Chapter 3583

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Feng Qingtian's words made Liu Fengshuang deeply think.

After a long time, Liu Fengshuang said, "Mr. Feng, we have rescued you very smoothly this time. I also have a formal fight with Zonghan. His cultivation is eccentric and powerful. That big gold elixir is nothing but broken. The more you kill, the stronger you are. I later offered Zonghan some magic weapons and pills, but he refused. Maybe he can see that I give him a magic weapon. Pills can be fatal. "

Feng Qingtian was slightly surprised and said, "Your Excellency, what you mean is that he wants to let us go?"

Liu Fengshuang said: "look at this man's life, his accomplishments in the past few years were not so powerful. But he's still invincible From this we can see that he is also very clever. At least it's not under me. If I have a fierce fight with him this time, the rescue is not smooth, and it takes a lot of twists and turns. Then I think maybe I won. Now, I don't think he wanted to kill you. It's just the task. I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble because of any favoritism to you, so he has been doing nothing. In the fight with me, his way of speaking is particularly sharp, and he has a different attitude

Feng Qingtian said: "Zonghan is really a very smart man. You said he intentionally let us go. This is also possible. After all, he himself has said many times that he has no grudge against our Maple family. "

Liu Fengshuang pondered for a long time, then said: "interesting! Such a life in the courthouse, but also has been reused. It seems that the court is determined to compete with the verdict. The more they fight, the better our life will be. "

Two days later, Chen Yang and his party returned to the courthouse.

This trip to Fengjia was a failure.

On the way home, red silk asked Chen Yang nothing more.

She knew that some could be asked and some could not.

Tiancha also participated in this mission. So they don't have much to say about the result. Chen Yang also asked red silk and yingluoxi to write a detailed report on their work.

After that, Chen Yang went to see canghailan again.

It's night.

Chen Yang and red silk came to Xilan manor together.

The silver gray light shines on the grassland of the manor. In front of the manor is the light fountain.

The manor has always been beautiful and quiet.

Chen Yang and red silk both came in formal clothes, just like attending a dance.

Canghailan is cooking tea in the underground tea room. Chen Yang and red silk meet.

We sat down and talked for a long time.

Canghailan suddenly said meaningfully: "Xiao Han, I have no outsiders here. I don't know if you want to tell the teacher the truth

Chen Yang also did not hide, tucked in, and said with a smile, "if I can tell the truth, I will tell it!"

Canghailan said: "Maple family was rescued, did you release water?"

"Ha ha, no!" Chen Yang said.

Canghailan smile, said: "is it?"

Chen Yang said: "really, teacher. The other side is very strong, I'm going all out! Of course, I'll give you the bottom line. If I don't want them to save people, then I can think more. Even that trap won't get in. I don't care about Feng's family. So, I'm too lazy to bother. "

Canghailan is very satisfied with Chen Yang's answer.

He thinks Chen Yang is sincere enough.

"I had a chat with red silk on my way back. Of course, it was a bit rebellious. In fact, we think that worry free education is not necessarily a great sin. Is it really damned to collude with carefree education? " Chen Yang continued: "however, I don't have the heart to think about these things. We can abide by the above laws and dogmas. I have no friendship with wuyoujiao, and I will not ruin my future for them. "

Red silk nodded slightly to one side and agreed with Chen Yang's words.

Cang Hailan said with a smile: "if you think so, the teacher is very happy. In essence, worry free education can not be recognized by us. Because many of its systems and behaviors run counter to ours. If worry free education is recognized as legal, more and more people will join worry free education. It's not good for us to rule this region. "

After a pause, he said, "it's for this reason that we define them as cults. And don't give them legal status We will punish those who join. It's all a political device. "

Chen Yang wry smile, said: "I can think of these, just did not expect the teacher you will tell us straight."

Cang Hailan said: "you are all my students. Close the door. There's nothing you can't say. You see, I've told you a lot. Don't think that a teacher is just a person who has no city government and makes friends with others. The teacher is very accurate and has not made any mistakes. Xiao Han, I trust you very much, understand? "

Chen Yang said: "when I was in the original college, I was trusted by the dean and master, and I was very at ease. In this courthouse, I know that I always have your strong backing behind me, so I am at ease. "

Canghailan laughs.

He seemed to be very happy today, and then he said to the red silk, "this is the scene today. We should drink wine. Red silk, go and prepare the food and wine. I'm not going to get drunk with youChen Yang also felt a lot of happiness in his heart.

The more people experience, the more they understand the horror of human heart.

But at the same time, we also understand that it is impossible for people to have no reservation. When you have no reservations, you expect high. The higher the expectations, the faster the disappointments come.

It's about yourself, but it's not about others.

Therefore, Chen Yang and canghailan are willing to be relatively sincere and sincere as much as possible. But it's impossible to be sincere without reservation. Even when canghailan is in trouble and needs help, he will do his best to help. But that doesn't mean he will tell all the secrets without reservation.

That's how adults interact.

When he was young, loyalty was the most important thing. He thought that brothers were everything, better than his parents and brothers. But it's not until you get around. The real will not betray you, probably only parents and brothers.

Red silk is always that kind person, and soon she is ready for food and wine.

The three drank together.

Chen Yang didn't use his magic power to suppress the wine, canghailan and red silk.

After drinking, people will be excited and will try to say more from the heart.

However, Chen Yang still has a ruler in his mind about what can and cannot be said.

He just missed canghailan.

"The world is curious why I don't hate my biological mother and can tolerate my two sisters." Chen Yang bared his heart and said, "to put it bluntly, I don't want to do these things. My future is the sea of stars. Maybe one day, when I reach a certain height, I will want to leave the eternal star field. Then go and see the outside world. "

"The outside world?" After listening to canghailan and red silk, they were both shocked.

Then Cang Hailan said: "this matter should be careful. The teacher is also from young to today's, in those days also want to go outside to have a look. Later, something happened in the universe. "

Chen Yang asked, "what's the matter?"

Cang Hailan said: "someone from other countries once broke in. Through fighting with this person, we found that her mana system is totally different from ours. Therefore, we also come to the conclusion. Our mana will not work without Zeus. So, do we really have the ability to go out of the territory? I don't think so. "

Chen Yang Yilin, and then said: "what you said is also reasonable!"

He knew in his heart that this person outside the territory was talking about Mujing.

Canghailan said with a smile: "but you are different from us. Maybe you will open the door of the outside world for us in the future."

Chen Yang said: "I fight for it, I work hard, ha ha!"

Finally, taking advantage of the wine, Chen Yang asked Cang Hailan: "do you want worry free education to be destroyed?"

Canghailan said, "of course not."

Chen Yang and red silk all look at canghailan.

Cang Hailan said with a smile: "it's all consensus, but the verdict is to hope that the worry free education will be destroyed. But they don't want to put the effort into it. So they just stare at us all the time. If we don't do it, they're in a dilemma with us. They went to destroy worry free education, but they were afraid of heavy losses. At the same time, over the years, we have been fighting with the adjudication office openly and secretly, and the adjudication office has always kept restraint. We are also afraid of going too far with us. In the end, we will let Wuyou teach us to make a profit! These relationships are very delicate. "

In the courthouse, the matter about the maple family was soon reported.

This is also a Waterloo in Chen Yang's career.

In people's minds, Chen Yang, the young director general of the Department of Ares, has always been invincible and will never fail.

This failure has also aroused various speculations from the outside world. Some people speculate that worry free education has existed for so many years. There are a lot of ruthless people in it, and Chen Yang is human after all. It's normal to fail once. Besides, there are many experts on the other side. Moreover, this time, if it was not for Lord Zonghan to turn the tide, it would not be as simple as failure. I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed!

Another rule is that Zonghan always takes one step and counts three. If worry free education wants to rob people, he may not be unable to guess. Maybe he pushed the boat with the current and deliberately released people.

There are various versions.

But Chen Yang didn't care. This time, he was absolutely impeccable.

In terms of procedure and behavior, he made no mistakes.

It's impossible not to allow people to fail.

Therefore, the high level of the court has nothing to say. The director of Tiancha also expressed his thanks to Chen Yang. Because at that time, Chen Yang saved all the personnel of Tiancha.

The adjudication office has nothing to do with this, so it can only give up.

On this day, the sun was shining high.

At the same time, this day is also the day of Chen Yang's official conferment.

Dean Lei GUI came out in person and led the eight divisions and the elders of the Presbyterian Council.

In the square, all the members of the court attended the ceremony.

On this day, Chen Yang officially became the youngest director of the Department of Ares.Reggae also awarded Chen Yang the seeds of the world of secrets and the formula code.