Volume 11.5 commencement

Graduation ceremony on March 24

is also a large-scale activity for the third grade students to finish all courses and embark on the journey.

For other students in school, it's just a simple routine, but it's of great significance to me personally.

First of all, what I care about is the result of brother horibei to Nanyun.

I don't know if they're fighting to the end.

Is it horibai who can graduate from Class A, or is he defeated because of the intervention of Nanyun?

although it should have been known in yesterday's rest day, he didn't step out of the room because of what he had to do yesterday.

Anyway, I'm afraid we'll know the result today.

What's more, I'm simply interested in graduation.

Whether it's a graduation ceremony or a graduation ceremony, the first experience is naturally exciting.

It's almost time to go to school when I lock the door of my room and walk to school.

"Good morning. "

Qicheng, who met in the elevator, greeted me, and I responded softly.

Because the students of other classes are also there, we didn't have a special chat, so we walked quietly from the hall to the dormitory and walked side by side.

"Class C, who had not been promoted easily, returned to the starting point of one year, but the injury was not as serious as expected. "

the murmur of sincerity seems to have been absorbed into the clear sky and dissipated.

Class C, who failed in the last special examination in one year, dropped to class D again.

Although the students have been hit hard, fortunately the opponent is class A after all.

And the fact that I became a commander's tower with protection points also played a role as a moderator.

People will think that even if they lose, they will not be able to do it, or they will only have to fight with all their strength.

Although it has been reduced to class D, the increase or decrease of class scores is not a bad value.

Tentative class points in late March:

class a led by sakhaliu. So now we are not class D but class C. With Longyuan's promotion to class C again, the number of class points is almost the same as class B.

In such a state to welcome the next month, that is, April 1, the class will have a great change.

But remember, in this school, every month there will be different situations and may have an impact on the number of class points.

One is that there are many serious students in Laise's class, and even compliments from Longyuan's class can't be said to be top students.

I'm afraid that in private life, there will be differences in class scores.

Now, the students in class B are all afraid of this kind of situation.

However, even so, in this year, one of Laise still kept the position of class B, which can be regarded as a certain relief.

However, the current gap is only 42 points.

Passing the next special examination and so on, Longyuan is very likely to occupy class B.

From this point of view alone, it seems that we are a long way behind when we come back to class D.

But don't forget the class points in April and may last year.

Last April, all classes began with a score of 1000.

The advantages of class A and the disadvantages of class d do not exist.

Now in retrospect, it's the best chance to make up your mind at that time ?

but class D has used up all the class points in less than a month.

As a result

Class A, led by Ban Liu, scored 940 points

class B, led by Yi zhilai, scored 650 points

class C, led by long yuan, scored 490 points

class D, led by horibei, scored 0 points

as a result, the class points of the whole grade decreased in May. In fact, it's only this month that the class wins and loses.

In this way, our class gets 347 points a year.

Under the influence of life attitude, late absence and other factors, the class score will also be reduced

but will get 330 to 340 scores in general.

So it can be seen. Our class is the class with the fastest increase in class points in a year.

Thinking of last spring when we fell to the bottom of 0, we have done quite well.

But after entering grade 2, students need to be more active.

Only in this way can we narrow the gap with the upper class.

Horie north, Hirata and other leadership figures and the growth of the ability of all classmates.

If this can be done, the competition with the students in the upper class will become a reality.

After finding that there is no one around, Qicheng seems to have noticed something, he said.

"It doesn't matter. The other students hardly blame you. "

maybe Qicheng thinks I'm worried about the failure of the command tower. He said that to me.

Of course I didn't care about it, but I noticed a word in Qicheng's words.


there are also flaws in the words of comfort.

In other words, there are still a few students dissatisfied with me.

"Here There can be no perfect thing. However, they are not so good at Qinglong as they want more reliable people to be commander's towers. "

in a sense, this is also a kind of blame. Man is a kind of unreasonable creature. It's not surprising that even if he agreed before, he would sing against him later.

It will be said that the reason for losing to class A is that "the difference between command towers" is not inconceivable.

"Even if someone accuses you, you can be stronger. No one would have been a command tower without protecting points. "

considering that there may be students coming to me to complain in the future, Qicheng told me this.

"Mostly, but there are also examples of dragon garden. "

when I said that, Qicheng gave a wry smile and shook his head.

"That guy is very special. I think his mess is actually part of his performance. It was because of the appearance of the dragon garden without protection points that class B fell into an accident and was defeated miserably. "

on the surface, Qicheng is right.

But this is not the case. This is the strategy adopted by Longyuan in order to win.

The unexpected performance is just one of its layouts.

"…… Qinglong, I have something to ask you. "

as soon as he finished speaking, Qicheng said again.

"Why don't I report to horibai about my arbitrary attempt to win over Class A in the end of the year exam?"

in order to defeat Class A in the exam, Qicheng put forward to horibai the strategy of trying to bring the failed Ge Cheng, who was opposed to Banliu, into the camp. But because of the high risk and difficult to realize, horibai rejected it.

But Qi Cheng couldn't accept it, so he decided to persuade Ge Cheng. The result is failure.

But in fact, even failure doesn't have much impact.

Due to the non cooperation of Ge Cheng, the actual damage suffered can be ignored.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have little loss?"

for Qicheng, the important part is not there.

I know this clearly, but intentionally say some comforting words.

"That's because Ge Cheng doesn't like mean means. If the other side is someone like sakhaliu or Longyuan, we will be more devastated. "

because he wanted to force Ge Cheng to fail, he was deeply responsible and worried about the future that didn't happen.

It sounds like Qi Cheng told horibai about bringing Ge Cheng together.

"... Ah. Horibati and I did. I think I should be responsible for that. "

frankly admitted his failure with the awareness of being scolded.

"Ge Cheng can't betray class A, are you so sure? Qinglong. "

then he asked me directly.

"No. In fact, Ge Cheng is likely to turn around, isn't it It's also... "

as for whether the probability is 50% or 1%, it will not be mentioned here.

"I didn't report to horibai just because I forgot. At that time, I was uneasy about being a commander's tower. My head was full of these things. In this sense, I also have a lot of responsibility. If Ge Cheng is really drawn, I will bear the guilt that I can't convey. That's for each other. "

after the two sides apologized, the conversation of Gecheng incident ended.

"That's it, isn't it. Even so, I feel deeply that my expectation is too naive. If I could take this risk into consideration, I shouldn't have drawn Ge Cheng in the first place. "

although the past cannot be regarded as not happening, it can be used for reflection.

"If it's too naive to anticipate, I'm the same. Because I didn't say anything. "

" you say that, my mood has become relaxed. "

in that exam, many students are passive participants, but Qicheng wants to do something desperately to win.

"What's more, don't you understand through this event? That kind of strategy is not easy to succeed. "

you can learn a lot from failure.

Whether these things work or not depends on him.

"Yes, I want to win so much that I can't see what's going on. It's a shame to calm down now. "

he mumbled, as if reflecting.

Ge Cheng's Huairou battle is indeed a naive idea, but for him to challenge to do this, it is still worth affirming.

"What did horibai say to you?"

"horibai didn't blame me. It's clear that if I failed, it would probably hurt the class. Not only that, she also said that next time she had an idea, she must tell her, and also advised me not to rush. "

it seems that horibai made a similar evaluation.

People grow up in constant failure. You can't be a mentor if you just look at the results and scold others.

Of course, such people will be abandoned sooner or later if they just repeat their failures without learning from them.

"To be honest, I'm not sure that hori can stand in the same position as the leader so far. It's true that she has a clear mind and a good motor nerve. However, whether it is her way of speaking or her condescending attitude, it is hard to accept. "

I do not deny that. So far, at least.

She is different from a leader of the type of "Hirata" and "one of one", who is convinced by virtue.

"But I'm similar. I don't think it's necessary to exercise. I also look down on all the people who are not smart in their heads. They are really like horibai. "

at the beginning of admission, Qicheng has its own side