Before arriving at the laboratory, Mu Sihan casually looked for a small clinic and came to the conclusion that he had to stay up late and had a hoarse throat. He took the powder and ran into the laboratory.

Fortunately, at this time, most of the people have started to be busy, but no one noticed his unusual.

However, this low-key did not last long.

He just dug out the medicine and swallowed it in his stomach. Qi Enron suddenly appeared at the door of the experimental hall and waved to him: "senior, come with me."

Mu Sihan was stunned and subconsciously looked around. He found that all the people in the laboratory were envious of him at the moment.

Mu Sihan: "Xuemei, are you sure you didn't help me to draw hatred? What grudge? What grudge?

That is to say, Mu Sihan followed Qi Enron.

When he followed Qi Enron for a while, Mu Sihan finally understood why he was so envious when he was just called out by Qi Enron.

Qi Enron has a unique laboratory! You know, he followed brother Wei all day yesterday, and those old assistants could only gather together in an experimental hall.

Qi Enron has his own laboratory, which is a VIP treatment!

If you think about yourself, you can't even compare with those old assistants, let alone Qi Enron.

Sure enough, he is more popular than others. He is too shameless as a senior!

Qi Enron didn't know about Mu Sihan's rich inner drama. After taking him to the laboratory, he opened the door and said, "I helped you ask Master Mu about your male god yesterday. Only then did I know that he had encountered some troubles recently. You should have heard all that? "

Qi Enron didn't mention that it was OK. When he mentioned it, Mu Sihan thought of his heroic posture of fighting against scholars last night and said, "well, I know all about it."

Qi Enron heard his voice, a little surprised: "what's wrong with your voice?"

"It's OK. I stayed up late last night and got angry. I'm a little hoarse. I should be able to drink more water."

Qi Enron's eyes flickered and nodded: "then you drink more water and take good care of yourself."


"Let's get back to the point. Now that you know all about him, what's your opinion?"

"What's your opinion?"

"About plagiarism, do you think it's true or..."

Qi Enron was interrupted by Mu Sihan before he finished: "how can it be true? It must be the man who saw that my male God has come to the fore recently, so he came to touch the porcelain on purpose. Don't you find that the man has been nagging for a long time and hasn't even come up with any evidence? Have the ability to prove, just by a mouth in that read can say that others are plagiarized? Do you want to bully people like that? "

Qi Enron was amused by his words and continued to ask: "do you really have no doubt? The man who openly said that he plagiarized is a well-known elder. Compared with him, your male god is a pure new man, without fame and background. Most people will believe that elder and doubt your male god, right

"They are blind. What's the matter with you? Can the elders rely on the old to sell their old? If he can produce evidence, I believe him of course, but he has no evidence. Just by his words, I want people to believe him if he has no evidence. What is it