Because of Huo Yizhen's "resurrection from the dead", the Empire launched an amazing purge. Those who were sad for the Huo family and Qi Enron during Huo Yizhen's absence from the imperial capital would be in danger. For fear of carelessness, Huo Yizhen would come to settle the accounts.

However, Qi Enron, as the fuse of the incident, was no longer in the Empire.

After giving birth to the child, although Qi Enron was very tired, he didn't immediately go to sleep. After a few words from Aunt Li, he began to close his eyes.

Later, I was so tired that I really went to sleep.

This sleep lasted more than ten hours. I thought I could see my family and children when I woke up, but I didn't want to sleep out of the country.

Qi Enron has just finished the production, and his body is empty, and he can't blow. Where can Gu Jingyao give up her too much running?

Risking the risk of identity exposure, he found a way to get a special plane to come over, directly packed the people and children together on the plane, and sent them back to the Federation as soon as possible.

Qi Enron opened his eyes to see a completely strange place, Leng for a moment, reaction here may be the hospital.

However, the single room in this hospital is quite luxurious, with all kinds of sofas and TVs. If it wasn't for the white walls and the doors that obviously didn't look like the ones that should be at home, Qi Enron would have thought that he was in a five-star hotel suite.

Qi Enron frowned and looked around. He found that he didn't see Li Shu, Li Auntie or even Huo Laozi. He couldn't help being suspicious.

She didn't realize that she was no longer in the Empire. She just thought she was in a luxury ward of Xi's hospital.

Before she thought about it, the door of the ward was opened from the outside. Then she saw a familiar person with a group of people coming in from the outside.

Gu Jingyao saw Qi Enron open his eyes is also a Leng, happy at the same time also some at a loss, smile and asked: "you wake up."

"Why are you?" Qi Enron saw that Gu Jingyao was also in a daze, and immediately said excitedly, "what about my grandfather and them? What about the children? "

Gu Jingyao was afraid that she would hurt himself. He just came forward and said, "don't worry, your grandfather and the children are fine. You've just had a baby. You're in poor health. Don't get too excited. "

Qi Enron didn't believe his words, so he struggled to get out of bed: "where are they now? I want to see them. "

"Mr. Huo is in the Empire now. If the baby is taken to the breast, I'll let someone take it to you later. Even if I beg you, will you stay still and lie down? "

Qi Enron listened to Gu Jingyao's words, and his actions were fierce, but his defense was deeper: "grandfather in the Empire? what do you mean? Where on earth is this? Who are you? Say it

Gu Jingyao met Qi Enron's defensive and repulsive eyes, his heart hurt, and turned to the people behind him: "you go out first."

Jiang Huaiyi also understood that it was not suitable for outsiders to be present at this time, so he took the following doctors out for the time being.

"I know you have many questions to ask, and I will tell you everything without reservation. So, you relax first, don't get excited, let's talk slowly, OK

Gu Jingyao went to the chair beside Qi Enron's hospital bed and sat down.

Qi Enron looked at him suspiciously, noncommittal, obviously still have doubts about him, unable to trust.