Gu nianbin hung up the phone, some sorry to Du Xiaoxian said: "originally wanted to stay with you for a few days, I'm afraid not, we have to go back."

"What's the matter?"

"There's something wrong with the company."

Du Xiaoxian is a sensible little girl, busy said: "then hurry back, the company matters."

"Xianer," Gu nianbin pulled the little girl into her arms and put her chin on her forehead: "I'm sorry, next time I'll accompany you here for a few more days."

"It doesn't matter to me. Let's get the boat back." Du Xiaoxian pushes Gu nianbin to the cockpit.

Gu nianbin scheduled the return flight, and then called to ask people to book the fastest flight. When the yacht returned to the shore, it was time for dinner. Because there was no time to rush, Gu nianbin had to take Du Xiaoxian to eat KFC at the airport.

It was the first time for the little girl to eat KFC. She felt delicious. After eating chicken legs, she still sucked her fingers. However, she didn't dare to give her too much. On the one hand, she was afraid that she would support her. Secondly, it was better to eat less fried junk food.

Du Xiaoxian was a child. She was worried about Gu nianbin. When she saw what she was eating, she threw everything away. She ate happily. When she was full of food, she thought of it and was worried. Gu nianbin comforted her: "don't worry. There won't be any problem with me."

Looking at the man's dark and shiny eyes, the little girl nodded seriously, "there will be no problem with you."

It was late at night when Shao Baiqing and Xiaoding came to pick up the plane. Shao's young master's expression was very calm. Seeing Du Xiaoxian, he joked: "Oh, Xiaoxian, I haven't seen you for a few days. It's beautiful again!"

Du Xiaoxian knew that he had always been a man with honey on his mouth. He did not answer, but only smiled.

Shao Baiqing asked about his holiday in Yawan and asked if the weather was good? Did Gu nianbin invite her to eat seafood? Did she swim in the sea?

Gu nianbin has always been quiet in front of outsiders. At this time, Gu nianbin just hugged Du Xiaoxian and strode forward. The little girl was still worried. Seeing Shao Baiqing as usual, she was not in good shape. She put down her heart and answered one by one with a smile.

Until he got out of the airport gate and got on the bus, Gu nianbin said: "what do you talk to him so much?"

Du Xiaoxian did not speak. Shao Baiqing, who was sitting in the front row, laughed: "tell me more. Are you jealous? You are so jealous

Gu nianbin snorted, ignored him, and secretly pinched the girl's waist. Du Xiaoxian was ticklish. He laughed out loud and felt embarrassed again, and patted him gently.

Shao Baiqing also said: "Hey, you want to play with the rifles at home. You can take care of the people in front of you. Anyway, I have a family and a mouth. I'm still single. Think about other people's mood!"

Xiaoding was also happy and said, "Mr. Shao, I'm ok. I'm used to being abused."

"Oh --" Shao Baiqing lengthened his voice: "have they been abused? I'll tell you, when President Gu is intimate, he often doesn't care about the occasion. Xiaoding, how tolerant you are. It's not easy for your boss to fall in love only when he is old. As the saying goes, an old man in love is like an old house on fire and can't be saved! "

This made Gu nianbin smile and squint at Du Xiaoxian: "do you hear me? He said I'm hopeless!"

Du Xiaoxian laughed and rolled in his arms, his head could not be lifted, but his heart seemed to have overturned the honey pot, and it was sweet and sweet.

Back in the apartment, Xiaoding takes the luggage upstairs, Gu nianbin sends him away, and then goes into the study with Shao Baiqing. Du Xiaoxian makes two cups of hot tea and sends it in.

Shao Baiqing was flattered and stood up to pick up the tea: "Oh, little sister-in-law, how dare you bother you!"

Du Xiaoxian said that he couldn't, and glared at him indignantly as a protest. Gu nianbin laughed and took her to kiss her. "Don't pay attention to him. Be good. Go to sleep by myself. I'll talk to Bai Qing about something."

Du Xiaoxian blushed and said, "don't be too late. You have to go to work tomorrow."

"Look at it," Shao Baiqing said with a smile, "my sister-in-law is getting worse. I've taken care of it!"

"If you are not poor, you will feel uncomfortable. If you talk nonsense again, she will be angry," said Gu nianbin. With a smile, he patted Du Xiaoxian and said in a warm voice, "dear, go to sleep."

When Du Xiaoxian went out of the door, Gu nianbin's smile on his face disappeared in a moment, "how is the bottom going on?"

Shao Baiqing took a sip of hot tea, and his expression was somewhat dignified: "this is a bit strange. The letter was received in the afternoon. I contacted Gu Nianjing as soon as possible, but the phone was always turned off. I asked Gu nianan again. As a result, the Secretary said that he did not come at all today. I felt something was wrong

"Have you sent someone to look for it at home?"

"Both families have gone, no one. I asked the security guard of the community. The family went out a year ago and didn't come back. The family left last Friday. "

"What did the financial department say?"

Shao Baiqing hesitated for a moment and said: "manager Liu, the financial manager, has not come to work today. The people below are not clear about it. Manager Liu has always been in charge of the operation of the ecological park."Gu nianbin was half silent, holding a cup and slowly drinking tea.

Shao Baiqing said: "I also sent someone to ask manager Liu's home. I left last Friday, but I couldn't find any information at the airport. It's estimated that I left by car." After a pause, he said with chagrin, "I'm the one to blame for this. It's my mistake to see Gu Nianjing."

Gu nianbin looked up at him and said, "it's too early to define it now. I asked myself why he stabbed a knife in the back when he was not thin."

Shao Baiqing is silent. Who knows? Lu Yao knows his horsepower. It takes a long time to see the people's heart. He has been thinking about Jingchu for so many years. He has cheated them all. He was the coldest and most regretful. He thought that he had been in the shopping mall for many years and had already become a golden eye. I didn't expect that, but he raised a tiger himself!

"What about Jiang's attitude?"

"A business face," Shao Baiqing took out a letter from his pocket: "but the words on it are Jizhu, aggressive, and have no intention of tolerating."

Gu nianbin lit a cigarette, took a puff, narrowed his eyes and slowly vomited out smoke: "Jiang Kaiwei has something to do with this?"

"I can't see that since the beginning of the project, Jiang's cooperation with us is quite good, and we haven't had any disputes. On some small matters, Jiang's attitude is even moving. But this time, Jiang's attitude is extremely tough, and it's a bit intriguing."

Gu nianbin thought for a while and said, "the company should not be able to take out such a large sum of money at present, right?"

Shao Baiqing shook his head: "I checked the account, really can't get it, but it's not hopeless. Last time I collected the idle funds of the subsidiary company for reserve. Later, you asked me to transfer it to my uncle's account. If the money is still there, it can be used to raise eyebrows."

"OK, I'll go home tomorrow and ask him to take it, but the money is too small to last long," Gu nianbin frowned

Shao Baiqing said, "well, first solve the most important problems, and then slowly think of ways to deal with the matters behind." He stood up and said, "you're tired from the long journey. Go to bed early. We'll meet again when we get to the company tomorrow."

Gu nianbin sent him to the door and suddenly asked, "how is the stock market today?"

Shao Baiqing was stunned for a moment and said, "it's still normal. What's the matter? You suspect No, I don't think Jing has such a big idea. I think he just wants to get some money. "

Gu nianbin shook his head: "I always think it's not easy. I'd better be careful. It's not hard to do with money. There's always a raise. It's going to take more time. But if someone does something in the stock market, it's hard to say. "

Shao Baiqing listened to him, his expression was dignified, but he didn't say anything. He sighed and walked out of the room in silence. If it is like what Gu nianbin said, Gu can be in trouble.

Seeing Shao Baiqing away, Gu nianbin did not go upstairs. He stood on the terrace for a while. The wind at night was still a bit sharp on his face. In fact, spring has been beginning for a long time, but the temperature has been low, and spring seems to be far away.

The sky was dark, and a thin curved moon was printed on the curtain of the sky, as light as a shadow. The stars seemed to be hiding. After watching for a long time, they could only see one or two.

If they did not return, Gu nianbin thought that the night sky on the sea of Yawan must be bright moon and bright stars, but it is thousands of miles away, but far away like another world.

He rubbed his face, which was cold by the wind, and turned back to the room. It was strange, because it was so sudden. In his impression, Gu Nianjing has always been low-key, introverted and progressive. He has a good reputation in the company, so Shao Baiqing strongly recommended him.

When Gu Nianchu came to the company, he was not without vigilance. After all, there was such a stiff scene that Gu nianan didn't swallow that tone. When his father was in office, he repeatedly spoke ill of his father. His father was benevolent and generous, and he didn't care about him. Until he was in power, he was more restrained.

Gu Nianjing never showed any resentment. He started from the bottom and did not complain. Day after day, year after year, he worked diligently and conscientiously, gradually dispelling his worries and finally entrusted him with an important task.

If from then on, Gu Nianjing has planned, then it is really not as simple as taking away a sum of money.

He knew that the little girl must be curled up again. She liked to sleep like that. Her legs were bent in front of her, and her hands were in front of her chest. As long as she was sleeping alone, she must be in this posture. When he was around, she would stretch out and lie down in his arms.

He used to check information on the Internet and found that people who knew this sleeping position were extremely insecure, so he held her in his arms all night. After a long time, he gradually became a habit. It seemed that he could not sleep without holding her.

I went to the bathroom to have a shower, changed my pajamas, quietly uncovered the quilt and lay on it. I held his little girl in my arms, and my heart was strangely calmed down. He gently kisses her cheek, as long as there is his little girl in, even if the naive to collapse, he is not afraid.