After the final exam incident, Qi Enron's life seems to have returned to the normal state of no waves and no waves. The only difference is that there is one more senior in their laboratory.

Soon after the beginning of school, Mu Sihan officially settled in Sang Lao's laboratory. Because of this, Mu Sihan witnessed the popularity of Qi Enron in this laboratory.

This has something to do with the temperament of Mr. sang and master mu. Both of them are over 50 years old. In the eyes of many assistants in the laboratory, they are not only elders, but also seniors.

Especially master mu, the more famous he is in the industry, the more daunting he is in this laboratory.

Most of the people have the psychology of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and Mr. Sang's lab selects some people who are more dutiful. They basically believe in the idea of seeking no merits but no demerits, and they have more relationship with the two elders.

In addition, the temperament of the two elders is not very good, this face is heavy enough to frighten a large number of people.

In contrast, Qi Enron, though capable, was still young and less famous. She was also a girl, and looked better than her two elders.

At the beginning, we were not very familiar with each other. We were a little nervous and didn't know how to get along with each other.

But when they did the experiment, the problem came out. They did not dare to ask Master Mu and Mr. sang, and they could only turn to Qi Enron.

And Qi Enron because of the past life, no longer cling to those things before, and because of the Huo family, she is now more humane than before.

As long as the people in the laboratory sincerely ask her for advice, Qi Enron can help.

Over time, as soon as people in the laboratory have any problems, they like to run to Qi Enron.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Mu Sihan thought that he had to start from a small handyman, but he didn't want to be dragged to participate in the experimental research and get familiar with the apparatus as soon as he entered.

The series of astronomical data in the Laboratory kept shaking in front of his eyes, which made Mu Sihan realize that he had really entered a wonderful place, which was completely different from the scientific research combination he had formed with other students and tutors when he was in school.

Before Mu Sihan woke up from these suffocating data, he was surprised to notice that those seniors who were older than him and entered the laboratory earlier than him began to run to Qi Enron one by one.

While talking with Qi Enron, he kept recording something in his notebook. Looking at the posture, he was asking Qi Enron for advice.

It's not easy to wait until one person leaves. Just as Mu Sihan wants to go and say hello to Qi Enron, another person immediately steps forward to take the place of the person in front of him, and he also breaks Mu Sihan's heart.

Mu Sihan was surprised at the popularity of Qi Enron in the laboratory and the friendly attitude of these people who didn't despise her because of her age. Suddenly, there was a cry: "Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu..."

The people on the side called several times, and then Mu Sihan finally woke up. He was embarrassed and said, "brother Wei, what's the matter?"

The man talking to Mu Sihan is nearly 30 years old, a few years older than Mu Sihan Xu. Mu Sihan is his guide when he enters the laboratory today, and he takes good care of him this day.

In addition to Qi Enron's acquaintances, Mu Sihan is most familiar with him in the laboratory.