"Now you're going to ask the person who got this score. How can he get such a score after class?"


Qi Enron coldly glanced at the woman who pointed to her arrogance and said with a sneer, "in other words, you haven't verified it at all. Just based on your own conjecture, you have determined that the person who has passed the exam is me?"

The girl who spoke was choked in an instant, and her face couldn't help floating a little guilty.

When song ranzhen saw her like this, her heart was also clapping, and her face suddenly became gloomy.

As Qi Enron said, they have never been proved, especially song ranzhen.

When she received this message, these girls had vowed that their imagination was the truth, and they were very confident when they told song ranzhen.

Song ranzhen thought Qi Enron couldn't get any good results in such a major. When she heard that, she believed it.

But now Qi Enron, the old God, not only shakes the hearts of those who tell her about it, but also makes her feel guilty.

Qi Enron looked at the changes of these people's looks, and a trace of sarcasm passed through his eyes: "forget it, I don't want to waste this time with you to talk about what you don't have. You come here today just to end the previous bet, which is exactly what we mean. All rumors are false. Let's talk with facts. Do you have all the transcripts issued by the school? If you compare the transcripts, then everything will be clear? "

Qi Enron's face was a little delicate when he said this. It seemed that he was restrained by Qi Enron's confident appearance. After reaction, he gritted his teeth and said, "just take it. Are you still afraid of you? Let me tell you, ranzhen did very well in the exam this time. Her total score was seventh in the whole major, and her score was only a little different from those of the previous few people. If you want to win her, dream about it. "

Although song ranzhen didn't speak, her face also showed some contempt and pride, and she was obviously satisfied with her achievements this time.

However, it's no wonder that they despise Qi Enron. It's true that the mechanical major is always full of positive and negative. Even the girls in the major are not as good as the boys in the same major.

This is related to the personal limitations of most boys and girls. Generally speaking, girls are stronger in thinking logic, but boys are stronger in practical ability.

In addition to the mechanical professional test theory, hands-on is also a large part of the assessment content.

Qi Enron ranks first in his major. In everyone's eyes, this number one is nothing more than that his score in the college entrance examination is better than others.

After entering the University, everything returns to zero. The one who can learn real skills is the one who can laugh to the end. Qi Enron has never come to class for a semester. How can his grades be good?

Cloud thousand glass a listen to a few people this words can not happy, cold hum a way: "is not a dream, wait to compare just know, what are you shouting here?"

Song ranzhen originally hated Yun Qianli and Qi Enron because of the dormitory. Later, Yin Moyan was very hostile to Yun Qianli and Qi Enron.

Now hearing Yun Qianli's words, his anger came up. He took out the report card he had prepared and handed it to everyone: "since you have insulted yourself, don't blame us."