When Jin Hongmiao heard Qi Enron's words, he suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

Then Qi Enron said, "at that time, my adoptive parents took over me and also accepted my mother's real estate and the legacy that my mother left me. At that time, I was young and had no independent ability, so I had to accept the arrangement passively and was brought home by them. At that time, I couldn't control what and how much they took from me and my mother. When I grow up, the memory of my childhood is already blurred. Even if I want to pursue it, I'm afraid it's hard to get those things back. "

Jin Hongmiao's face changed slightly. He was so moved by Qi Enron.

If you think about it carefully, they have always believed that Qi yaoqin has taken things away. It must be something completely prepared. The things must still be in her hands or those close to her.

I never thought about it, or I didn't dare to think about it at all. At that time, Qi yaoqin didn't know that they would kill her, otherwise she wouldn't die so easily.

That being the case, was it possible that she had no chance to give it to someone else to hide, or had no time to do so.

If so, is that information really lost in the process of handover?

Jin Hongmiao was surprised and terrified by his idea, but he didn't know that Qi Enron wanted this effect.

When Jin Hongmiao calms down a little, the first thought is to ask Qi Enron to help her adoptive parents.

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that. Do you want to ask your adoptive parents, maybe they..."

Before Jin Hongmiao finished speaking, Qi Enron interrupted him with a bitter smile: "I've been fighting with them for a long time. Now they hate me so much that they want me to die outside. Even if I went to ask them in person, they could not have told me, or even lied deliberately to mislead me in order to revenge me. "

Jin Hongmiao was stunned. It's hard to see the extreme with one face.

Today, he came here with a purpose, but in the end, he seemed to be turned into a misunderstanding by Qi Enron, which made him quite irritable.

No matter how depressed he was, Qi Enron turned to look at the wall clock and exclaimed, "it's already this point! I have to go up and take a nap with my child. If there's nothing wrong, please forgive me for not being able to continue to entertain Mr. Jin. "

Jin Hongmiao had no choice but to stand up reluctantly and prepare to leave.

Before leaving, Jin Hongmiao seemed not very satisfied with the result of the visit. He said without any trace: "you are so similar to your mother. I heard that you are also very gifted in research like your mother. Just when you were in University, you already have several patents. Are you interested in entering our Research Institute?"

Qi Enron's eyes were tiny, and he said with a smile: "you're over praised. The place of the research institute is too big for me, and I can't climb it. As for me, I have to be more suitable to have children at home. "

"You're modest. If you can have your own patent at your age, it means that you really have real talents. In that case, why don't you try? What our research institute lacks most is talents like you. "