Chapter 304 The Truth

However, Zed had given him the order so Toby had no other choice but to obey.

After he briefly explained to Gregory and Terry about the matters that needed attention, he hurried off into the crowd, leaving the surprised men behind.

Meanwhile, Zed gazed out of the window. For a second, there appeared a thoughtful look on his face as if he was contemplating about a serious matter.

'Things are getting more and more complicated. I did not expect Moore to belong to the Bai family.

Now that Hanley knows about this, I can't stay at the hospital anymore.

But one thing is for sure now, no one will dare to hurt Jean as long as she is with Moore.

I thought I did a great job at considering everything, but it never occurred to me that Moore could be the son of such a big man.

Though I did not know Moore before, I've heard about him a long time ago from my grandpa.

Grandpa mentioned that Uncle Gary loves Moore very much. And Gary has been trying his best to get close to Moore using every chance he gets. But it turns out that Moore acts arrogant in front of Gary. There are some misunderstandings between Moore and Gary since Moore left for Chicago, so Moore doesn't give Gary a chance to explain.

Why is Moore back now?' wondered Zed.

Puzzlement was written all over his face. After a while, his thoughts took a different turn and there was a shift in his expression.

'Those are not the questions I should be thinking about.

In the beginning, I planned to protect Jean secretly at the hospital, but I don't see the point anymore.

Thankfully, she is completely safe in Moore's hands.

Moreover, those who want to set me up will have difficulties getting here as long as I am in the hospital.

My presence closes all the doors for them.

But then how will I find and catch those guys if I leave them no room for actions?

Fine, I guess I have to leave the hospital as soon as possible if I want to make some progress with this mission.

Moore Bai……' thought Zed with a smile.

As his mind reached the subject of Moore, there flashed a look of satisfaction in his eyes. 'I hope you don't disappoint me, ' Zed warned Moore inside his head.

-----"What did you just say?" asked surprised Jean. The information Moore gave was hard for Jean to digest. Puzzled look remained on Jean's face and her eyes widened. "Why do you say that you are not a skeleton in the closet? I don't get it. Or did I hear you wrong?" There was confusion written all over Jean's face.

'As an illegitimate child, shouldn't he be sorry about his own identity?

Or have I been misled by Hanley all this time?'

"So, you are not the bastard of

When her sister ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to marry Charles.

His name had been linked to innumerable ladies.

He had different girlfriends for every day of a year.

Autumn had never thought that she would fall in love with him.

profile in any orphanages. I was quite worried that the kind couple would find out that I was lying to them, so I nervously took them to one of the largest welfare houses. And to my surprise......"

Once again, Moore faltered in his speech but this time he looked more disappointed than nostalgic.

Judging from his facial expression, Jean formed an idea about what was coming next.

"To my surprise, after learning about the reason why my adoptive parents came with me, the dean gave them my profile. At that time, I had the biggest surprise of my life. There clearly was my name on the orphans list,"

Moore stated with anger evident.

"How come?" Jean shouted looked horrified.

"It's incredible, isn't it? I became a homeless orphan only after I had been away from home for a few days." As he was saying this, Moore looked up and laughed for a second. Then he suddenly stared Jean straight into her eyes and asked,"Is such a person qualified to be a father? No, he is not! Ever since he chose to give up upon me, I stopped to consider him my father."

"Moore, would it be possible that there are some misunderstandings?" Jean asked with a frown, still finding it hard to believe.

"What kind of misunderstanding would that be? He did this because he was about to marry Edna Huang at that time, the Mrs. Bai now. In truth, he badly wished to send me away. Or else I would become an eyesore in his perfect life. Under the circumstance, it was understandable that my name appeared on the list of the welfare house, right?" Seeing Moore's angry face, Jean was scared to say anything in Gary's defense.

'It is obvious that he really is sad about the past and there isn't much I can do to change that, ' thought Jean while she stood there with a helpless look.