Chapter 2174

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Long qianjue said: "in terms of the year of the earth, you can hold on for 30 years at most!"

His majesty ZuLong asked: "at the beginning, we were the masters of the earth. Later, the great emperor of the universe discovered the earth and forcibly occupied it. In those days, the universe could defeat us. Now, after so many years, the earth has become more difficult to deal with. I ask you, after discovering such an energy crisis, what measures have you taken to deal with it? Are you going to drive the imperial sky boat to the earth to meet the challenge? "

Long qianjue said, "of course not. My Lord, we have been planning since 200 years ago. We also have a clear understanding of the situation of the earth. In the Kepler planet, there are also earth races in the past, they are closely linked with the earth, and the strength is strong. So we tried to cut them off from the earth. Even if some of them have advanced accomplishments, it will take a hundred years to reach the earth from Kepler. A hundred years is enough for us to do a lot of things. This is one of them, cutting off the earth's foreign aid. "

His majesty ZuLong said: "the emperor of the universe acts in a dictatorial style. There are many people who want to deal with the earth. Can't the people of Kepler cooperate? "

Long qianjue said: "you don't know that there are many saints on Kepler who were cultivated by the great emperor of the universe. The emperor of the universe is extremely suspicious. When those saints are strong enough, they will be suppressed by him. The saints fled to Kepler to avoid the great universe. But our goal is to destroy the earth and extract its energy. This is the root of destroying the saints. Their root is in the earth. Even if they are dissatisfied with the emperor of the universe, they will help him deal with us. If we destroy the channel this time, we will completely cut off the foreign aid! Over the years, the great emperor of the universe has been too strict in balancing the earth, which has suppressed the development of countless masters. Now the earth is the most vulnerable time. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "is that right? So you're confident. "

Long qianjue said in a deep voice, "my Lord, we really have some problems at present. We have received some messages from the earth. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "go ahead."

Long qianjue said: "the first message is that some of our ark on earth have been discovered by human beings. Moreover, the chalky world it occupied has been basically destroyed by human beings. Even the dead wood that we sent is dead. At present, the leader of the chalky world is Michael, who is already a traitor. The second message is that it once reappeared in the hands of a man named Chen Yang, the cereals country tree that the Kepler ancestors almost exterminated. According to the information, the destruction of the chalky world is closely related to Chen Yang. He also seems to have a deep connection with the emperor of the universe. Kepler fairyland side, the current information is unknown, but there are signs that Kepler people are trying to restore the channel. The biggest variable in the future may come from Kepler fairyland. There are two things we need to do at present, which must be done before the Tianzhou comes to the earth. First, we need to regain control of the chalk world. Second, we need to take control of the grain, country and tree. This is a very important card against Kepler! "

His majesty ZuLong said, "your organization is very clear. What efforts have you made?"

Long qianjue said in a deep voice, "my Lord, we have a big problem at present. That is, there is an important chess piece left by the great emperor of the universe in the earth, called Yuanjue. The power to master the earth. We do what little action in his eyes, now we know the earth, I'm afraid he also knows us. If we don't get rid of Yuanjue, we can't do anything at all. "

His majesty ZuLong sighed and said, "you are my descendants, my descendants. Naturally, I can't watch you fall into a crisis. We are the oldest creatures in the universe, and the earth is ours. In the final analysis, the emperor of the universe is just an alien race. It's hard for the universe to cope with. I know that. I can't blame you for your incompetence! "

After a pause, he said, "well, I'll go to Yuanjue for a while, and then I'll work out a new strategy for you."

Long Qian was not overjoyed, and said, "Your Majesty's hand is sure to be safe. But please be careful. We have suffered many losses. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "you don't have to say much about this!"

After that, his majesty ZuLong disappeared from the golden light of jielongtai.

Long qianjue and others can't catch up with the distance between the imperial Tianzhou and the earth. At most, they can only get some information from the earth through some means of communication.

However, long qianjue and his family were able to send some Yuanshen to the past. However, the former Yuanshen were not strong enough, and they were also sent to death. There's no way to get close to the earth!

So they had to wait for the imperial sky boat to come near.

As for the location of his majesty ZuLong, only his majesty knows.

In the earth, ZuLong is a mysterious existence. The ancestor of dinosaurs is the most terrible existence, and the ancestor of mysterious dragon is also the ancestor of dinosaurs. This ancestral dragon is a good friend of the great emperor of the universe. At last, he died, and his spirit protected the capital. Like the great emperor of the universe, it is dedicated to protecting the earth.

In the vast universe, the earth always appears calm.Abnormal conditions began to be found in the satellites of the earth, the world and other countries. M country, China, Russia and other countries have found that in the northwest of the earth, a long distance away, there is a thing is faster than the speed of light per second towards the earth!

The high-level officials of all countries are shocked, because judging the orbit and direction of the comer is toward the earth. The volume and speed of the seeker will be disastrous once it collides with the earth.

That would destroy the earth!

All along, no one thought that the end was so near! But the end seems to have come without warning.


After a while, another high-level found that the object disappeared.

But before long, the object appeared again.

"In just a few minutes, the object actually crossed hundreds of millions of kilometers, and it was getting closer and closer to us. And they can jump in wormholes! "

"It's incredible. Wormhole jumping is still a theory of country m, and no one can succeed. But this object did it! "

"Is it alien?"

"Why the earth?"

In the panic of such a catastrophe, the M country, China, Russia and other big powers have united unprecedentedly. All kinds of advanced weapons are deployed in defense system, which will be smashed in advance.

But they still don't have much confidence.

Panic is spreading, and some people at the top are planning their way out.

However, all this is limited to the high-level of all countries, and the civilians of all countries have no idea what happened. Home country is still singing and dancing!

Among all the countries on earth, the Chinese Taoist culture is the most profound!

It is said that Guan Yin, the official in charge of Hangu pass in those days, was fond of observing astronomy and reading ancient books when he was young, and had a deep cultivation. One night, gazing at the starry sky above the independent Louguan, I suddenly saw the East purple clouds gathering, which are 30000 Li Long and shaped like a flying dragon, rolling from east to west. I said to myself, "the purple air comes 30000 Li from East, and the sage goes through here to the West. "Qingniu slowly carries the old man, and the Tibetan style disappears with vitality."

He knew that Lao Tzu was the saint, so he went to meet him and asked him to keep a book. After thinking for a moment, Lao Tzu wrote the famous Tao Te Ching!

A Tao Te Ching, the universe, all things, water and nature, as well as inaction and for all included!

Therefore, there are a lot of people in China who have gained the Tao. The real experts are mostly Chinese.

There are gods in the west, but in the final analysis, they are not as good as Huaxia.

At this time, when the earth is facing great crisis, a figure suddenly flies out from the top of Mount Tai.

This figure, like streamer, is tens of thousands of miles in a moment, and directly rushes out of the earth's atmosphere.

About 100 million kilometers away from the earth, the figure suddenly stopped.

Needless to say, this figure is naturally the Dharma God's circular sense. Yuanjue wears a grey cloth shirt with a bald head and a kind face.

He gives a feeling of extreme softness.

At this time, the front suddenly appeared black spots, this black spot is bigger and bigger, and then came to the front of Yuanjue.

It's your majesty ZuLong!

His majesty ZuLong's body has shrunk. He is the size of a man, but he is still a dragon! He is such a noble species that he will not become such a lowly creature as human beings.

ZuLong faces Yuanjue.

Yuanjue stood in the boundless void, his face was light, his hands were together, and he said, "Amitabha, good, good!"

ZuLong sent out his idea. His eyes were extremely dignified. He looked at Yuanjue coldly and said in a condescending tone, "are you Yuanjue?"

Yuanjue said, "it's the poor monk!"

ZuLong said: "you are very smart, this emperor is for you today."

Yuanjue said, "I know your majesty invited me, so I will come to the appointment immediately."

ZuLong said: "you are a rare talent. Why should you be inferior to the great emperor of the universe. Why don't you come to my side, I promise you a long life. In the future, you will accompany me to wipe out the great emperor of the universe, just like the earth, and I will give it to you! "

Yuanjue said: "Amitabha, your majesty, since you know the poor monk, why do you have to fight with him. If I wanted to leave the earth, I would have been in the fairyland of Kepler. Since I am here, I will not be shaken by any words. Your majesty, we don't have to talk anymore. Let's do it. Let the poor monk come to learn your Majesty's great skill

ZuLong nodded and said, "well, Yuanjue, you are really qualified to be the opponent of this emperor."

Then, ZuLong's body suddenly expanded, and then his eyes burst out of divine light!

The intense divine light lit up the void for thousands of miles. ZuLong's body was hundreds of millions of miles in an instant. In his eyes, it was like nurturing the world