Chapter 1946

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
It's easy for Chen Yang to see ye Buyi. He flew to the land of Africa, and his mind was sweeping. He soon found Ye Buyi. When you see ye Buyi again, ye Buyi has matured a lot. Ye Buyi is also happy to see Chen Yang. Chen Yang and ye Buyi have a drink together. At the same time, Chen Yang checks Ye Buyi's health. He found that his cultivation had reached the peak of the spirit state, and soon he could break through the door of the supernatural power.

In fact, ye Buyi is fast.

Chen Yang didn't worry. He also told ye Buyi not to worry and to go step by step.

There is no part of Ye Bu Yi in this world robbery. He is not in the list of being swept. He is more than enough to gallop in the African jungle with Ye Buyi's ability.

Chen Yang stayed here for a few hours and then left. When he left, he told ye Buyi. "I'll see you again when I have time."

Ye Buyi is envious of Chen Yang's ability to fly freely. Chen Yang encourages Ye Buyi. Maybe one day, you can do it.

After that, Chen Yang and Qin Lin went to find Mo Wu.

Mo asked Mo Yang to check the trace of Chen Wu's hometown. It's said that the boy hasn't come back, and there's no news.

It's a headache.

Both Chen Yang and Qin Lin feel that they should pay attention to this matter. In case Mo Wu encounters something bad, they, as brothers, are really to blame. Qin Lin thought of a way at this time. He said, "when I was following my adoptive father, I remember that he taught me a little skill. According to the breath of a person's used objects, I searched for the same trace among thousands of space molecules."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "what are you waiting for? Let's hurry to Mo's house."

Qin Lin said: "but this little skill is not powerful. It can't be found after the space between planes."

Chen Yang said: "that's OK. The fourth younger brother doesn't have a big adventure. It should be difficult to leave the world."

Qin Lin said, "OK, let's go!"

Chen Yang and Qin Lin go to Mo Wu's hometown and find the clothes Mo Wu used to wear. Although there is almost no breath left by Mo Wu on the clothes. But now Qin Lin's magic power is mysterious, and he still finds a breath. After that, he began to search in the space universe according to Mo Wu's breath.

The space universe is still locked in the universe.

Chen Yang saw the mystery with his naked eye. He thought about it carefully and thought that he had already understood it.

After a long time, Chen Yang asked Qin Lin, "how about it?"

Qin Lin looked happy and said, "I found it."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "that's great."

"Go Two people immediately start big move move skill, quickly left Mo Wu's hometown.

Outside Africa, an unknown place.

It's a desolate place with lots of weeds.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qin Lin could not laugh at all. Because they found a pile of white bones.

After two people to explore the magic, confirmed. They determined that this pile of bones is Fourth brother Mo Wu.

"No wonder I can't find it all the time." Chen Yang's eyes are red.

Qin Lin was also devastated.

Judging from the bones, Mo Wu has been dead for six years.

In other words, from the time of separation, Mo Wu soon encountered an accident.

After a long time, Chen Yang and Qin Lin were relieved of their grief. Chen Yang said: "this matter, we must let big brother know."

Qin Lin said, "I'll inform my elder brother to come."

Chen Yang nodded.

Although big brother is about to get married, Chen Yang and Qin Lin know that nothing is more important than this.

Qin Lin is going now.

Within ten minutes, he came with Luo Feng.

When Luo Feng saw Mo Wu's skeleton, the iron man shed tears. He knelt in front of Mo Wu's bones and slapped himself hard.

"Brother, don't do that!" Chen Yang and Qin Lin quickly stop Luo Feng.

Luo Fenghong looked mournfully and said, "it's me, I hurt him. I've been holding him down, and I won't let him take pills. If he is more capable, how can he come to this end? "

Chen Yang and Qin Linton were sad. At the beginning, Mo Wu didn't want to take anything, because he didn't think Mo Wu was destined. He can take it easy. As we all know, elder brother has never been selfish. As a big brother, he thinks of everything for everyone.

Mo Wu also understands this, so he is most convinced of his elder brother.

After a long time, Luo Feng was relieved from remorse and pain. He said to Chen Yang and Qin Lin, "I must find out who killed Mo Wu. I want to Kill all their families, all their families, all of them

His eyes were red with blood.

Qin Lin said in a deep voice, "brother, I checked. The fourth brother died of poisoning, and the poison in it is a kind of snake poison here. ""Mo Wu is also a master. How can snake venom get him?" Luo Feng said in a cold voice.

Qin Lin said: "there is another toxin mixed in the snake venom, which is man-made."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "of course, it's man-made. What poisonous snake and beast can kill the fourth younger brother. The fourth younger brother's cultivation of martial arts is not comparable to that of ordinary people. "

"Check!" Luo Feng said.

A few of them, in the vast world, except won't win Yuanjue. It's almost the person standing on the top of the mountain. So when they want to look up one thing in the world, it's very simple.

According to the unique toxin on the bones, Qin Lin began to spread his mind. At that moment, the mind spread in all directions, covering thousands of miles.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng also help to check.

The whole of Africa was searched by three people in five minutes. The origin of this poison is clear.

It is also rare in Africa. It is called H5. The essence of one hundred kinds of snake venoms is condensed and made. If the poison is catalyzed into alcohol with alcohol, the master below the gods will not be able to bear it.

However, the price of this poison is very expensive. A drop of venom costs 30 million dollars.

Luo Feng, Chen Yang and Qin Lin also found that H5 poison was refined by a small tribe in Africa. This small tribe is also a small kingdom, in which there is a king. This small kingdom is called the kingdom of doxor. Duosuo has its own business Kingdom, and refining poison is their specialty.

The name of the king of dorotho is Blaise. King Blaise is in his fifties!

Like the CEO of the Empire, Blaise is also at the helm of the Empire.

Chen Yang's three brothers locked in King Blaise.

By this time, the night was deep.

King Blaise was sleeping in his castle bedroom with two blondes in his arms. The three people on the bed, all are not inch.

It is in this case, Chen Yang three people came out of thin air in front of the bedroom luxury bed.

The castle is heavily guarded, but in Chen Yang's eyes, it is nothing.

Chen Yang turns on the light in his bedroom. Immediately, it was bright.

The light wakes the sleeping three. The king and the two beautiful girls are shocked when they suddenly see the three Asians in front of them.

"You..." King Blaise speaks English. And it's dialect English!

Chen Yang and his three did not understand.

But immediately outside the guards came in, a total of six armed soldiers broke in.

"Hands up!" The soldiers' English was not standard, but it was understood.

Chen Yang and the three remained motionless.

"Kill Yelled king blich and the girls, terrified.

The soldiers shot decisively, and in an instant, they fired more than a dozen bullets.

Luo Feng just waved his hand and grasped all the bullets fired by these soldiers. With another wave of his hand, six soldiers were shot in the middle of their brows and all died on the ground.

"Ah How could that be possible? " Beautiful girls are also disgraced.

The movement here has alerted more soldiers and guards. After a while, about a hundred soldiers came, but they couldn't come in. Luo Feng waved his hand again and made a transparent border at the door, window and other places. They couldn't break in. After shooting, the bullet floated on the border, just like floating in the void.

For them, such a scene is extremely strange.

So at this time, Luo Feng suddenly shot again.

The two pretty girls in that bed bled to death.

King blich really felt fear, extreme fear. Chen Yang and Qin Lin frowned slightly and tried to say what they wanted to say, but they finally held back.

They think that big brother's killing is too Some innocent people don't have to be killed.

Luo Feng said to King Blaise in a deep voice, "speak to me in pure English. If you can't answer it, I will kill you." He also speaks English.

"Ha ha..." At this time, Luo Qingxin in Luo Feng's brain couldn't help laughing and said, "Luo Feng, you are really cruel. I love it

"Shut up Luo Feng is so sad and angry at the moment that he doesn't care about Luo.

The king was so frightened that he immediately replied in standard English, "I I say everything. Don't kill me. I have a lot of money. "

Luo Feng takes out his mobile phone and shows a picture of Mo Wu.

"He's my brother. He died on the H5 poison you made." Luo Feng said in a deep voice: "if you can't find out who the murderer is, then I will take the murderer as you. All of you in the kingdom of dorso today will be buried with you

The king of Nebraska shivered at the words. He touched Luo Feng's eyes and found that Luo Feng was like cold death. At that moment, King Blaise knew that this man like death would definitely do what he said.King Blaise looked at Mo Wu in his mobile phone, and he soon knew.

"Brother, I'll do it." When Chen Yang stepped forward, he saw a flash of gold. The king Blaise was directly promoted by Chen.

And the murderer soon found out from King Blaise.

It turns out that all this is really something from King Blaise. Chen Yang, they are very accurate.