Volume 9 intention of student president

The time is the first ten days of February when he returns to high school after the end of his stay.

One year ban Liu of class a lives in the office of the student union.

She put her favorite hat on the table and faced nanyunya, who was the president of class A for two years.

"The office of the student union has become so pompous that I can't recognize it. "

before, the style of the office of the student union was fair and sincere when it was good, and rigid when it was bad. But now even the wallpaper has been renovated, and a large number of things that feel like personal small things of Nanyun have been put in. This office is not so much for the student union, but for the South cloud. The layout has changed so much.

This place is to symbolize how high his power is - an impression in sakhaliu's mind.

"Aren't you invited to the student union by Mr. horibei? "

Nanyun asked Banliu, a student who felt that he had no chance to visit the student union.

"I'm sorry, I didn't seem to be in the picture, I didn't get invited. He has no vision. "

" so, do you mean you are different, the new student president? "

Nan Yun smiles.

"Of course I welcome you. However, I will only regard you as my personal belongings. "

after Nan Yun replied like this, he touched the head of the rabbit doll that was put at hand. Is this Nanyun's interest? Or is it the interest of women clinging to the South cloud?

As a personal object - that means he doesn't appreciate her ability. There will be only external evaluation.

Originally, even if you listen to it casually, sakhaliu decided to bite those speeches on purpose.

"What can I do to get your assurance? "

" show me the corresponding strength - that's all. It's not too late to join the student union first. Come to my side, Banliu. "

" so it is. "

sakhaliu smiled, but immediately went on to say:

" no need. If an organization has two leaders, I think it should be very troublesome. Most of all, I can't bear to crush the seniors. "

" are the two leaders? "

although she is a first-year student, sakhaliu's answer seems to be that she and Nanyun have equal status or are higher than him.

Nan Yun not only didn't lose his temper, but also smiled more relaxed than before.

"No matter you or Longyuan, it seems that there are many interesting first year students this year. "

no student in this school wants to be the enemy of the student union. In order to be promoted to class A, we all want to be close to the student union or not be stared at. However, sakhaliu and Longyuan, who were present, were hostile to anyone and had no reservations.

"This is not a wise way of life. "

there are also student unions who praise this kind of all-round hostility, but Nanyun is not the same.

He has a high opinion of people who sometimes give up their dignity and intend to use their power to climb up.

At this time, Nan Yun's mobile phone on the table vibrated. Later, there were two or three earthquakes in a short interval.

"Doesn't it matter? "

" now this time is for you. Don't take it to heart. "

" this is really a hard place for popular Wang. Do you always get in touch? If you know that, let me get to the point. If you don't want to be assigned to the student union, what's the matter if you don't hesitate to ask others for me? I'm sorry, but other first graders will come later. I can't spare so much time because the other party has made an appointment first. "

" well, let me be short. "

Nan Yun deliberately told Banliu about the first grade student, and there was no change in Banliu's expression.

Nan Yun judges that, on the contrary, it means that she is very interested.

"I will come here this time. I have a request. It has something to do with class B, one of the cadres of the student union. I'll attack her next. At that time, some rough things may happen. I've heard about that before. So what? "

Nan Yun urges her to go on. When Nanyun and Banliu met before, Banliu told him what had happened so far. Of course, the number of people who know those facts is very limited.

"She is really the only student union cadre in the first grade. In other words, she will be a candidate for the future student president. "

" as long as the student union cadres do not have the first grade personnel to come out to work and there are no outstanding people in the freshmen, then she will definitely be elected. "

" Yeah. "

in other words, the loss of one is also the loss of students' Union and Nanyun.

"And as a" thank you "last time, I will tell you in advance like this. In the worst case, one of the students may drop out. Please forgive me for that. "

sakhaliu is not afraid of South cloud, and so declared.

"I don't remember that I allowed you to do that, sakhaliu. "

Nan Yun's face disappeared for the first time.

"Well. You have said that you should bully classmate yizhilai first. However, I would like to ask you to allow me to be a little rough. "

" Fanbo is my personal belongings that I am going to use for love. I only give you the power to weaken her. "

" I know that very well. However, unexpected things are always possible. "

nanyundai looks at sakhaliu with a sharp eyes.

It's different from person to person. Maybe someone will use "stare" to express this action.

Sakhaliu copes with Nanyun's vision as if nothing had happened.

"Even if she dropped out It doesn't matter, does it? "

Nanyun slowly moves his elbow on the handrail.

"You are a bold woman. Are you not afraid to face me? "

" I was born like this. Let me ask you one thing. If it's you, it should or can be executed without my permission. However, you have come to get my permission in a proper way. Is that because you don't want to be my enemy? "

Nan Yun is not cheated by her words like" thank you ", but interrogates ban Liu like this.

"It doesn't matter how you understand it. Don't hide it. I want to ask you what you really think. "

" don't be polite. "Nan Yun is spying on her sincerity.

"The students in this school seem to have more power than I originally thought. If the student union No, it's too much trouble for me if you protect one Laise yourself. "

for sakhaliu, she would also like to avoid one of the Laise's South clouds as a backer.

She replied. Nan Yun's white teeth are contented with the answer.

Although the expression is very roundabout, it means that she doesn't want to be the enemy of Nanyun.

"The information I gave you seems to be very useful. "

" well. With your blessing, I have the chance to poke the weakness of classmate nakase. I'll use that information more effectively next. OK, sakhaliu, what you need to do next - from the standpoint of the student union, the student union will acquiesce. "

" I can believe that you, as the student union, will acquiesce? "

Nanyun has left a little room for commitment. Sakhaliu can't be invisible.

"…… Oh. Well, as a student union, I'm not going to break my promise. What are you going to do? "

" please wait and see First of all. "

it's not good to name those strategies here.

Sakhaliu judged that. Nanyun in front of us is a man we can't trust at all.

He easily intends to give up the person who may become the heart of the student union.

"By the way, after all, there are not many opportunities for two people to talk alone like this. I want to ask you something first. "

" what's up? Although I think the possibility is very low, if the situation deteriorates, it can't be concluded that no students will use strong means That is, relying on violence to work. What do you think about that, student president? "

for Gecheng or yizhilai or horibai, sakhaliu will not lose to them. But violence is the only way to go. Sakhaliu, who is powerless, has no chance to win.

"Aren't you very good at dealing with the kind of people who use strength to subdue themselves at the last minute? I'm not good at it. "

this is especially true for sakhaliu, who carries adverse conditions on his back.

"Unfortunately, I don't hate to resort to violence. The students would have fought. I'm not going to be as strict as Mr. horibai. If it's to some extent I'm going to laugh at the extent of the fight over minor disputes. "

these manifestos may have a negative impact on sakhaliu, who is not good at violence, but sakhaliu is worried about other places.

"I see So a year ago, class D and class C had become a problem. If it was you, would you make a different judgment than the former student president? "

that's the dispute between Xuteng and ishisaki over who beat and who was beaten, whether there was a monitor or not.

Even if there is no direct interference, Nanyun, who is very persistent in horibai's studies, cannot be unaware.

"Let me see I couldn't be acquitted in the incident of getting involved in school, but I wouldn't make the gesture of suggesting that people should drop out of school. At most, it will only stay in suspension. Of course, I will not ask for class points or personal points penalty. "

" this is just the opinion of the student union. "Nan Yun added.

No matter how much the student union allows, as long as the school says no will be No. Sakhaliu should know that very well. Even though he has far more power than the ordinary student union, he is also a student after all. That part cannot be forgotten.

"I see. I fully understand that you are a very tolerant person. "

threats or violent battles can also become very realistic - things like this have to be counted in the future.

"If you feel uneasy about that, I can prepare a second grade helper for you. "

the second grade makes the first grade yield by strength. The student president made a proposal affirming that kind of behavior.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't need it. My way of doing it is to fight with only the pieces on my hands. "

what sakhaliu wants to know is that" it doesn't matter whether you do it to any extent ".

It's enough to know that a passive hand has the right to fight back.

"Are you satisfied? "

" well, very. "

for Banliu, who was satisfied with the conversation with Nanyun, he grabbed the crutch and stood up slowly.

"Ah, come back -"

"do you have anything else to say to me? "

sakhaliu said that he didn't care that Nanyun said he couldn't spare too long.

"Although it's all a chat, I heard a very interesting thing. It seems that some students are going to buy personal points from the third grade. His strategy is to use cash after graduation to buy the points required to be recovered by the school before graduation. If it's true, it's like