." With strong interest, Zed stared at his wife's tired-looking face.

"Oh, I am very sleepy and I must take a rest now..." Jean enveloped?her arms around Zed's waist to feel assured.

"Go ahead and sleep!" Zed whispered into her ear and held her tightly, warming her tiny body with his heat.

Luckily, the sofa was big enough to accommodate them.

But it was still a sofa and by no means as comfortable as a bed.

Afraid that Jean may fall from the sofa, Zed kept holding her to protect her.

Jean quickly entered a dreamland and her soft breath put Zed at ease, bringing a genuine smile on his face. While looking at her beautiful sleeping face, Zed felt satisfied.

Feeling lost admiring her cute face, Zed hadn't realized the time pass by. Suddenly

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...

e and I will not disturb you any longer. Please do remember to explain it to Jean when she wakes up. Bye!"

After saying that, Jesse left happily.

She could almost imagine how sour Jean's face would be when Zed intercedes on her behalf.

After he watched Jesse leave, Zed helplessly shook his head and turned to walk into the study.

When he found that Jean was still sound sleep, Zed carefully carried her and headed towards their bedroom.

On reaching their bedroom, he gently placed her on the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once the sound of flowing water came from the bathroom, Jean sat up and slowly opened her eyes. There was a dreamy look on her face and she was almost lost in thoughts.

In truth, she had woken up when she heard Jesse knocking Zed's study room.

Even though she hasn't heard their conversation, she guessed the reason behind Jesse's visit.

To Jean, it seemed like what happened tonight had aroused Jesse's fear. 'She is feeling threatened, ' thought Jean.