Chapter 219 Care For Another Woman

"Nothing important..." Jean shook her head, but Zed didn't fail to notice the indifferent look she had in her eyes.

"Jean, did you argue with Jesse this morning?" This question shocked her, and she found it hard to believe that Zed finally decided to ask her directly.

Jean knew Zed wasn't a fool but the confrontation was unexpected. Face darkening at once, Jean mustered courage and stared straight into his eyes.

"Please don't take me wrong. I Just want to know if things are fine because you look very unhappy." Zed regretted asking that question because it looked like Jean took the wrong meaning. "Jesse is just my sister, " he added in a hurry. "And no matter how she addresses you, you are her sister-in-law, " he assured Jean. "In life, she always gets what she wants, so she is a very spoiled girl. But her heart is pure. Please don't take her seriously..."


Jean wanted to laugh out loud. 'Forget sister-in-law. she doesn't even consider me her friend.

Zed, are you so oblivious to notice Jesse's feelings for you has changed over time?'

Jean stopped herself from revealing her real thoughts and just said, "I know." She wanted to tell him the truth about Jesse, but she thought it wouldn't do any good. She wished he would figure it out on his own.

"Are you blaming me for defending Jesse instead of you? Jean, you are my wife and my life, and Jesse is my sister. I love her, but I love you more and in a different way. No matter what happens, I'll support you throughout my life. You are mine, and I am yours forever."

In spite of his pure words, he noticed the reluctant look on Jean's face, so he hugged her tightly.

Jean was stunned, yet she couldn't believe his words completely. She looked up to him and asked, "Are you really mine?"

"Yes, I am 100 per cent yours." And the look he had on his face while he said this had sincerity and truth oozing from it.

Jean, who had been sceptical, got relieved after she saw Zed's sincere face. She couldn't help but smile back, "Okay. Since you have made it clear. I'll be very careful now."

A beautiful smile reappeared on Zed's face and Jean felt his whole body loosen up.

"Jean, thank you so much. I knew you would understand. And talking to each other is enough to resolve every problem in our life." Zed said this with the excitement of a 5-year-old as he embraced Jean tightly. He always hated seeing Jean sad, but now he felt confident that things would become alright.

The minute he wen

Jean Wen sacrificed herself for family interests. Before her husband divorced her, she made every effort to please him.

"You are inexperienced in bed," he said coldly.

"You! Give that land to my family, or I won't agree to divorce," Jean replied furiously.

"Fine. It is exactly what I am thinking about," he sneered.

ack tightened his lips in such a manner that blood started to ooze out. He looked like he had suffered injustice as he looked at Zed with a poor face.

Zed didn't show any sympathy at all to Zack. Instead, he held onto Jean's hand and sprinted away.

"What's the matter?" Jean asked with curiosity and tried to loosen his grasp as it started to hurt.

"Don't ask me. Let's just say he deserved it." It seemed to Jean that Zed didn't want to pursue the topic. As if to prove her thoughts right, he went to his deck chair and closed his eyes.

Thinking it was the right thing to do, Jean left Zed alone to rest. Yet she couldn't drop this subject, so her eyes looked out for Jesse.

She wandered around in search of Jesse but gave up after feeling tired. The journey had been long, and she needed rest too.

'Apparently, Jesse must be sad at something Zack did now.

Or has Jesse always hated him?

But wait, then why didn't Jesse stop Zed when he suggested inviting Zack?

Oh God! Did Jesse do that because she knew the party idea would upset me?'

Knowing that Jesse sacrificed her own peace of mind to torture Jean worried her.

'If Jesse is that good at scheming, then things would become worse after Eva's arrival.' Jean thought sighing unhappily.

"It's so crowded..."

A sweet flirty voice said. It woke Zed up, who just enjoyed few seconds of peaceful sleep.

As soon as Zed figured out who that was, all his worry came back to his face. "Why is she here?! Who invited her?!" he said in a panicky voice.

Jean's face turned pale immediately and she found it hard to lie to Zed.

This reaction from Zed was expected, yet she trembled.