Chapter 2644

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Chen Yang thought that if he ran to the Dragon Star, then Bai Suzhen and Taoist priest Luo Tong didn't go. At that time, it was really embarrassing.

He finally escaped from mengqingchen. It's a big problem to go back and die in this way.

Don't want so much, Chen Yang first decided to make a move outside.

The dark tide is very strong, but the premise is that only after you go in can you fall into it. Chen Yang is out there exerting his supreme magic power. The black hole crystal turns into a big black hole fingerprint in his hands!

Later, Chen Yang roared on one side. At the same time, the black hole fingerprints set off huge waves in the dark tide!

The dark tide is wider than the sea, but Chen Yang's power can break the planet, so he still stirs a lot of movement in the dark tide.

However, Chen Yang immediately found out something was wrong. The dark tide is not as simple as it seems. In essence, it is not sea water The dark elements in it are endless, deep, deep and vast, just like the whole universe. Therefore, Chen Yang's roar and huge waves are actually only shallow. This kind of disturbance seems to have the momentum of breaking up the planet, but in fact, it's like an ant scratching an elephant.

"It's a headache." Chen Yang's secret way.

"How do you know if Bai Suzhen is in it? It's been a long time since Luo got into the road Chen Yang began to think that Taoist priest Luo Tong might have gone with Bai Suzhen. But at this moment, after he understood the dark tide, he felt that it was very possible that Luo channel was trapped in it.

Chen Yang takes a deep breath, and then he goes into the dark tide.

His body was like electricity, and he fell into the tide of darkness. At that moment, Chen Yang seemed to enter the eternal night.

This is Chen Yang's first time in the dark tide.

Before his eyes, there was darkness. Invisible darkness

When he looked back, it was dark behind him. Moreover, we can no longer see the way to come.

The moment you enter is like entering another world. After that, the way in was closed.

Chen Yang was surprised, and what was more terrifying was that the endless dark elements rushed towards him and began to devour him.

It's like ink to stain a white thing black. Deep in the dark element, there is a vortex like a black hole, which is pulling and compressing, tearing Chen Yang's body into pieces, then swallowing it into the dark, finally making Chen Yang a dark element.

Chen Yang is not afraid. He has a way to leave.

At this time, the space-time channel is not good!

But Chen Yang has great fatalism.

"Bai Suzhen!" Chen Yang roars and the sound waves vibrate.

"Are you here or not? Are you going to kill me?"

Chen Yang roared a few times, and then he began to feel the dark elements in his bone marrow.

If it goes on like this, he will really become a dark element. In time, he will fall apart and become a dark element. As for the eternal spar, the time spar and the origin of the copper coin will not be affected. Chen Yang was originally entangled with the eternal spar and almost became one. But it's not really one. In this extreme case, the eternal spar is real gold, which has withstood fire. But Chen Yang can't stand it.

Therefore, the final result will be that Chen Yang becomes a dark element. And eternal crystal will restore freedom.

Of course, Chen Yang won't allow this to happen. He decides to leave directly if he can't. Then go to Beidou by yourself to find the arc.

Chen Yang continued to hold on for a while, feeling that this place could not stay any longer. So he began to use his mana. He was about to cast his great fatalism when suddenly the darkness in front of him retreated. Originally, Chen Yang could see clearly in absolute darkness. But in the dark elements, it's like being blind. However, at this time, the dark elements in front of us split into two sides, making way in the middle.

Although there was darkness everywhere, Chen Yang could see clearly that there was a thoroughfare in front of him.

This thoroughfare leads straight inside!

Chen Yang is so happy that he knows in his heart that he must have succeeded in startling Bai Suzhen. He couldn't think much, and with a flash of his body, he immediately entered Tongtian Avenue and flashed inside.

All the way along the thoroughfare, Chen Yang flew more than 100000 miles to reach the core area.

There is a black throne ahead!

That throne Chen Yang looks familiar, then let Chen Yang a fright!

Isn't that the emperor's chariot of Jiulong?

Chen Yang was shocked and pale. He said in secret, "how did emperor Shengtian come here?"

He wanted to run away the first time. At this moment, the origin of copper coins in hand, big fatalism ready to run, really like facing the enemy ah!

"Chen Yang, what are you doing?" Just then, a familiar and pleasant voice came.

Chen Yang then saw that on the chariot of Jiulong, the darkness faded, but a woman appeared.It's Suzhen in black!

Suzhen in black has a long black dress and her hair is curled up. She is still so cold and beautiful, just like a beautiful black lotus.

"Damn it Chen Yangchang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "it's you

"Nonsense!" Suzhen in black rolled her eyes and said, "it's not me. Do you think it will be someone else? What do you think? Didn't you shout just now that I'm going to kill you Laozi? "

Chen Yang suddenly thought of his previous gaffe, shouting Bai Suzhen, do you want to kill Laozi.

At this time, he was completely relaxed and said with a smile, "you should have appeared earlier. It's not fun, you know?"

Suzhen in black also smiles. In fact, she is a person with indifference and even lack of emotion. But when she treats Chen Yang, she always shows a special soft side. She may not like ling'er so much, but because of Chen Yang, she has a special preference for ling'er and Huo Hongjin.

Suzhen in Black said with a smile, "did I show up earlier? I didn't know you were coming. " She pause, said: "by the way, I didn't explain before, you don't have to come to me. Why did you come to me all of a sudden this time? Is the earth in trouble again? "

Later, she said, her face changed.

Chen Yang said: "the earth really has big things to happen."

"Oh, what's the matter?" she said

Chen Yang said, "the God of Yuanjue is going to die."

"I know that," she said

Chen Yang said: "therefore, there are new plans for the imperial Tianzhou. The master will feel the power of the world. The earth is in danger... "

"In that case, it's not too late. Let's go at once," she said

Chen Yang said, "wait, I'm not here to call you back to earth."

"Ah?" "What's that for?" she said

Chen Yang said, "the Dharma God has another arrangement."

"What's the arrangement?" Asked Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang said, "we are going to find the matrix of arc elements!"

He then spoke out the plan of the Dharma God.

"What a plane!" Suzhen's face suddenly became very ugly. She said: "aunt, I came here to practice according to their wishes. It's so easy to control the power of the Dark Lord's world. Grandma is a ball player. He hasn't been hot yet. Now he tells me that he wants me to destroy the power of the world? Is there any mistake? " She learned from the culture of the world and kept up with the times. Therefore, she spoke a more modern language.

Chen Yang was dumbfounded and said, "Oh, the overall situation is important, the overall situation is important. You alone, can you block the imperial sky boat? "

"The earth is gone, and I can go elsewhere." Black Yi Su Zhen is not very comfortable to say. She is not a woman with special feelings of family and country. "But when the power of the world is gone, it's gone."

Chen Yang didn't care much, and said, "anyway, I don't have the power of the world. Everyone doesn't have it. That's good. It's fair to fight! "

"Fair fart!" Suzhen Heiyi said: "the power of the world is the result of our hard work. Say take it away, you still say fair! It's Fair for the poor to share the rich's money with the poor, but what about the rich? The money didn't fall from the sky

Chen Yang laughed and said, "good, good, unfair!" "But now it's different," he said, with a pause

Suzhen said: "lips will die, teeth may not be cold." She then laughed and said, "well, I'm not kidding you. Although I don't have the great sacrifice and Realization of Yuanjue, I know how to choose between right and wrong. In that case, let's go. "

Chen Yang said, "wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" She said.

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "I have a friend who came to see you. Do you have any impression?"

"What friend?" She said.

Chen Yang said in secret: "hasn't Taoist priest been here before?"

Then Suzhen in black looked strange and said, "a Taoist?"

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "yes, yes!" He immediately changed his face and said, "don't tell me, you killed him?"

Suzhen Heiyi said, "well, almost, almost. There should still be help! " She grabs it.

A black handprint flashed and arced, then it reached deep into the darkness.

Then, Suzhen in black arrested a man.

Chen Yang takes a close look and finds that the man is Mr. Luo Tong!

At this time, the whole body of the Taoist priest was dark, even darker than the black people He was almost invisible.

There is no breath!

Chen Yang was shocked and said, "Taoist priest is dead?"

"She's not dead yet," she said When she finished, she waved her hand.All of a sudden, a flash of lightning came out.

There are countless arc currents in the electric light, and these currents rush into the body of Taoist priest Luo Tong.

Chen Yang then saw the Taoist priest's body, the electric current was surging, and then, soon, all the dark elements retreated.

The body of the Taoist priest was restored to its original state. But, still close your eyes, no life.