Chapter 282 Waive The Inheritance of Family Property

"No, I have made up my mind." Moore shook his head and put a full stop to Jean's persuasion. "I want to stay here no matter how much family property I can inherit from them."

Hearing Moore's stubborn reply, Jean had no choice but to stop. She sighed feeling tired of trying to convince him.

Somewhere deep down she felt responsible because she was the one who persuaded him not to leave the H City with her tactful words. 'Moore is going to lose an enormous amount of money and I may have some part in it, ' she sighed.

Normally, Jean firmly believed that young people like them should struggle and make it big on their own. The idea of living off their parents' money appalled her.

However, Moore was new in this city and had very few friends here. With no one to help him, it would be hard. Some extra money could do wonders for him to settle down.

From her own experience, this place wasn't an easy place to live in. Her heart was filled with concern for her friend.

Going back to Chicago would have promised him a happy and enjoyable life. Judging by his clothing, Moore looked like a guy who enjoyed looking good.

It looked obvious that his adoptive parents weren't some ordinary people.

'Now because of my long-tonguedness, all his life will be completely different.'

At the thought of this, Jean felt remorseful and worried.

Because of her words, there would be a tremendous change in Moore's life.

She grimaced thinking about the hardships and struggles he would face.

"Alright! Since you have made your own choice, I don't want to say anything more, " Jean replied with a sigh, "I am your friend and will support you all the time no matter what choice you make."

"Jean, I am so glad to have you with me. You are the first friend I made since I came to the H City and I am thankful for that, " said Moore with a smile which was so genuine.

"In addition, it is my great honor that you consider me worthy of your friendship." As Jean heard these words from Moore, a charming smile danced on her lovely face.

Although their meeting happened due to the car accident, They had gradually gotten acquainted with each other and become very close friends.

Now Moore took his cellphone out of his pocket and made a phone call to his lawyer in Jean's presence.

To Jean's surprise, he would be so serious when talking to his lawyer.

His accent was authentic and his voice was vigorous. Listening to him, Jean felt as if she were listening to a melodic English song.

All of a sudden, her eyes gleamed with admiration

When her boyfriend betrayed her, all light and joy was gone from Cherry’s life. Deserted, bereft of hope, she married a man that she had barely met, but she had never expected him to be her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

Cherry thought that she had finally found her happiness, but she had no idea about the dark secrets that were bound to unfold and haunt her forever...

ce we are old. At least now I have time to build a new life."

"Ah..." Looking at Jean who trusted him enough to reveal this awkward situation, Moore felt it was his duty to console her. "Jean, it is great of you to think of it that way. And yet, I still hope that you and Zed could find a chance to sit together and clear your misunderstandings. After all, you are a couple, and there must be a way out."

"But It is him who acts so ruthlessly, not me." Jean frowned and added, "Anway I don't want to think about Zed now. For the time being, I just want to investigate the video incident. I did find some clues, but now I can't go out so I am stuck!."

"What clues do you have?" asked Moore showing signs of great interest.

After thinking for a while, Jean whispered to Moore about her findings and thoughts.

Upon hearing her words, Moore nodded and said, "Eva's friend is really suspicious. But now, both of us are in the hospital and it is inconvenient for us to go out. Thus, you need to find a trust-worthy friend for help. Jean, what do you think?"

Moore gazed at Jean and asked.

"Yes! Since I can't investigate them in person, I think it will be nice to ask someone for a favor." With her face glowing with excitement, Jean replied, "Moore! You are a life savior. Discussing things with you always helps me to find a solution ."

"But now, there is a problem. Who will you ask for the favor? Who is the most trustworthy person capable of doing this for you?" Looking very serious, Moore pointed out the fact and continued, "The video incident is not so simple. Any friend around you might be the one that wants to frame you. Jean, you have to keep an eye out and pick carefully..."